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Pay pal account hacked into Update Last Page


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my paypal account was hacked into this am, fortunately I only had 88 dollars in there but they also tried to ge 1400 dollars from my bank account. I am thinking that this has something to do with ebay but will find out. I have frozen my paypal account and put an alert on my bank account so that no transfers of money requested from paypal will leave my account. Pay pal is confident that my money will be returned and then I will close the account, only have a personal account with no bank account or cc attached. This is what I have been doing all day. It sucks. Be careful guys.

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I do have to say that I have had this account for years and never had a problem and the person I talked to at the resolution center was fabulous and very concerned and patient with me as I was a crazy women about my bank account. I really think I screwed up somewhere but we will see how it goes.

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Is anyone safe from hackers? There's always someone out there who can outsmart even the most secure sites. A good habit to get into (and I need to practice what I preach) is to change your password every so often to make it a little harder for them to get into your account.

Cindy, I hope you can get everything resolved quickly. I'm really sorry this happened to you. :sad2:

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It does stink when your account gets hacked.

But it's also important to remember rather it was paypal's fault or not. Tons of people have their regular bank accounts hacked into daily, but we don't see " banc one sucks .com, or first national bank sucks.com" even though those (actual regular bank accounts) are compromised far more often than paypal is.

I'd bet if you had made a purchase using your actual CC# instead of paypal, the account would have been cleaned out. By using paypal, there was a buffer in place that protected your bank account.

I've had a paypal merchant account for 6 years now. The only problem I have with paypal, is how quick they will refund a buyers payment without an investigation.

Both my paypal and actual bank accounts have had non approved charges committed on them. A simple email and phone call to paypal, and the problem was resolved inside 3 weeks. I don't want to get into what I had to do with my bank account, but it involved having to obtain a new account number, new checks, new debit card, changing all of my auto pay services, waiting 6 weeks for all of my money to be returned, all along dealing with a rep that I didn't feel was committed to customer service, and this after I had submitted signed affidavits to prove my case.

Just make sure you understand the security issues that are out there with internet commerce, and know who your buying from.

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Tons of people have their regular bank accounts hacked into daily, but we don't see " banc one sucks .com, or first national bank sucks.com" even though those (actual regular bank accounts) are compromised far more often than paypal is.

Your probably right!!! :smiley2:

IMO their should should be more suckaccounts.com!!! :tiptoe:

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Guest Milkmaid

I'm sorry that happened to you Cindy. What a nightmare.

I know this will be no help to your current situation but it may be something to think about for the future.

My dh and I kept reading on the ebay boards about all the awful things that can happen with paypal and so we decided to get a seperate bank account just for the paypal.

It is even at a different bank than our regular checking , savings etc. We never keep more than a couple of hundred dollars in paypal or the bank account. That way if we do get highjacked they wont get much and it wont effect our day to day finances.

I hope they resolve this soon.


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It does stink when your account gets hacked.

But it's also important to remember rather it was paypal's fault or not. Tons of people have their regular bank accounts hacked into daily, but we don't see " banc one sucks .com, or first national bank sucks.com" even though those (actual regular bank accounts) are compromised far more often than paypal is.

I'd bet if you had made a purchase using your actual CC# instead of paypal, the account would have been cleaned out. By using paypal, there was a buffer in place that protected your bank account.

I've had a paypal merchant account for 6 years now. The only problem I have with paypal, is how quick they will refund a buyers payment without an investigation.

Both my paypal and actual bank accounts have had non approved charges committed on them. A simple email and phone call to paypal, and the problem was resolved inside 3 weeks. I don't want to get into what I had to do with my bank account, but it involved having to obtain a new account number, new checks, new debit card, changing all of my auto pay services, waiting 6 weeks for all of my money to be returned, all along dealing with a rep that I didn't feel was committed to customer service, and this after I had submitted signed affidavits to prove my case.

Just make sure you understand the security issues that are out there with internet commerce, and know who your buying from.

Very true. I get spoof email from my bank account way more than I do from PayPal. But I change my pw on everything every 30 days and do not use the same pw for more than one thing. It sucks, but www makes things dangerous.

Cindy if you get a survey on that rep make sure you fill it out. We are measured on our performance by those. :wink2:

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I'm sorry that happened to you Cindy. What a nightmare.

I know this will be no help to your current situation but it may be something to think about for the future.

My dh and I kept reading on the ebay boards about all the awful things that can happen with paypal and so we decided to get a seperate bank account just for the paypal.

It is even at a different bank than our regular checking , savings etc. We never keep more than a couple of hundred dollars in paypal or the bank account. That way if we do get highjacked they wont get much and it wont effect our day to day finances.

I hope they resolve this soon.


I do this too. My paypal account is linked to it's own bank account that I only keep the minimum $10 in that's required by my bank. I'll transfer out of paypal to that account and then immediately have that bank send the money to our "real" bank account. That way if I ever get hacked, they're not going to get much. Something to consider anyway. I'm sorry it happened to you...people suck :mad:

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Very true. I get spoof email from my bank account way more than I do from PayPal. But I change my pw on everything every 30 days and do not use the same pw for more than one thing. It sucks, but www makes things dangerous.

Cindy if you get a survey on that rep make sure you fill it out. We are measured on our performance by those. :wink2:

I will for sure, i have to say she was wonderful.

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OMGosh Cindy!!!!! I'm sooo sorry to hear that. I get spoof crap almost everyday. More so now from ebay saying someone bought something from me and I need to ship it fast and has a click button. I know it's spoof cuz I don't have anything on ebay. I got one from Chase Bank. Hello, I don't use Chase. Girl, be careful and let us know how it turns out. I'll be thinking about you.

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Well they may get the money out of my bank account, as the women I spoke to yesterday did not do what she said she was going to do, so I have been up and down with them for hours today. They assure me they will put the money back in as I have already reported it as fraudulant. Meanwhile this person keeps sending me money requests. I will be closing my paypal account as soon as this is over, it just isn't worth it. I closed my ebay account yesterday and to be honest with you my feeling is this is the origination of the fraud. I have the emai addy of the person doing this, it is from the UK. I am just beside myself with all of this. Anyway that's it for now.

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Oh Cindy, that is not good. Hope you got the name of the gal that didn't do what she was supposed to at your bank.....you might even think about finding another bank. Ours was very good about immediately stopping any transfers, flagging the account etc. While I do have a Paypal account I don't have any cards or bank accounts tied to it and am very glad I don't !!! don't think I will be dealing with them any more either, it just is not safe.... and yes, I know lots of people have never had a problem and I used to be one of them:cheesy2:

everyone should wonder just how long it will take for them to get to you????


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Cindy, if you haven't done this already, here's the site to file a complaint with the FBI/White Collar Crime Center, so they can try to catch who did this to you: http://www.ic3.gov/

Also, have you reported this to your local police, and filed a "fraud alert" at the big 3 credit reporting agencies? If not, I really suggest you do. It may help you recover your $$, and keep your ID from being further exploited.

{{{Big hugs}}} I know how awful it was when I had to do this, and I imagine you're feeling as frustrated and angry as I did.

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