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** What's in your pot for the week/end? **

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I've got my little list here on what to work on, I've *got* to get busy! Losing focus. Gotta soap and make some lavender 2" pillars.

Today - 2 logs honeysuckle, 10#s of grapefruit

Sat - log of rose, log of lavender

Sun - log of clemantine (though I'm not going to swirl it the same way), log of verbena

Mon - partial slab of patchouli, and a bunch of bubble balls.

And if it gets sunny, take some pics! I've updated my website front page, and I've *got* to fix up a bunch of old product pics.

What's up for you guys? Gook luck to you with shows, hope the weather holds out for you. And if any of you are in SD - man, that's a *ton* of snow!

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I'll be attending new member classes tomorrow at a new church I am interested in joining. This is a very exciting time in my life.

Sunday I plan to pour some more 8 oz. square mason tester jars using my Wick-It samples. Then I am going to prepare a homecooked meal (for once!) :yay:

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Need to pour 3-4 soy candle scents to restock: Red Currant Musk, Fruit Basket, Pumpkin Cheesecake and Orange Chiffon. Then I need to pour some more florals in paraffin, plus the ever-popular Mango Papaya, because my stock on that one's low.

Then it's on to B&B: Gardener's Soap w/ Cornmeal, cherry lip balm, mint lip balm, and Danie's bath bombs! :yay:

Edited to add: Where are my manners? HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CHICKIE!!

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My entire garage is being converted this weekend to a CANDLE WORKSHOP!!! :yay:

So once that is done, I'll be moving all my supples out there and organize them *gasp*

Then! I need to pour a set of pillars in each color I'm going to offer and I have a professional photographer that is going to take real pictures for me (my pic stink)

Very busy but very exciting!

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I got my sample wicks :yay: :yay: from Wickit and am currently testing votives...my most difficult to wick! Going to be making pillars and container candles. Want to do a batch of CP and try again to swirl. Received my samples from SFIC and will be making some M&P too. I've used SFIC in the past but have forgotten which base I like the best, so am trying again.

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This weekend I plan on pouring two batches of soap, pouring some testers of a few FOs and I'm planning, not saying it's gonna happen, but maybe.......attempting to crochet some washclothes to coordinate with some of my soaps. I really don't need to add anything new to my list of to do's. LOL!! Does this creativity ever stop?? I keep getting ideas I want to try. :P

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This is my first time posting under the "Whats in your pot"! Tonight I did my first batch of tarts using CB10 and they looked really bad all divoty and pot-holes! So I mixed my container wax with it and they look much better! I figure since they are just tarts I can test burn tomorrow and if they actually releases from my tart burner and have a good throw I will be making a batch of

Black Cherry Bomb




lavender Vanilla

Thanks everyone

I really enjoy this Board!


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I bought a slab of soy blend i thought i would try...maybe i'll do a couple of containers and see how they turn out...

other than that I have more roses to dip and a couple of pillars to make...

hurt my knee so i'll have to see how that is feeling before i brave the stairs this weekend...maybe nothing will get done...we'll find out soon enough!

you all have a great weekend!

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Yesterday I was at the Rat Races at Spalding in Louisville. Great fun.

I have a show next weekend so I need to level and label all the pillars I poured. Make up a few firestarters and pour a couple of more jars. I've never done a spring show before so I'm not sure what to expect, but I'm hoping the tins go well - summer traveling in hotel rooms, ya know. My clamshells will be here Monday, so I'll pour a few more of them next week.

I also have an order for four more jars in Black Canyon. A guy at work just can't get enough of this scent!

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