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Natural Beeswax Balloon Orbs


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On my website there are pictures of some beeswax orbs that I made using the "saturn" molds......I quit making them because the wax stuck too much and I hated it!......Since then I have learned the balloon method so I tried it last week with my beeswax. Love making them like this. These are 100% pure beeswax. Dipped in natural yellow beeswax and the tea lights are made out of beeswax. I am very happy now. I will make some baby orbs too. My DH was getting his oil changed a couple of days ago and a woman who worked there smelled the candles in the car.....we didn't have to pay for an oil change....she bought an orb. Very cool....just have to love that!!!!!

I am posting one picture but so I don't junk up this thread....anyone who wants to see the four I did, lit and unlit....can click here:



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Hey Donita, it's about time you posted pix of these as I've been dying all week long to see 'em! :P I bet they smell great .... I just LOVE the smell of bw!

Re: the saturn balls .... I've been looking at them considering using them ... were they just a PITA w/ the bw or other waxes as well? Isn't bw kind of a pain anyway? Kinda ... "sticky" in gen'l?

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Thanks everyone....Mtngrl.....beeswax is a PITA except for doing the balloon orbs.....it is just sooooooooooooooooo easy and I didn't ruin one...no problems...it feels like cheating. The Saturn molds are fine for paraffin but they still have to be very clean or wax will stick....I also put them together with bulldog clips so they wouldn't leak. Then I have to scrape the seam and I cut out the top of the mold to use it for a hurricane....since I have learned how to do the balloon orbs, I threw out about 20 Saturn molds. They get cracks along the seam line too....threw them out....actually had Ed throw them out so I wouldn't change my mind......lol....I don't ever want to look at one again. Really, buy some balloons and experiment. My first ones were terrible....really terrible. I gave up. Then I came back and figured it out. One of my "really terrible" ones that had separation problems between layers sold yesterday for $30.00 (paraffin). I put a bunch of flowers on it to hide the imperfections. Ed has some candles on a table in front of our co-op store while the weather is nice and got rid of a bunch of old candles yesterday. The beeswax orbs look better in real life than in the photos.....comparing them to the ones that I see in stores around here....mine are so much better....and I only say that because it is true. There are 3 companies in town that I have seen. Ones that have websites....not mentioning any names.....and I am just learning.....I am not being conceited, but telling it like it is so I can help people who might want to try this. I am good because I am doing them myself and not having employees doing them....I can pay attention to quality control. So there you have it. Balloons rock!!!!!!!!! You can make them any size you want....just be sure to use helium quality. I haven't had one break on me yet. I had two spring leaks before I put them into the wax. I do wear glasses just in case because I am sure that one of these days it will happen. Here is a picture of the pattern I use to keep my orbs uniform. Donita


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Donita I just want to say I saw your website and you are a true inspirational artist. That is all pure artwork. I like how you put your picture in to show who the artist is and the beautiful scenery behind you. How old are you 39?

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