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Hmmmm. Rustic of a sort.


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Well, I've been trying to get rustics down, but I'm not quite getting them right. Can't seem to get the frost aspect. AND, I don't like how the layers don't look smooth where they meet. Argh! This is peaks 140 mp paraffin, w/stearic added. Poured all layers at 150. Any suggestions? Oh, and scented ocean. Thanks for any advice. I've been researching, but again, I can't get the frost look down!


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I used 3 Tbs pp of stearic. I don't know if I could pour any cooler - it was pretty thick as it was - I made some previously where I started pouring at 150, then went up 5 degrees each layer, and they LOOKED a little smoother than these, but fell apart when I tried to wick them. This held together great, but I don't like the looks of it. Ha. I think part of my prob as far as the non-smoothness of the layer adhesions is that I may have been getting my mold a little too cool in between repours (using a wet cloth). I'll give it another shot and not cool it down so much, but I still don't know why I'm not getting the frost I want :confused:

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It really is very amusing that what one person finds fault with another finds beauty. I like your candle even if that isn't what you are trying to do. Sorry I can't help because I don't use that wax. They are all different. I hate that.....Donita

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Might be because you're cooling it between layers too. Ever notice when you want to remove one and stick it in the fridge that the frost usually stays in the mold?

You could just pour all the layers at the same temp, poke wide and deep enough relief holes all around the wick at the end and do your final pour.

Maybe add a touch more steric and see if that helps at all too.

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You know I am not sure what everyone else will say to this...

But I make most of my candles rustic and I haven't really started to use Stearic Acid until recently. I get a perfectly fine rustic from just a OK6228 pillar wax and I pour mine cold and when I mean cold I mean just before the wax starts getting cloudy.

I don't warm up my molds either. I just leave them room temperature.

And don't use a water bath because that can help the wax smooth.

Just pour cold, don't use so much stearic. I mean three tablespoons for a candle that small is a LOT in my opinion (then again I don't use any most of the time) and sit on it and wait.

Thats my secret recipie.

If it doesn't work...then acutally this was scented or Tops secret recipie and I was trying to pass it off as my own so take it up with them.

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For my rustics I pour around 140 to 145 but keep all layers at the same temp. I probably overdue on the stearic and I also swirl alittle after pouring. Dont wait too long between layers either.

BTW your pillar looks awesome and your doing great.

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