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Ooohhh...I Am Sooooo UN-IMPRESSED!!!


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I just ordered from what I thought was a reputable candle supplier on the east coast. I wanted to try some of their fragrance oils and my box arrived today...OOOHHHHH...I AM SO MAD (and UN-IMPRESSED)!!!

First of all, my order was boxed up in a USED Palmers Cocoa Butter Box (Huh?) :confused:

Then, I open the box (mind you...it is a pretty small box that cost almost $10 to ship...again, Huh?) and my fragrance oils are leaking ALL OVER inside the box. There is NO invoice or anything inside from them...just the LEAKING oils.

:mad: I AM SO PO'D RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!!! :mad:

I then go straight to look up their phone number to call and guess what...IT'S TOO LATE TO CALL...THEY ARE CLOSED FOR THE DAY...UUUGGGGHHH!!!!

So, needless to say...I am coming here to VENT!!!!! :mad:

Why can't other suppliers be like Peaks??

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I'd say give them a chance, maybe they can make this into a good situation with their customer service. Most of my suppliers (and even me!) recycle shipping boxes. Up here in Canada we dont get boxes free from the P.O. so I think it's great that they get reused.

I've had oils from peaks leak before, I didnt get upset, I just shot them off an e-mail and they dealt with it quickly and efficiently. Give the supplier a chance! (oh and peaks doesnt send my invoices in the box either..)

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I am normally a very forgiving person. But, when you pay good money for something...you expect quality in return. I can see a small company sending orders out in used boxes...but, not a large company like this one...it just looks bad IMO and very un-professional. Heck...I don't even have the nerve to send out my orders in used boxes...I want my customers to get a nice package in the mail, not one that was from an off product and used.

I get an invoice with all of my orders...even Peaks. :)

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Bizzy I agree with you nonetheless. I understand the recycled box thing, and I do it on occassion, ONLY if the box is clean, sturdy, and has no advertising of any of my suppliers.

I agree with the invoicing. You should have definately recieved one. That is completely unprofessional. I always get an invoice with my Peak, Linny I am surprised that you dont get a signed invoice from Peak. We all do.

I think as far as giving them a chance to do good, Well I thought you took that chance by ordering from them. They HAD better make good on the situation. Sometimes oils leak, but a whole box of oils? Have they NEVER shipped FO's before? And even if I had wonderful patience, the list of unprofessionalism goes on and on just on your first order!! That is some really bad luck for them lol. If it were me I would give them the chance to correct the situation, but they had better to a GREAT job of it if they wanted me as a repeat customer. JMO.

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Too true! They WILL be correcting the problem...I just don't know if I am willing to order again from a company that does business like that.

Sure...they may have great customer service tomorrow (when I call them)...but, it's probably too late now to change my mind about them. :(

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Most of the suppliers I order from are large companies. I really dont mind that they re-use their boxes, it's better for the environment. I re-use mine for that reason, and because as I mentioned before in Canada the P.O. doesnt provide free boxes. So if I were to buy boxes, that would be another cost i'd have to add into my prices, therefore making them higher.

I think the reason peaks doesnt include an invoice in the box for me is because they're kind enough to mark the orders as less than they're worth for customs purposes. I really dont mind, I can just print up the invoice online if i need it.

I hope that the company has great customer service and really turns this around for you.

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I guess really depends on the co. we dont get free boxes from the PO here in the US either. I do order some boxes to use for customer orders, and I just add that into my cost like you said. But I do think the box is a representation of your company. Kinda like a first impression thing. I recycle my boxes too on ocassion, and I do it depending on the customer. I remember noticing a supplier of mine started shipping in their own custom made boxes with their logos and stuff, I was impressed. I did not really make a diffrence in my orders I dont think, but I was like cool!!

Peaks is cool for omitting the invoice for you to help ya out Linney ;) . I bet customs can be a real PITA

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Well that stinks.... literally. ;)

I believe its totally unprofessional for a supplier to use boxes with other companies names on them. (Unless its a wax box and its full of WAX) Very poor business practice and quite frankly makes the company look really cheap. As we all know, packaging will make or break you and I will argue that fact till I turn colors.... LMAO!

I'd like to hear what customer service plans on doing about this snafu. Leaky boxes do happen~ but no packing slip and a box that looks like it went thru the Bermuda Triangle is not acceptable to me.

Keep us posted.

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LOL...you are too right. I have been thinking about this off and on throughout the night and still can't believe a "reputable" company such is this...would actually ship an order looking like this!

I almost have to laugh...(I said "almost" he-he), but I won't. :rolleyes:

I will definately let ya'll know what happens tomorrow...

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They only come in two sizes and they are usually too small for most orders. One is really skinny ;)

Tess, if you are in the U.S. you can get free priority shipping boxes in more than one size. If you post office doesn't carry them then go online at USPS.com and order them. They come in bundles of 25 and they will ship them to your house for free. The only ones that are free are the ones that have prepaid postage already on them.

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Bizzy it may all turn out ok,

I had placed an order with Alabaster some time ago and it came in a used box with some kind of writing on it. I had 6 FO's (16oz size) one was a birthday cake. It had leaked everywhere, to the point the bottom of the box was a pad of slim, inside and outside.

I emailed them and told them, they immediately appologized, sent me a new one and even some samples with it. The box really wasn't an issue to me as I don't care what they use to get them here, I don't sell their box so doesn't matter. But the FO was a whole different issue and was taking care of with no problem.

So, I don't know who your company is but this could be exactly what they will do for you too. Good Luck!

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OK...I just called them and the woman I spoke with said she was the sales manager. I first asked her if they mailed their orders in used boxes from other products and she said no. I asked if they send invoices with their orders and she said yes, they always do. I told her that this was my first time ordering and that my order had arrived in a used Palmers Cocoa Butter box and that when I opened it I found leaking oils with NO invoice.

She acted a bit funny, to tell you the truth. She said they have boxes for their orders that have their name printed on it and that she thought UPS may have messed with the order...HUH??

She is mailing out replacements of the oils that leaked (from what I could tell, anyway). And said she was going to have a talk with the shipping/packing dept to see what could have gone wrong.

I really am still confused about the whole situation...they are making the situation right...but, they really didn't have an answer as to why my order was sent this way.

The fragrance oils smelled amazing...but, I may find it hard to order from them again. :(

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Hmmm....could the oils have leaked a bit ruining the first box, so UPS thought they would just rebox it? Possibly. I hadn't thought of that option. However, the fact is still that the supplier you ordered from didn't properly package your oils.

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I had a problem with usps not ups before. Imailed out a box in a flat rate box and 1 1/2 weeks later the person got it with a different mailing day and in a different box. I was glad that the box finally made it there but i was very embarassed. It sucks when stuff like this happens because it messes with your reputation(sp). I was refunded my shipping costs and given a book of stamps for my problems which was nice but it still makes you out to look stupid.

I do hope that they make good and do mail you your replacement items. Good luck

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  • 2 weeks later...

I would find it hard to believe that UPS or the USPS would find a used box to repackage someone's stuff in--especially a cocoa butter box...how convenient.

I ordered soap from Sunfeather Soaps on a few occasions and was embarrased when the UPS man delivered them. In once instance, the soaps came in a giant frozen hashbrown box. That man must have thought, damn, she sure likes hashbrowns. The worst part was what they used for filler--nasty, shredded bits of Shell station credit card receipts and computer paper! It was soooo dusty and fibers went everywhere.

I called them to complain and the lady who answered the phone said that the owner believes in recycling, so they go to a local university and get all of their trash, basically and shred it. I wonder if those students, and people who signed credit card receipts had any idea their shredded signatures and social security numbers were used to pack my soaps. A criminal mind--with a lot of spare time could have easily pieced the shreds together and had a field day getting a new identity.

I personally view companies that use "recycled" boxes as cheap (espcially the hashbrown box--come on, where do you think they got that). I don't think I'm saving money on their product because of it. I think they're just making more off of me because of it.

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Why not suggest they use electrical tape or white carpenter's tape around the caps when you talk with them.. I receive oils in five to 25 pound containers..from large company's..some leak opon occasion.One company double seals them with cap inserts and another company..uses cap inserts but also commercial type containers that are metal(I have to use ply-ers to get the cap unscrewed..I'm not sure which is worst with my arthritis...But, i love suggestions and sometimes I have to bite the bullet...if I make a mistake..

To error is human to forgive divine...:) Linda

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I stopped ordering from a company because both times I placed an order, I got my stuff in beat up, used boxes. To me, this doesn't set the tone of your business as "professional."

I bought something off of someone on ebay a few months ago, and it came in a beat up cereal box. I won't buy from that seller again.:rolleyes2

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