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New to candle making


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What's your name? Dan

How old are you? 40 something

Where do you live? Winchester, Virginia

How long have you been making candles/soap/whatever? Soy Candles - 2 weeks

How did you get started making candles/soap/whatever? My wife loves candles so we figured we'd give it a try and love it now even after such a short period of time.

Are you married? Any kids? Married for almost 22 years with 3 daughters and 1.5 grand daughters

If candle/Soap making isn't your primary job, what do you do? I currently work as a service writer for a mechanic shop but look to make this my full time job

Anything else we should know? see below


I was told once, that if you want a successful relationship, you should take interest in what your spouse is interested in. That being said, I can't convince my wife to play playstation with me, so I craft with her. I crochet large sports team blankets to pass the time. Here lately we have taken interest in soy candles due to their healthier nature to alternative candles. We are looking to turn this amazing hobby into a business for us. We have already begun the process of registering our new business and will be call The LAA - LAA Candle Company (first initials of each daughter). I have already made a dozen or so candles and my friends love them and I find myself not being able to talk about much of anything besides candles now. I found this site and was amazed at the vast amount of information and hope to use as much as I can to succeed. I am sure I will be flooding the message boards with many questions and know that I will be led in the right direction. I am so very glad to be here. 

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We are currently using 464 in an 8oz tin. We are not using any dye at the moment. We like the look of the natural soy. We are using eco14 wicks. Most of our supplies are coming candle science at the moment, but my wife likes the fragrances that lodestar offers. (I think it's cause she is from Texas.) We are currently allowing our first candles to cure so that we can test the scent throw. I will keep everyone posted.


One thing I would like to bring up is that, my wife and I are both vets and are thinking about trying to help other veterans out there. I have downloaded an application to align ourselves with the wounded warrior project. This would allow us to use their logo on our products. We are looking to give a portion of the proceeds from our sales to the wounded warrior project. Does anyone have any experience working with another organization in this manner? Can I get some thoughts, pro/con on this idea?


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Hello NavyVet and welcome to the board! 

I live in Texas so am just curious what part of Texas your wife is from? Leather and leather blends are my biggest sellers! LOL! I guess it's a Texas or Cowboy thing! There's another supplier called Texas Candle Supply that has some really good Texas/Cowboy themed scents.

I don't use soy so I am no good at any help in that department but you will find tons of help from very knowledgable people that are more than willing to give you loads of advice.

I haven't done any work with any organization but I'm sure someone on here has and can help you in that area as well.

I'm very impressed and touched that you learned how to crochet for your wife.  How sweet! Y'all will have a lot of fun making candles together. I wish you all the best!

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Hello Belinda and thank you for the warm welcome.

My lovely wife was born in Houston but moved to deep east Texas when she was a young girl. She grew up in a small town named Woodville. If you are not familiar it is just south of Lufkin and just west of Livingston. As for my crochet skills, my wife says I do extreme crochet since I learned and went strait to the hardest thing I could find (sport team blankets).


I want to let everyone know that I look forward to our future conversations.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome Dan!

Good luck with your candle making but most of all have fun doing it.  I always told myself when it stopped being fun, I'd stop doing it.  It's my Zen time, it allows me to clear my mind and focus on just wax.  You found the best forum out there so search away and ask away!

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