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"Sweetener" FO for wax blends?


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Hi - I am getting more into custom blends and need a sweetener for some things. Any suggestions? I haven't seen a plain sugar fragrance oil, only brown sugars and Burnt Sugar (BB). Does anyone use a plain-ish vanilla sugar, even for citrus fragrances? Its mostly citrus that I like to play around with. Honey won't work for some things. Or am I missing a basic "sugar" oil?

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Here's a page from the fragranceoilfinder.com  you can use for a reference.  You can use a variety of different FO's to give you the type of  sweetness you're looking for like:  brown sugar, maple syrup or just vanilla. 

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Texas Candle Supply has one called Sugar. I have a bottle of it but haven't put it in wax yet. I think it's Backwoods that carries one called Vanilla Sugar. Indiana has Sugar Milk.  The FO Serendipity is very sweet in my opinion if sweetness is what you're looking for.

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Guest OldGlory

I am not a big fan of most bakery scents, so I look outside the box when blending. You can try a MacIntosh Apple type, a juicy peach, a berry type, etc. It really just depends on the other elements of the fragrance you are creating. Sometimes a cucumber type brings in a fresh or crisp element.

When I am creating a new blend I use the qtip method: I have a new hdpe small bottle, and I cut a bunch of qtips in half. Gather up all the FOs you want to try, some masking tape and a marker. Dip one qtip in an FO and drop it in the bottle, then build your fragrance one half qtip at a time. Maybe you want 5 qtips of one FO, 2 of another FO, and one of another. Be sure to mark the bottle with what's in it. Give it a few days for the scents to mingle. If you need to add something, just remember to write it down. You'll know when you have a winner.

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13 hours ago, maryta said:

Hi - I am getting more into custom blends and need a sweetener for some things. Any suggestions? I haven't seen a plain sugar fragrance oil, only brown sugars and Burnt Sugar (BB). Does anyone use a plain-ish vanilla sugar, even for citrus fragrances? Its mostly citrus that I like to play around with. Honey won't work for some things. Or am I missing a basic "sugar" oil?

I have found the perfect one and just love it. I also was searching for such a fragrance just like this at one time! It is from Backwoods Fragrance Company. The description says it has those other scents in there but  I do not smell them. It is just a wonderful sugared vanilla scent. I do a blend of .50 Vanilla Sugar / .50 Sugar Maple (also from Backwoods) and call it Sugar Sugar.....I love it! :) I hope you try it. But, please do check out their other fragrances...they are divine! Oh and you have such an awesome idea for blending.....fruits!! Peach comes to mind and blueberries...oh there are some great blends you can do w/this scent!! :)


Vanilla Sugar
A delectable blend of creamy vanilla, brown sugar and toasted coconut with a hint of sandalwood, musk and amber. One tester found it "So warm and homey", in her CP soap. Very strong vanilla sugar cookie scent. Does discolor a bit when first poured

Edited by puma52
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Thank you everyone, for such thoughtful replies! 


candybee, I do love me some Pink sugar...I try to blend it almost everything! :) . I will get some vanilla sugar and look for vanilla lace, too.


I've got a lovely Vanilla Milk from Mad Oils...it is light...definitely more milk than cream for me. So, has a dairy note which is good for some things, for sure.


OldGlory, thanks for sharing your technique. It sounds more practical than the way I've been doing things so I will have to try it! Adding sweet fruits instead of a vanilla or sugar is a great idea for a lot of my ideas (especially since I tend to blend non-bakery for soap, in particular).


puma52, thanks for the recommendation! I will try the BW Vanilla Sugar. And the Sugar Maple. I'm glad you said you don't smell the other scents in the description of Vanilla Sugar because I would never have ordered it based on the description. I do have some BW oils but not that one and I actually poured my first set of them as melts yesterday and they did smell great (mostly bakery). I will have to wait to test 'cuz I'm going out of town tonight - I'm excited to try them, though!  Hopefully, some of these will make it on the order with the Vanilla Sugar and the Maple Sugar.

Edited by maryta
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