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Renaming Monkey Farts


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I know this has been brought up before and I've read all the posts I could find on this but I wanted to get others opinions.

I'm going to add another fragrance to the orchard account and I ordered a sample of monkey farts, made a couple of candles and I tested and my tester tested it and we both really like....so I'm going to give it a try as a new scent.


I really think I need to rename it though.  I too agree by keeping the name monkey farts is very intriging (sp. wrong I know) and I would think it would make people want to pick it up and smell it but this account has a big mixture of different ages of folks that go there, from young to old and in this area there is a lot of church going folks so I really think I need to be careful and not offend some folks.


In posts I read common names suggested were Monkey Business, Monkey Toots, Funky Monkey...I really don't care for these.


This is what I came up with as alternate names for Monkey Farts.

Banana Colada 

Banana Smoothie (I like this)

Mountain Tropics (I really really like this being we are in the mountains)  I just sort of came up with this name in my mind.

Banana Bellini

Banana Freesia

Berry Banana Crush

Other suggestions?





Edited by Trappeur
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I wouldn't stray too far from the original concept, otherwise you'll kill the sales on this one. I originally changed the name of "Butt Naked" and it barely sold at all. It was just another pleasant but semi-ordinary fragrance. Once I returned it to "Butt Naked" sales immediately picked-up. In my opinion, there are many more "perverse" people than "prudes" in this world. I personally do not like banana flavored anything, but "Monkey Farts" is a big seller for us. I have not heard of anyone complaining about the name, but if I did, I would consider;

1) "Monkey Burps"

2) "Monkey Breath"

Keep it funny! It's a kid favorite. It does better for us in soap than candles, though.



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I'm a church going folk and I love the name. :)  A lot of my customers are from my church and they like it too.  To each his own on this one though.  Some don't like it but they don't have to buy it. I don't really consider them prudish if they don't. There's a few that I've changed (Purple Hooters and Lick Me All Over) but Monkey Farts and Butt Naked are ones I've kept.  They sell so well, not just because of the name but because they're great scents. I sell enough of both of them that changing the name isn't really necessary for me.


You could always do both.  I like Banana Smoothie or Berry Banana Crush.

Edited by SuzyK
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I understand where you're coming from and I hesitated to use "Monkey Farts" as my name but I did anyway.  I've had people both young and old pick one up and buy it just for the name.  They don't even want to use the melt.

Had one man buy one because it was his son's nickname...lol...can you imagine calling your son that!  It is one of the few scents that disappears off the shelves very quickly.

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A year or so ago, I was "flipping" TV channels when I paused on Nickelodeon, the kid's channel. What caught my attention was the adult speaker telling the kids watching that; "Everybody FARTS".

I was stunned! I thought that I somehow had zeroed in on an adult cable comedy channel, but it was actually Nickelodeon. For the next half hour-or-so, I was entertained with cartoons, charts and silly songs about the cause of flatulence tailored in such a way that kids could relate.

Yep! "It's OK to FART. Everybody does.

When I was a little kid we were allowed to to call "anally expelled" methane gas as "Arts" or "Toots"! Times have changed, I guess. I'm not sure if it's a good thing, though.

Watching that show was enlightening. I never again worried that I had made a mistake by not renaming the banana flavored clear glycerin M&P soap that I embedded a little plastic monkey (holding his nose)in. I cannot tell you how many times my wife has nagged me about making more. It's especially popular around Christmas. A lot of mom's buy it to stuff in their kids stockings.

Trapp; I wouldn't take a chance at upsetting your new wholesale account. I would ask them how they felt about it and offer some alternatives. I really believe, however, it will be a slow seller without the funny name.

Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


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Well, this is very interesting the responses made....I really thought that name would offend so many but I guess not!  Ok, I'll go with the name.....

I'm glad I put this up and thanks everyone for your support as usual!



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wholeheartedly agree with Dave. People like a laugh. They buy things for the name more than the scent. If it smells good that is just a bonus. One of my best sellers has the word Fart in it. I have heard the fartword in every language known to man lol.

Edited by TallTayl
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Oh Dave  you always tickle me with your stories!  Ethyl you have been married to for 50 years must be sooooo lucky to have found a gem like you....


Thanks Dave.....



I guess it would be appropriate to explain Trappeur's comment;

(Ethyl), my wife, Betty and I worked for the same company for about a decade. We enjoyed "acting-up" for our colleagues enough that we became known as "Lucy & Desi". I wrote this in a post on another candle board that Trappeur and I belonged to more years ago than either one of us want's to admit.

I told the members of that "other" board that "Lucy" and I had grown so old and unfit over the years that we had morphed into and become known as "Fred & Ethel".

Actually "Ethel" and I will be married 40 years next month on September 25th, the day before my 66th birthday.

As far as being "lucky" to being married to a "gem"; Ethel will getting quite a few "sympathy" cards next month from those who know us best.



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