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Epic Liquid Color Fail

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Just a warning to all who use liquid candle color. I just purchased two one ounce bottles from Peak and they were laying on my work table. Peak sends the droppers on the side and the bottles have a regular lid on them. When I am ready to use them I discard the lid and use the eye dropper lid.

Well, this morning I was tidying up the work space (making soap this week and need space) and I decided to swap the lid for the eye droppers and put them away.

A note to all. SLOWLY put the eye dropper into the bottle because my black liquid color was filled almost to the top of the bottle. When I put the eye dropper into the bottle the displacement pushed a good 1-2 teaspoons of liquid over the top of the bottle and onto me, my pants, my shoes and the floor.

I've spent most of the morning cleaning up the mess. And it makes a M*E*S*S. *shudder*

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oooh, done that too. another caution...after awhile these droppers break down, the rubber part. I had one leak all over my bin and had to

clean everything. It was blue dye and it got all over every other bottle of dye in my bin. I luckily had some droppers of the same size and I replaced them all. Ya might want to keep extra droppers on hand to switch out in the future.

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I dislike both the eye droppers & flip-up cap types. Both types make horrible messes.

I want to try the bottles with the little red lid you pull off & see how that goes. Does anyone use those?

I did a kinda long time ago. I had the little red top all full of whatever dye was in the bottle. If I have to touch it, its going to be a mess. So far I do kinda good with the droppers but have had some leak too.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I learned this the hard way. Dye liquids will break down most rubbers and some plastics over time. I use the glass droppers and discard the caps as well. And I always store them upright on a wire shelf near my pouring station. And I keep 2 new droppers nearby. But yes, FO (and sometimes mineral oil) will take it up if you do dribble, just as long as it isn't in a porous material. Wood floors, forget it. And ditto linoleum if you have let it sit too long.

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