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Everything posted by Regeth

  1. The last time I bought that FO was from LSC. Smells rather well out of the bottle. I think I just didn't place enough of it into my test candle. Been keeping it to try it as a melt.
  2. I keep my dyes in glass medicine bottles with glass droppers. I normally keep paper towels near by. Haven't had a major mess yet
  3. I've found the woodwicks from Candlewic have a nice sound to them.. The flame is ok, could be a tad smaller. I've tried a medium wick in a 16oz Keepsake wasn't happy with the soot and the poor melt pool towards the top. I also tried both a medium and a large wick in a 22oz status jar.. Both had alot of soot after a while..
  4. I get my wicks from Candlewic, largely because of how close they are. To get to their show room, you have to walk thru where they make all the wicks. It was really interesting to see how they are made.
  5. This is a interesting topic. I just got into candle making about 2 or so months ago.. I did take the time to test burn different wicks, jars, and waxes to get a good burning candle. It's been a trying road. But I also work in the IT field, and have a few certs. I think the idea of a organization that is setup to standardized the candle making process just for small home based business is some what a good idea. Look at CompTIA, they certify people in non-vender specific fields. Computer Technician, Network, Service…etc… Their tests are done at local certified testing centers. My question is, how would you certify someone’s candle? Would just a simple multiple choice test be good enough. Then after you answer all of that, would it really be worth it?
  6. Candlewic is a good supplier, they have alot of different kits online. I love them for how close they are to my house, free pickup service can't be beat.
  7. What a great question.. Didn't even think about what I would do, granted I've only been making candles for about two months now.. Thankfully my best friend is a volunteer fire fighter and he brought over a 10lb bottle of CO2 over ther summer, so I think I'm going to now make sure it's around when I'm playing with wax again.
  8. Sorry for getting back to this thread, me and my wife did our first craft show.. A small PTO show at our son's school. We did great sold 17 candles!!! not bad for our first real show.. @Carebear, I did the same thing when I started playing with embeded wax. I tried it first on peppermint candles that have a nice dark red stripes runing down vertically in the jar, I had to scrape the sides of the pieces I placed in, but it came out really good thou, it had little wisps of red in the white parts of the candle. I'm keeping the first candle I made like this. Sold the other four. I'll try and get some pictures up for you to take a look at. But my advice to you is to heat the glass in short burst, when you see the wax start to get wet spots, place the jar flat on it's side, so it can cool and the weight of the piece you are melting will keep it in place. @Safetysue, you mean like these?? Sorry for the links, but the pictures are huge.. http://app.onlinephotofiler.com/Img1/A_2/5/4/4/164452/5e1995a4e2ce4c83bf76ebda1fcd78eb.jpg http://app.onlinephotofiler.com/Img1/A_2/5/4/4/164452/9151c22bae884358b048e099a17a2a30.jpg http://app.onlinephotofiler.com/Img1/A_2/5/4/4/164452/9eae6c7287634019a56fb1ac48baa696.jpg
  9. Thank you everyone.. It's interesting that I've been making candles for about 2 months now, I made three of each candles. I'm also trying to embed the pillar wax pieces into the top of my normal container candles, so when you open the top you get a nice surprise. @Raven, I'm getting better at doing the embeds. it's not hard, you just have to judge how much heat to use and not overly melt the wax.. can get really messy..
  10. Ok, I have to say thank you to Peak Candles for allowing me to make these embeds!!!!
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