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What helps with GB464 HT

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I'm wondering what I can try to get a better ht from this soy wax and still stay all natural. Has anyone added beeswax to GB464 and gotten a better ht? I currently use Eco wicks and just ordered the CD wicks to try. Any suggestions of what to try would be appreciated. Thanks

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Remember not all fo's play well with soy and cure time is a must. I usually let cure for at least a week before testing. I believe 464 can hold up to 12% fo...many suggest starting at 6%pp but I have found that with 9% I achieve great ht (I use C3).

rjdaines made a good suggestion as well...try adding 30% container paraffin to it. Not only will it help with ht, but may greatly reduce frosting and help wax look smooth after subsequent burns. If you try this, wick down one size...generally paraffin burns easier than soy...hth

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've never been a fan of ECO wicks in any wax. I used to use Performa wicks and had some good HT results in 464. Now I use HTPs. I add another veg wax to make my own blend, but my blend usually has the same burn results as plain 464. I add the other veg wax to improve the appearance of 464. I used to use CO in my blend but I felt like it lowered the melt point too much, which made me nervous to ship in warmer weather. I stopped using the CO and find I still have the same throw. I was happy to get rid of it because it lowered production costs. I've tried several paraffins in 464 but I didn't think it made enough positive difference to continue with blending it. I still got frosting, a lot more wet spots, and the throw was the same. It was kind of cool to have the really clean sides with paraffin though. So bottom line is if you have decided this is the wax for you, focus only on scents you get a good throw with and try some different wicks. If you ever make candles to sell you'll learn fast that using more than 5 or 6% FO will eat up your profits fast. Something to think about even though this wax will hold tons of FO, do you really want to make a candle that requires 12%?

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I've never been a fan of ECO wicks in any wax. I used to use Performa wicks and had some good HT results in 464. Now I use HTPs. I add another veg wax to make my own blend, but my blend usually has the same burn results as plain 464. I add the other veg wax to improve the appearance of 464. I used to use CO in my blend but I felt like it lowered the melt point too much, which made me nervous to ship in warmer weather. I stopped using the CO and find I still have the same throw. I was happy to get rid of it because it lowered production costs. I've tried several paraffins in 464 but I didn't think it made enough positive difference to continue with blending it. I still got frosting, a lot more wet spots, and the throw was the same. It was kind of cool to have the really clean sides with paraffin though. So bottom line is if you have decided this is the wax for you, focus only on scents you get a good throw with and try some different wicks. If you ever make candles to sell you'll learn fast that using more than 5 or 6% FO will eat up your profits fast. Something to think about even though this wax will hold tons of FO, do you really want to make a candle that requires 12%?

Reminds me of some experiments I've never gotten around to, how much 4630 to add to 464 to stop frosting. One day.

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I've done 4630 and 4627 both at 10%, 15%, 20%, and 30%. In my opinion my own veg blend or 464 on its own is a much better looking candle. People think you pour this wax slushy, but the opposite. You pour it hot and you get much less frost. I can do very dark colors with very little frosting when I pour hot. And your tops will be much smoother too. The trade off is you have to do a second pour. I'm ok with the second pour, I would rather have a better looking candle and not have to play with wax temps.

Oh, and none of the percentages altered the HT of my testers.

Edited by Jeana
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I've tried adding coconut oil as well as coconut wax to 464 and neither helped with the frosting. I also have a bag of olive oil wax that I have not had the time to work with. However, I did hear from someone that the coconut and olive oil wax may have some paraffin in them.

I pour 464 at 165, I suppose I could pour a little hotter, say 175 but it would be hard to pour at any greater temp. Never has a problem with the way the 464 tops looked, just that darn frosting which can happen at any time.

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eco wicks didnt do good for me with this wax. cd's were good. I heard several say that cdn's were the best for this wax, but my supplier didnt sell them. course wicks are not a huge thing to ship..............gotta try those cdn's one day. Bluegrass oils worked the best of any oils I tried in this wax. ky was good too but they went out of business, tn worked good too. hit and miss with lot of other company's oils (some really good, some nothing) and im sure i havent tested half of whats out there. in my opinion 464 likes to cure for a while

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464 was the easiest to work with. love being able to pour hot. but 464 scares me sometimes. I almost wish i woulda stayed with 435..............harder to work with but it seemed like more oils would work better. let it cure for 2 weeks and rarely had one that was worthless (other than vanilla, im a failure with vanilla's)weak sometimes yes, but not worthless............but with 464 those "worthless" ones seem to crop up more often.............yet here my lazy self still piddles with it..............just LOVE being able to pour hot (145 or 150 degrees)

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