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Opinions on Scent Throw

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I am currently testing two new scents. Strawberry Shortcake and Lime Basil (Limecooler & Basil/Herb Mix) all from CS

In my bedroom (which I think is medium sized they smell good and are med strong HT. which I think is still good. Some people don't want a "in your face" scent.

In my living room area the throw is light to medium. If they had a light HT in my bedroom I would not be asking this question to you all.

Would these candles be sellable with this type of HT. I do like to state on my website that it is recommended for a certain size room to get the best scent throw.

The burn is going great as far as that's concerned. I'm now more concerned with the HT.

If I have left anything out please let me know. I don't want to add anymore FO so that's not an option for me. IN my experience the wax I use will just seep out FO.

Thanks for any advice or opinions!

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I am currently testing two new scents. Strawberry Shortcake and Lime Basil (Limecooler & Basil/Herb Mix) all from CS

In my bedroom (which I think is medium sized they smell good and are med strong HT. which I think is still good. Some people don't want a "in your face" scent.

In my living room area the throw is light to medium. If they had a light HT in my bedroom I would not be asking this question to you all.

Would these candles be sellable with this type of HT. I do like to state on my website that it is recommended for a certain size room to get the best scent throw.

The burn is going great as far as that's concerned. I'm now more concerned with the HT.

If I have left anything out please let me know. I don't want to add anymore FO so that's not an option for me. IN my experience the wax I use will just seep out FO.

Thanks for any advice or opinions!

In the main part of the house, I tend to want my candles to give off a strong throw and not less than a very good medium throw if the scent is hard to pass up....can't find one better and smells really good...a must have...or a scent that is just not meant to be really strong. The only time that I may lower these standards is if it is a spa line (and a one wicked candle) with type of fragrances that are great for bedrooms or bathrooms. Even then, I still tend to like them to have at least a good medium throw in the main part of the house. Most people will burn the strawberry shortcake in the main part of the house or the kitchen. HTH

Edited by Holly
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I wouldn't be happy with that HT personally. If the candle size is the size that's good for a medium room, I would want the HT strong to very strong in the medium room, and light to medium in the large room. If the HT was less than that, I wouldn't want to buy more of those candles.

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Now I started testing a coffee scent that is awesome!!!!!! And I refuse to give this scent up!! The tart I tested was so strong but the candle was only a medium. I'm so mad. Nobody is going to burn a coffee candle in the bedroom. Idk maybe they have a den that is smaller but I doubt it. I'm so upset by these setbacks because I've actually had great success with most FO I've tested.

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The only other option is to up the percentage of fo pp of wax. If you're looking for an excellent coffee, any of the ics coffees are dynamite and the Cuban Coffee from Southern Soapers is extremely realistic and strong. I use ng Strawberry Shortcake and its strong but a little on the fake side. Peak has a great strawberry jam that is true and really kicks butt, which you could mix with a birthday cake or maybe a shortbread type vanilla. HTH


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Jack, I have all three of the one's you've mentioned, but I use them in melts.

As far as your HT goes, that's about the same thing I'm getting ( strength wise ) from those three, at 1:1 in paraffin.

All I can tell you about whether to keep them or not.......is they have sold really well for me in Tn, South Bama and NW Florida.

In Atlanta ( think that's where you said you were ) it might be different, but my customers liked the fact they were such dead on scents, than the "in your face" HT.

Mind if I ask which coffee FO you are using? I've got about 6 and I love them all for different reasons, but the one I have from CS and the one from NG "world's best" seem to sell the best.

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Also can tempature affect your HT? It's getting colder here in GA and its about 69 in my house now. Should it be about 72 or 73 degrees for a proper testing environment?

If your room temp is lowering the temp of the melt pool it would affect the HT, but many of your customers might have the same 69 F room temp as you do so they'd get the same weak HT. Here's an article on what is considered to be Room Temperature: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Room_temperature Maybe a hotter wick would help?

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Jack, I have all three of the one's you've mentioned, but I use them in melts.

As far as your HT goes, that's about the same thing I'm getting ( strength wise ) from those three, at 1:1 in paraffin.

All I can tell you about whether to keep them or not.......is they have sold really well for me in Tn, South Bama and NW Florida.

In Atlanta ( think that's where you said you were ) it might be different, but my customers liked the fact they were such dead on scents, than the "in your face" HT.

Mind if I ask which coffee FO you are using? I've got about 6 and I love them all for different reasons, but the one I have from CS and the one from NG "world's best" seem to sell the best.

CS Hazelnut Coffee has a really good HT for me, which CS coffee FO are you referring to?

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If your room temp is lowering the temp of the melt pool it would affect the HT, but many of your customers might have the same 69 F room temp as you do so they'd get the same weak HT. Here's an article on what is considered to be Room Temperature: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Room_temperature Maybe a hotter wick would help?

I just uped the temp to 72 so we will see. Maybe I have candle nose IDK. I'm burning tea & cakes from MW now and it's a nice medium strong scent but not an in your face (IYF)-this needs to be a new abbreviation

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I may have to try CS hazelnut coffee. BTW- all of the above FO mentioned that were light in my living room do very well in my bedroom. It's not a huge grande suite type of bedroom either so maybe that's why. My entire home is 1200sq ft so if that helps.

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Jackbenimble- I use cs basil herb to blend. Although it is rated as a 3 I find it more like a 2. How is lime cooler alone? I just bought it and will start it in Jan. I am concerned if ht on lime will be good. With lime basil how about mixing 2 pts lime to 1 pt basil?

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Jackbenimble- I use cs basil herb to blend. Although it is rated as a 3 I find it more like a 2. How is lime cooler alone? I just bought it and will start it in Jan. I am concerned if ht on lime will be good. With lime basil how about mixing 2 pts lime to 1 pt basil?

I think if I added anymore of the lime it would overpower the basil. ATM it is a nice balance between them both. I'm doing my 5th burn ATM.

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Is it a single-wicked candle? Diameter?

It's a double wicked container with a diameter of approx 3.5 in

I've been burning for about two hrs and in my living room. I just in from walking my dog and the HT is not too bad. Good IMO! This is my 5th burn so IDK what a customer would say or if they'd even make it to the 5th burn before they gave up on it. It has done wonderfully on previous burns in my bedroom though.

I'm really trying to use up my basil & herb and thought this would be a great way by mixing in the lime. I had anger herbal scent that I mixed some Mac apple in and the last show it was the first to sell out. So I'm hoping for a repeat with this FO. ;-)

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