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Everything posted by justajesuschick

  1. It depends which model you are considering. The newer models (Butterball) are rectangular like a bread machine. I understand that those have only a little drainage valve rather than mine with a nice spigot. Mine are by Masterbuilt and no longer made. I know some have a dozen Prestos lined up along a whole wall, but that did not appeal to me. Mine hold and melt 40 pounds of wax at a time. I prefer blending my wax in the fryer rather than having 1 pot full of one wax and another pot with another wax. My Presto is the stainless model (I am also not a teflon fan) and it holds 8 pounds. I only use it now when I am completely emptying and cleaning a big pot. The element needs to start covered at the next use.
  2. I was also very worried about this when I started out. I first bought 1 ounce bottles, then 4 ounce, then 8. Now I buy 2-4, 1 pound bottles of each scent I use and I am through them long before they would go bad! You could be the same! Depending on where you sell, how you plan to blend and what formats you plan to offer, your number of scents could be small or very large. Online buyers expect large scent lists. My scent list (according to bloggers and you-tubers) is still sometimes referred to as small at 95-ish scents. I try and blend each of my scents (even if the 2nd or 3rd scent is only 10% of the blend). My only advice is not to get tempted to buy 1 pound bottles of each scent (yes, per ounce it is cheaper but not if they never get used) that sounds good or you plan to test. I still test with 1 ounce bottles and then buy the 2-4 pounds of those that I will use. I get rid of any scent that did not test well. That way, I do not have shelves and Rubbermaid bins full of oils aging with no real sense of what I have. Sounds like you are learning a lot and having fun. That is terrific!!
  3. Yes. I got an artist to do a chalk drawing of my logo as well. I own it and have it in very file format I can imagine. This image was a photograph. I still think people believe that they can use images and photographs from the internet including those from fragrance suppliers, which of course, we cannot-even of we buy those fragrances from them.
  4. Yes. Within minutes of my receiving the legal notice with screenshots of my site. I certainly have the license and right to use the image. I knew that, of course, when I got the notice so I was not worried. People still think no big company is going to take the time going after "little guys" but that is an outdated way of thinking. Most companies hire companies who use Google and Image Search and all they do is find names and images which are being used without a license.
  5. If you have read any of my posts, you know that I often speak of trademark and copyright infringement. So, of course I was using the image on my website with a license. Long story but my corporation began an image service designed for small businesses and agencies. Since someone on the team knew that I and a small business, they recruited me for testing, feedback, focus group and the like for the new program prior to launch. I took a liking to particular image and later inquired about usage. Since I helped with the testing and was willing to take the image before it was sized how I needed, I was given a discount code equal to the cost of the image. I had the license to use it. So, I sent the copy of my receipt and license to the law firm attorney. Reached out to the person who granted the code and there is no issue. They sent a very thorough document with the image in question and screenshots from my website. I mentioned recently in another post of an online vendor, such as me, who was contacted by the legal team from Lush Cosmetics and it resulted in her having to change every scent name in her line that belonged to them. So, I make this post as a reminder that you may not use names, images, likenesses nor photos which are not your property. I assure you that in the days of Image Search, it is very easy for the image to be found if you are using such. They are not just targeting "the big guys". I know it gets confusing that if one sees an image online that it must be available to use. That is simply not true nor is it the legal.
  6. Getting more common. Taylor Swift and others have sued Etsy sellers who put their lyrics on shirts and mugs. We cannot use images and scent names that are not ours. Plian and simple. I was out reading copyright and trademark material online and I found a quote that said, "Do not build your house on rented land". It would seem that a lot of people also do not know that just because you buy a fragrance oil from a supplier, in most cases, you may not use their images. For this, and other reasons, I change scent names for all of my fragrance blends. Well, with the exception of generic names such as apple pie.
  7. It was not discussed here. Attorneys for Lush cosmetics directly contacted the vendor. I do not know if there were financial penalties. She did have to rename every one of their scents that she had in her line.
  8. The only thing I will add is to make certain that you either own or have rights to use any photograph or image you plan for your labels. Just because you can see it or copy it off the web does not mean that it is available for use. This is an error made by many in the wax world. Same, of course, with scent names. A very popular vendor in the wax world just had some pretty unpleasant exchanges with the legal team of a cosmetics and fragrance company over the use of their scent names on her products.
  9. It is sweet but also had a slight vanilla to my nose. I know all references, including this one from Yankee's own site (this is still an active and popular scent for them) mention sugar plums but I did not get a typical plum scent from it. Here is the description from Yankee's site: Tradition reigns on Christmas Eve as anticipation builds for the excitement of the next morning. But on this night, we gather to relax and enjoy a quiet moment before the frenzy begins. The traditional holiday scents of a warm hearth, sugared plums, and candied fruits are the perfect accompaniment to one of the most joyous evenings of the year.
  10. This was a very favorite scent for me when I was a Yankee Candle addict. I have tried every Christmas Eve FO I could find and none of them are a match for the original. Wish I could find one!
  11. I do the same as Candybee. Although an entire room in my house is dedicated to wax supplies and shipping materials, raw wax itself has migrated to the entryway! Each bin represents a case of wax. Mine come in cardboard, no protective barrier. I use a hammer and chisel bought just for wax and I break the slabs up some for storing and melting.
  12. You did not really miss anything unless you were interested in 1 ounce bottles.
  13. The two Pumpkin Pecan Waffles oils I tested smelled like sweet, buttered popcorn. Wondered if this one did. Thanks!
  14. I have asked everyone this but does their version smell like Kettle Corn to you???
  15. I am not one to speak poorly of any wax company-big or small (unless of course their business practices are shady!), I do not think that their quality is what it was. I was a HUGE fan of their wax. It is good that you are familiar with their wax yourself. I was pretty disappointed when I learned that they bought the idea from a person like you and me. I always thought that they started the company from scratch. It will be a good idea to research and know things for yourself. You will be able to make a wax with stronger scent and better longevity than theirs. After insurance, marketing, website costs and other, well, the profit is not what you might expect. There are days I think it would be nice not to be product development, procurement, manufacturing, operations AND distribution!
  16. On Facebook. The Planner Groups are full of some of the same people who are in the Wax Groups!
  17. I am in Candle Making by Candle Makers and Home Candle Making. Both are sort of a train wreck. I could spend all day on them dispensing advice and making corrective posts. I don't. I think sometimes when I mention "online wax community", those groups are what people think I mean. I do not. The online wax community is a few large consumer groups made of up very savvy and knowledgeable consumers who buy and collect wax (yes, many have armoires and cabinets and rooms full). Most have a large wax stash and have things on hand like polypropylene bags (they know the difference) and they share, swap and sell their excess. Totally different. I'd say most of these consumers know more about wax making, use and storage than many of the "candle makers" in the candle making Facebook groups!
  18. I am quoting you but you could have been quoting me! I buy FO's from 11 suppliers and that is admittedly ridiculous for a line of only about 90 scents. All the good feedback here makes it very tempting!
  19. Oh, yes ma'am. I have not tried any of their FO's. I have SO wanted to try them but I have been burned recently by smaller suppliers who either changed formulas or closed, leaving me without scents I had incorporated in my line. Since I sell to the same customers, everything must be the same batch to batch. I will have to try a small order from them. Thank you!
  20. Thank you! I see FB is one I tried and my spreadsheet notes say "nutty, buttered popcorn". I will look and see if I still have the sample and may try it again.
  21. I gave up on Pumpkin Pecan Waffles as the couple I tried smelled like buttered popcorn to me. Can either of you tell me what scent you get from these?
  22. Great! I like consistency...can you tell! They are really SO nice!
  23. I LOVE it! I am a plaid fan. Did you change the label to add soy to those offered every day? That seems to be a difference in the labels, so it made me wonder. Very clean and tastefully done. Congrats!
  24. See, Suzy? This is why you are my Etsy hero! Thank you! That was September 2012! 3 years makes a difference! This year I am not even doing the Artisan Fair! It is crazy as they pay for everything and it costs me absolutely nothing to sell $700-$800 in 1 day. I just cannot do it. My online business keeps me too busy. Plus, the thought of hauling all that heavy product, signs, making testers, possibility of rain...yuck! I will stay at home and make wax and money in my jammies! p.s. Either post or send me a link to your Etsy Shop or website. I am always looking to buy things for others FROM others I know are hand making great product!
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