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Everything posted by TartAddict

  1. OMG...I'm making a tart in Chester's honor...I'll send it to you, Tess, LOL. A beautiful Chester Embed tart for you to cherish The obit brought tears to my eyes (and definitely not from saddness, LOL). LMAO!
  2. Thanks I'm just so happy I won't have to pay shipping for a measly 10lb slab of wax (testing out a new wax . I'm so picky on my FOs, if it's not top quality with the highest recommendations...I won't even sniff it, LOL. Thanks so much!
  3. Beautiful! I love those colors I can't wait to try my hand at pillars so I can decorate my house with them...then maybe I'll make some for other people Great job!
  4. I like Peaks. I hate the really bananaey (is that a word, LOL) scents. I thought Peaks BNB was awesome!!
  5. Hi all! I'm so excited! I finally found a supplier close to me. I'm heading there tomorrow (they're only about 25 minutes away) to pick up some wax. They have a ton of FOs (like I need more, LOL!), but I hate buying any FOs without hearing what others think of the quality. Has anyone tried them? http://www.crocketthoney.com/ I'd love to hear any thoughts you might have Thanks!! D
  6. You will do awesome!!! Here's a hint...stick your kiddo in the high chair with a sucker (just make sure you take it away before it gets to small). It's amazing how still they'll sit with a sucker while you get things done, LOL!! Best wishes to you!!!
  7. Good luck to you!! Hope you sell out
  8. OMG...you guys are a riot. I have officially changed the name of my FO from Chestnuts and Brown Sugar to Chester and Brown Sugar, LOL. Although Amish Ant comes in close 2nd! It's pretty gross. I'll have to try to filter him out...but yes, better dead than alive!!
  9. LMAO!! To funny. Chester, huh? Well, Chester must like Chestnut, LOL. I hate bugs. Yuck! THanks for your thoughts
  10. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you I ended up ordering: Moonlight Path (my mom's fav) Pink Sugar Clean Cotton Black Raspberry Vanilla Rose Bouquet Home for the Holidays I truly appreciate you guys taking the time to give me your input!! D
  11. Hey all I just got my 16 oz of Chestnuts and Brown Sugar from JS...and there's some weird looking bug floating in it. Ewwww! Think this will affect the FO? I'm betting not, but how gross D
  12. Awesome I can't thank you guys enough. My list just keeps on growing, LOL!! I appreciate it!
  13. Welcome to the board...and your newest addiction
  14. Thanks so much! These are great ideas. I especially like the idea of putting instructions/warnings on the inside of the lid! You guys are awesome
  15. OMG!! I just had to post and say how scared I am, LOL! This "little" addiction may just take over my entire kitchen, LOL. Donita..you rock! I love all the room you have for your candles! Awesome I've devoted one shelf in my pantry to "candle supplies"....and it's slowly growing! Looks like I may have to eventually buy a bigger house, LOL. Thanks for sharing the pics. Very cool
  16. Hi all! I'm attempting to make some wickless candles for Christmas presents (will give them with a candlewarmer and tile). I want to put a label on it to say Happy Holidays (or something like that) and the scent. Where should I put the label? I'm using 1/2 pint Kerr jars. The jar gets pretty hot on the warmer so I wasn't sure if I should put the label on the glass (although, I guess it probably doesn't get much hotter than a regular candle). Any suggestions on where to place the label and what the heck kind of label to use would be appreciated Thanks so much!! D
  17. Awesome! Thanks so much! The Rose Bouquet was on my list and I ordered the Amish Harvest and Banana Nut Bread in the co-op, so I should get those soon. Thanks guys Great suggestions!!
  18. I'm plotting my order from Peaks. I'm loving the super strong FOs and wondered if you guys have any you absolutely LOVE that are really strong (in whatever wax, doesn't matter to me). Suggestions?? Thanks D
  19. With all the help you've given me....I'm glad I could help you out You're very welcome! D
  20. Hi Fern! It's www.justscent.com no "s" on the end of scents D
  21. Thanks, Top I'm inspired! And how in the he** do you know all this stuff, LOL Very impressive. I appreciate your honesty and straightforwardness (is that a word?) LOL. Thanks again!
  22. Ohhhh! Very pretty My mom and Mother-in-law are both Red Hatters Great idea
  23. I started out just wanting to make tarts.....and man, it's been 2 months and LOTS of money (for *simple* little tarts). AND I'm still not happy with them! I'm playing with wickless right now, but haven't gotten around to wicks yet. Eventually I'll try my hand at candles.....but you guys are right, this is alot of work and research. Definitely not a quick money maker. It does amaze me that people think they can just jump in and sell with little or no testing. Very scary! I have no intention of selling for years to come (eventually, maybe, but not until everything has been proven and tested).
  24. Why is the blend the pre-blends misguided? It seems to work fine for tarts, although it does take them a bit to melt (about 1 full hour for a full melt on an electric warmer). I haven't even tried paraffin, I just figured it would be easier to use a pre-blend and not have to mess with all the additives (being a newbie at tart making). I tried out some parasoy for tarts and hated them. What would you suggest if I don't use pre-blends?
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