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Everything posted by TartAddict

  1. Thank ya I think I'll try the UA w/o the Vybar and vice versa..then try the two together. That should keep me busy for awhile It seems like IGI has the same thing as UA (I think it was Paraflexx 4627, something like that). Thanks D
  2. Hey all I've been playing around with straight paraffin lately. I've been using vybar, but started looking into universal additive. They seem very similar. The vybar is not getting the paraffin as "creamy" looking as I want, but from what I read, the UA would make the wax more opaque than vybar (which I don't want). Has any one used UA...and if you add the UA, do you (or can you) add vybar. Hmmmm...... Just curious TIA! D
  3. LOL! I haven't burned a Yankee in years (homemade tarts are just soooooo much better!). I can't even remember how long the Yankees lasted.
  4. Thanks guys! It's great to get some feedback Faithsem, I've never used Palm 2 for tarts, but if you use the J223, be sure to use a harder wax with it (like a pillar wax) or the tarts will be a smeary, greasy, mess (trust me, I know LOL). Just a thought! D
  5. LOL, Fern, you are just like me. If it's not blowing me out of the house...I get rid of it Okay, so that being said. I've come to a very obvious conclusion...it's definitely FO type and quality that determines how long the scent lasts. I put a Lilac tart in the burner at 8 this morning (from Peak) and it is SUPER strong still 11 hours later. I had a Creme de la Creme (from Daystar) tart in yesterday and it was gone in 5 hours. Go figure D
  6. Thanks guys I've actually read the tart reviews (I LOVE hearing what others do and what others think about their creations...someday I'll perfect my recipe and join in I'd love it if they'd say what wax they used. Out of all the wax I've used...I've never tried soy. I've got it stuck in my head that I don't want to muck with frosting and all that jazz, plus the soy tarts I've used all stuck to my warmer so badly that even when frozen, it was soooo hard to get out. For you paraffin users, do you just use vybar? I used 1343 and vybar 103 and the scent pretty much vanished in 5 hours or so. It was awful (and I didn't like how they looked). Maybe it's just the 1343 (or maybe it's just the wax user, LOL.). Thanks again for all your thoughts! I totally appreciate it! D
  7. Oh gosh, what wax have I not tried, LOL. Since the tarts are just for me, I'm constantly changing waxes. I've used 4794, 1343 (which was awful btw), 6228 with J223, 1343 with J223, J223 with stearic, KY ParaSoy....you name it, I've tried it, LOL. And I still haven't settled on the "perfect" wax yet (if it exists, LOL). For the most part, the throw lasts about the same amount. Maybe I should up the FO and see if that would work (although I usually do 10%....hmmmmmmmmm). Maybe I've just fried my nose.
  8. Thanks guys. LOL at your "Non-complaining" formula. I like 'em strong, so I definitely wouldn't complain. I guess I'm scent greedy I want my tarts to last as long as possible, but it seems like 8-10 hours is the norm. I had a fabulous Cool Citrus Basil going yesterday all day and I could still somewhat smell it this morning. Guess that's pretty good I threw one my neighbor's way, so I'll see what she thinks. Thanks
  9. Hey all! I've been buying tarts from a wonderful lady for years (no one on candletech ).. Her tarts melt nicely, are super strong and in most of the scents, the hot throw will last for a minimum of 24 hours (it won't be as strong after awhile, but I can still smell them)! They're awesome. Now that I've decided to make my own (in an attempt to save money, HA!!), I'm finding that I can make them strong, but that the scent will fade after about 8 hours or so, sometimes they'll last a bit longer. I know it's not candle nose, because I can leave for hours and come home and definitely tell it's faded. I'm using high quality FOs (mostly Peaks) at 9-10%. I'm just wondering what the norm is. How long does the scent last in your tarts? Just curious Thanks! D
  10. Hi! I always do small batches. I hate to make a big batch just to see if I like a scent. I melt 7 ozs at a time. I do two different scents, 3.5 oz of wax per scent and 9% FO load. This will fill 3 full tarts (if you're using a 2.5" mold). I like having three full tarts to test, it's worked well for me I keep two for myself and throw one at my neighbor to try out HTH! Deirdre
  11. I believe this one is a Jackal one (not 100% sure though). Like I said, I'm pretty sure it has automatic shut off.
  12. LOL Well, it's almost 24 hours and no sweating at all! And yes,these are just for me Hmmmm....guess I'll try one out this afternoon and see how it does! Thanks guys!
  13. Hey all I posted in the Fragrance section, but long story short.....I got distracted and ended up mixing almost one full ounce of FO (don't ask...I ended up mixing Rose FO with Fruit Slices)..in 3.5 oz of wax (tarts). It's been almost 7 hours and so far there's no FO seeping out or beading up on the top. I am going to be amazed if they don't sweat. How long do you think it will take for the sweating to happen? Just curious D the distracted chandler
  14. Thank you for starting this Eugenia That's very thoughtful (and helpful!) of you. Posts like these are what make Candletech such a fantastic site!! Thanks!
  15. That's pretty good I'm going to throw one in the warmer once they're set and see how it smells. I'm not to optomistic,LOL
  16. Hi all! Don't ask how I did it, but I somehow managed to mix my Rose FO with Fruit Slices (almost a whole ounce in 3 tarts, LOL). I'm pretty sure the FO will seep out, but I figured, oh well, I'll pour them anyway. Any ideas what to call this (I think "stinky" sums it up), LOL. D
  17. Hi! I personally will only use the electric tart warmers with the heating elements. I don't want to worry about replacing light bulbs and such (and I don't like the tea light warmers because I like to leave my warmer on without worrying about the open flame of a tea light). This is the one I have in my kitchen: Supposedly, mine will automatically shut off if it gets to hot (which has never happened, knock on wood I'm not sure if one gets hotter than the other. I just like the non-bulb type. HTH D
  18. You're welcome And thanks to all of you for your scent suggestions (*sigh*, I just placed yet another order for more FOs), LOL.
  19. Hey all Can somebody please enlighten me? I thought I read somewhere that J50 is a veggie wax. I've since hunted all over and can't find ANY thing about it being a veggie wax. Do you know if it is? It's driving me nuts that I can't figure it out Thanks!! D
  20. Top, thanks so much for doing this. It's great to see all the opinions in one spot Thanks for all your work on this!
  21. Thank you guys! I can't wait to try some new scents!!! You've given me some great ideas Synascents, I think the scents longeveity depends on what scent you use and how long you bake them. My clean cotton never seems to last nearly as long as my pink sugar ones. And yes, they are super fun to make
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