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Everything posted by cybersix

  1. never noticed such a big difference at the end of the pillar. You know I often wonder why there's a 30 ply and a 36! But, listed on wicks unlimited site, there is not the 12 ply, which I bought at candlewic. Who knows? Maybe you! I use only flat braid for my pillars, I was satisfied from day one and to me are really reliable wicks, I know I can trust them. I'll be back in the lab tomorrow, now I NEED to make a palm pillar and re-watch a 30 ply burning. Thanks for this, it's always good to go back to school!
  2. I didn't pay a lot for it, it was somethink like $80, but it's big, so you can put a lot of things in it if you want a richer scenary than mine! And if you can squeeze it (I can't by myeslf LOL) it takes very little space to be stored. Happy photography!
  3. Thanks Ladies! I actually need a couple of images, so the one you like best will be the first choice, and then another one. Jen, I bought the light box on ebay, it's one of those things that you can squeeze and will fit in a small bag. It comes with two backgrounds, one black and one white. I then use two small table lamps on boths sides. I also use a tripod. Anyway I always need to finish the pics with GIMP, to correct the cast (usually a bit of grey) of the background. Thanks for the compliments! HTH
  4. Top, I tried a 30 ply back in time and was somehow not pleased. Now that I had the time to refresh my notes I could give it a try and post here, comparing it to 36 ply. I never had a blowout but there are times that the shell becomes very thin and soft, never went beyond this point anyway. Now it would be interesting seeing a 36 ply in tortoise shell (I don't have this wax). But I know it takes time, so I'm not asking anything :smiley2:! Thanks for sharing
  5. Congratulations!!!! You waited too long LOL!!! J/K, I'm happy you feel the time is right, and I wish you a lot of success and satisfaction.
  6. Hi, I'm going to switch from single tarts to clamshells, and also decided to offer on my website a "melt starter kit", with one melter, two or three tealights and a clam of six melts. These are some pics I took with my lightbox, and retouched with GIMP. Any opinion welcome! Thanks for looking
  7. I may have misread, I thought a small yeld meant a thin wick, anyway I can see from the numbers you're posting that there's really no consistency. So I wonder why often we are suprised by wicks working in some applications, for example this 36 ply seems out of the plausible range for a pillar, but it works. And not approximatively, it behaves well in my opinion. Oh well it's really late for me so maybe I can't explain myself clearly, sorry. Thanks for letting me know about differences in these tests coming from different sources!
  8. I like it. It's as my pillars burn. Don't know how to give a sense in sizes at this point. I was looking at WU site, and found that fb 36 is a "colder" wick than a CD10. it has smallest yeld, a smallest ROC and a smallest flame and a bigger mp. I know it depends on waxes, but curious to read. I use cd 10 in 4 oz soy tins... ok I'll think about these technical things later on today, thanks again for your test.
  9. Thanks Top, if you happen to note something about throw I'd be interested in knowing your opinion.
  10. it's too big, for a 3" diameter pillar a 24 or 27 should work!
  11. Lovely. Sometimes I forget how simple things have a beauty of their own!!
  12. I'll wait the end of your testing, are you taking HT into account while doing this? My tester is a multi-reborn pillar so maybe some scent could have gone. at the beginning I was able to smell it, not so much now. Thanks
  13. I'm very short on time so I can't follow, read and post as I'd like, but I still have my 36 ply tester, with its beautiful shell, to show you. I know size seems large, and it maybe not the perfect wicking, I do what I can with what I have on hand but this seems to work really fine. Truth to be told, I'd try a CSN only to compare HT. Thanks
  14. Thanks Stella, I'd like to see one professional grade mold just to learn about the differences. I don't use tin molds except for some special candle as hearts, I only use seamless alu, but when I do patterns are beautiful, and candles releases better than alu. I guess we're slightly OT but thanks for explanation!
  15. Which are the thicker? And the thinner? I have seamless aluminium molds bought from CW, Peak and ebay... I always get THAT pattern... who carries thinner? or thicker, what do I know about the thickness of my molds ......
  16. good to know, since UPS screwed my box and that bottle (and other 4) broke...
  17. While I'll wait to see how the test goes I'm curious to know if you found any strange void as with tortoise shell palm. Or were you going juts for wicks? Thanks
  18. Here's the shell beginning to melt, or exfoliate. It's about hour three.
  19. Yes, with palm is a subtle limit. The shell is start to melting on the top, in minutes I will post some pics of it. Thanks for following this thread!
  20. Ah, this is what really makes the whole world just one place, LOL
  21. Here I am LOL Sorry but I don't have much time. The pillar has burned for other 5 hours yesterday, and these pics show it after almost two hours since I lit it. The shell is getting thinner and it's soft to the touch. my goal is having an almost self-consuming pillar. If everything is fine there will be no breaks and blowouts. I said "almost" because it really doesn't melt all the way down as a paraffin pillar. I'm not taking times with accuracy mnow, I let it go. Wick doesn't mushroom (only a tiny bit but barely visible), it's burning steady. Thanks
  22. It's not simple in my opinion making a decision like this. I don't care to hear for names, but if this person acts like this for habit I think sooner or later she/he has to face the consequences. Let this person know what you think about her/him and move on will not make her/him learn any lesson. She/he will go on thinking taking advantage on others is normal, with no price to pay. Different is if the person is honest and is having real troubles. Mine is a general talking, I don't know the facts, just my thought on this. Good luck anything you choose to do.
  23. Thanks Candybee, yes I got them from CW. I bought them in spools. Peaks also has these wicks. HTH!
  24. I like both, whatever you choose will be great, the only thing I noticed is that "home fragrances" seems predominant over your business name. I read that before the rest. It could be smaller or thinner, I know it depends on the font you are using. Just my opinion! Great job anyway!
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