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Everything posted by cybersix

  1. Thank you very much for your answer, I'd like to have a walmart here it seems a beautiful place but Italy doesn't have it! I will try adding a bit of color and "counting" it as a part of the witch hazel or other water I'll add, could it be? Or.. I'll go snow white again! Thanks!
  2. Hi all, I don't make BB products, I just make some bath bombs for personal use or a friend. I don't have any specific cosmetic colorant (i only make them uncolored) but I happen to have some liquid food colorants.. Could I use those for bath bombs? TIA
  3. Thank you very much, did you test them already? I'm a bit concerned about the two parts "sloppily glued together".... I ordered the ones from unity because they have a reseller in UK so shipping is not a killer and no customs to pay too. I'll test them, I hope they will work!
  4. Hi Jonsie, did you order them at unity wooden wicks? I did. Or, better said, from their reseller in UK. I don't understand that picture too, I thought it was just one piece of wood. Two pieces it could be something related to a functional matter, but the diffrent heights are puzzling me. Did you write to the supplier just to ask? TIA
  5. Thank you very much, I have still to decide about which container I should use, as with everything it's not so simple to test containers I should buy very large quantities GRRRRR!!! so, I'm doing a research for a nice tumbler, something unique in case I can make those wicks work. The large size seems very large, but anyway I'm waiting a few of each kind so I will see myself!! Thanks again!
  6. Thanks so much, I just ordered some samples and will try them in both soy and palm. I ordered the three sizes but maybe the large isn't really necessary. Why are there two part of different heights in these wicks? Or did I see bad the pics? It seems they are two pieces of wood put together. TIA
  7. Just wondering if anyone tried these wicks with glass glow or similar palm waxes for containers. I know they are mainly used with soy, so just curious about it. TIA
  8. In all my candlemaker life (5 years) I don't think Peak has ever had any special, but I could be wrong.
  9. Sorry Candybee, I just don't get it, why couldn't he or she write the questions in the email? I agree with Bernadette maybe this person wants a "special treatment" and I think it's better not to even start or it will be like a black cat scratching your butt. I had a man registering on my site twice. Both times he placed an order. First time (past july) he asked to pay on delivery, and I said no. Never had an answer. Second time (past month) he placed another order and choose a bank payment, which I wait for before making the candles. Payment wasn't made in two weeks. I wrote to him and reminded him payment has to be made upfront. Never had an answer, and I decide I did enough, I don't want to have a customer that is trouble everytime. You want something, you ask. You get it, you pay. Why should we lose our (short) time?
  10. Never happened to me, and I find it odd. The customer can pick up the phone and call you if he/she needs to be sure you are a real business. Just put, if you're a scammer, you can call from any number you wnat and put a fake number on the site. I just don't see the point in writing you to ask to call back. It seems a bit rude to me.
  11. I never even spent a moment caring about soy would not soot or produce white soot, it's just a non-sense. Hey there's a flame.
  12. Technically a mushrooms is a sign that something can't be burned. It indicates a problem in combustion. Too much fo can be the cause.
  13. "The only candle that burns in one just spot, near the glass, because fragrances use to hide there, and we discovered it"!!!
  14. A failure becomes a great success LOL ... I'm speechless!
  15. Don't know if it will fit in the theme, wanted to tell you I just bought Chardonnay FO from Candlescience and OOB it smells like the real thing. Didn't test it yet.
  16. sounds right to me, you can see the differences (if any) with your eyes. I never used any additive with C1. I like to keep things simple, I had to make thousands of tumblers, so I found the way to have good candles with wax and fo only!
  17. I have a lot of off-centered wick pins. Maybe due to the long trip they have to make to get here, who knows. I bought new, from candlewic, and used on here on the classifieds. It's really hard for a woman who wants to have everything perfect to learn to love votives as they are, if the wick is only a bit off center the votives is still good. I just put aside the worst pins I find and use the rest.
  18. Hi, I used C1 since it was the only soy wax available here in italy, so I can't compare with anything else, sorry! I had troubles finding out the best way to use it but then I got good results. Let me know if I can be of some help. Forgot to say, if you can pick it up maybe you should consider a bit of test!
  19. WOW I totally love it!! I wish I'd had so much space for my workshop! I have a nice room but still don't know how to organize it, it's not a regular shape room. Congrats!
  20. I don't know what's really behind the scene, but here's what I did so far. Feather: I always added a 1-2% of stearic acid to help in mold release. When I did so the pillars came out as you described, not straight sided, a bit compresses toward the center at middle height. But you had the same result pouring hotter than what I used to do. Starbust: never had a problem with pillars coming out of the molds. I added a bit of stearic to help crystals show better. In both cases my burns weren't affected by stearic. I always used the same wick. Now I'm going to start a new era, revisiting pouring temps and maybe cooling rates. I'm not a lover of cooling racks and cardboard boxes. Anyway I'm going to drop starbust wax, and go for another type. Too much effort for a so-and-so effect. No one really likes it from what I saw.
  21. Well since my tests are less scientific, and my knowledge is not so wide I'd thought I'd try a smaller wick (the 30 ply) to see if a slower burn would have fried it the same. But maybe you're right, the wax is killing what is not made right for it (I only had a short pillar to test, my 36 ply didn't fry, maybe the difference is in manufacturing, who knows!) Thanks for the testing, as far as I can understand your result are quite matching the suggestions CS gave on wicking.
  22. Will follow your test with interest. Adding stearic acid to starbust wax in my experience increases a bit crystal formation. I don't like it much too, and I have a lot left. I plan to get other palm waxes, with different crystals formations. Thanks again for your efforts and for the time you're putting in this. Going to answer in the other thread..
  23. LOL! We non American members have a hard time contacting tons of suppliers LOL!
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