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Everything posted by cybersix

  1. May I suggest to make a sticky with the list of suppliers who ships all over the world?
  2. Sadly Peak stopped to ship internationally. So I'm looking for a supplier who has almost everything I need and CS seems to be my choice. Now that they started to carry scents in plastic bottles it shoud be less breath taking waiting for their shipment!!
  3. Bough two pillars time ago (here in italy they are not so famous, italians don't burn candles ) and was not really impressed. Really underwicked and so oily I was getting mad everytime I touched them. Not a great HT. Now the few that were in the shop are gone, and I don't know where I could find any.. not that I care a bit about them...
  4. Once I had a problem while pouring midnight blue palm pillars. It was a set of 5, and the color was changing to a violet while I was pouring them. I had a pot with wax, scent and colr in it, and was scooping it oout to put it in the pour pot. I couldn't believe my eyes. Every pillar was a different shade of blue until the last came out violet.
  5. Thanks a lot everyone. b/f did like them! he took them home and was very happy because the brown matched perfectly the shelves where he put the candles LOL I guess sometimes we're too hard on ourselves.
  6. They seem almost doing the same, I can't tell by the pics. This wax is a totally different beats, isn't it? So did you consider trying a 30 ply or not? Thanks
  7. Becky, since I live in italy, I'd love to see your products, would you mind telling me where can I find one of the shops you mentioned? Thanks!
  8. Hi just asked and Candle Science they told me they are planning to start international shipping. They suggest to sign up for their newsletter to be informed. HTH
  9. Thanks everyone!! LOL I probably imagined them different while I was pouring. I lost a lot of frost in molds, not sure why, this usually doesn't happen. Maybe humidity who knows! Thanks for cheering me up, I hope b/f likes them as you do LOL!! Happy Easter everyone!!
  10. It the wick drills a hole in the wax it means it's too big. It's burning too fast and burning all the wax leaving no melt pool, and it becomes a torch. A small wick does the opposite, it melts wax without being capable of burning it, so the melt pool becomes wider and wider until it reaches the edge and can make your pillar buldge or drip. And it will likely drown. The right wick is a balance on melting and consuming the wax. Wax with no oil in it requires a smaller wick than one that's fragranced. I suggest you to do a search on here about waxes, on the internet about their properties and how oil content affects the results. Take a deep breath, start over again like today was your day one.
  11. Hi all, these are three rustics made on request by b/f I'm not really satisfied will see if he likes them. Scented french vanilla and amber. Thanks for looking.
  12. It can happen, if it doesn't fit well at the opening I had some tumbler which were a little distort, nothing I could see just looking at them). Or if the part in wich you insert the wick is loose. I give a look inside the tumbler to see if it's centered or not before pushing it. I'm really satisfied with it.
  13. I'm happy CS will switch to plastic. My last shipping with UPS has been a mess, 6 bottles out of 10 broke. Also shipping will be less, plastic is lighter than glass. I use Peak's FOs and never head a problem with their plastic bottles, even after a couple of years FO and bottles are still great.
  14. Happy to see you started a new test! From the little I saw, I got the impression that tortoise shell palm wax is more "dry" (I don't know how to say it better) than feather wax, so maybe a 30 ply would work better anyway that's just the first burn. We will see
  15. To me, Palm Wax is better than soy in almost every aspect LOL Good throw (hot and cold), simply to work with, and as Top said no horrific transformations in time, adn easier to wick (for me). I don't understand all the hype on soy wax. Palm wax is natural too. Whatever we buy it supports someone, so no point on that.
  16. Oh ok, LOL I can be dense sometimes. Yes I believe it's the same type. Maybe not the same manufacturer. Now I should have it at my disposal my supplier told me to try the one he sells when I talked to him about cracks that I didn't like. it's from PT Sumi Aiashi, not lipidchem. Maybe one of this days!
  17. You mean the same of a feather palm pillar burn?
  18. As I said, never did a serious test. But maybe here there are some pics.. somewhere, I'll see if I can find them. Is it challenging enough for you? ETA: I found the few pics I posted when I tested this wax, called "spider" here in europe. Test burn with a 36 ply, but let it go. There is also one pics of the cracks when it cooled. I believe it was at the end of the first burn. http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showpost.php?p=547405&postcount=5 http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showpost.php?p=549305&postcount=17
  19. Sorry, I didn't understand you were saying CSN being inconsistent in tortoise shell palm. I just made one pillar long time ago with that wax and used the 36 ply, not much difference than feather or crystal. So.. it maybe the answer once again. But I had only 200 grams to test, and since I didn't like the cracks I was getting after burning I never went into serious testing.
  20. Well many thanks for your thoughts. Your opinion made me see things froma different angle, you know when you are stuck into something it's not easy take a step back and reconsider things. Looking at those pics I can see petals are really predominant. I always took pics like that, just to add a touch of color, but hey maybe this time was too much. Or their color is too strong. This is the problem of being just one person to do everything, I'm not a photographer and I'm really alone in this, so I often fail. I will try to take better pics of the products. I know what I'm selling so basically I only see my products LOL Thanks!
  21. Well thanks for the test in the tortoise shell palm, then! I also like a good consinstent burn. But let me understand, you first said that you get a good burn with CSN too, then that it becomes inconsistent. Did I miss something? I don't have experience with RRD, I have a sample pack but never tried them. Thans again for all your testing!
  22. it all depends on the look you're going for lol I know sometimes a good pic with a context would be better, to let customers see how they can decorate their houses. I just made 3 pillars to decorate my new bathroom because it's so beautiful and stylish lol, and wanted to take a pic of those maybe with some towel in the backround, but I'm not so good as photographer. I just learned to make pics for my lightbox with white background.
  23. It still looks fine to me, my old good friend 36 classic. Perhaps it's one that gives me the result I like best, an almost self consuming pillar. Are you going to draw some conclusions or it's too early? I plan to test a 30 ply in the next days, and continue burning the 36.
  24. Never knew about that wicking guide LOL! Good to know we aren't far from what the producer said. Thanks for the links.
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