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Everything posted by cybersix

  1. Hi, I' have already posted pictures of my "work area" .. also formerly known as my kitchen!! If you want take a look here's the link: http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6212
  2. thanks, it's the same thing I was thinking, but I do not have any experience, so I was wondering if it's a good thing.. thanks so much
  3. Hi Scented, I use to charge my pillars at 10-12 euros.. If I'd sell just one of these new pillars with personalized embeds I'd charge a little bit more, there is more work to do, different waxes, more time to achieve the result.. let's say I could sell it for 15 euros.. but this friend of mine will buy ten of them at the same time, so I was wondering if it' s a good thing sell them at 10 euros each, as a discount, or should I charge the normal cost.. It's the first time she buy from me, and the first time I sell in little stock, so I don't know what to do, I don't want she thinks I'm eager but I don't even want she think I'm cheap.. sorry I hope you could understand what I'm saying, it's not simple for me, I don't think my english is good:embarasse
  4. Hi, I just wanted to share my doubts about pricing the pillars I'm making for a friend. She ordered 10 pillars. One of them is in the gallery, in the thread I opened with title "Me.. again". I would be glad if you give a look. Here's the link: http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=8104 I have already established prices for candles I do, but these are different from what I make.. these have personalized embeds I cut from wax by hand.. I use to sell rustic layered pillars at about 10-12 euro each (11-13 $), but how should I price these? They take longer time and are (to me!) more difficult to make.. but it's true I have to make 10 and then sell 10, I was thinking to price them 10 euro each.. what do you in a similar case? I'm new in selling my candles! TIA Sabrina
  5. Hi all, I tryed one of my firestarters for the very first time. I put one of them in my fireplace, but I did not star a fire, I lit it up just because I was curious about those little thing I've never seen. So just one firestarter burned, it's made with a paper cupcake, some pout pourri and a little wick. Wow it burned for about 20 minutes, but one thing I don't understand: some wax remained in fireplace.. but I don't know of it's because he was only lonely burning there.. I think maybe in a big fire all wax desappear.. could someone kindly explain me this? Thanks
  6. thanks lindsay, I was considering .. 1 euro each too much... so I'll do 0.50 or 0.25 now I'll take a look at some sites (american sites, here in italy I'v never seen a firestarter with wax!) Thanks!
  7. thanks, I was thinking about same thing, pircing them 1 EURO each (about 1,1740 U.S $). Also I was thinking to sell 10 in one pack.. but I can't figure out the price!
  8. Hi, I made a bunch of firestarters, with apple and ocean poutpourri. Some of them are going in my fireplace, but if I want to sell them, how can I price them? And how many should I sell together? about packaging? I was thinking about simple transparent little bags.. TIA Sabrina
  9. uh I did not think about pressure, I bet I'd thought about it when I'd have to remelt wax and start again from the beginning!
  10. thanks Scented.. you see I don't understand immediately!!! can't wait to try!
  11. thanks!! I thought I should push wax to squeeze it, but not push it away from side of mold.. thank you very much!
  12. thanks girls, I think I got it!! I can't wait to have this mold on my table!!!
  13. Hi, I do exactly do wiggles/waves?? I read the past threads but I'm not sure I understand well!!:tiptoe: thanks to all! Sabrina
  14. Hi all, I'm going to buy my first seamless aluminum mold from ebay!! But one thing I dont' understand.. how do you wick this molds? I'm using only pc molds, they have a "base" so they don't lay directly on a surface.. but an aluminum mold does not have a base, so I do wick it? Sorry maybe it's a silly question, and when I'll have that mold in my hands I'll understand.. TIA Sabrina
  15. I agree, OpenOffice is the best thing you can get for free. It's fully compatible with MS Office, and now in the version 2.00 there is also "Draw" a nice module to make everything you need.. I made my own labels with this!
  16. great job Mozzie!!! I like it very much!!! Mottling is one thing I can't get but I keep trying!
  17. sorry!! PRINA does not exist, I made a mistake!! It was "I print a picture"!! I print a picture on a sheet, then i cut it. When wax has almost set up I gentily put the figure on it, then witha a knife I follow the borders, cutting the wax.. sorry for errors!!
  18. Hi, of course this little italian girl wants to know!! If you need to email me this is the address: puntovirgola@fastwebnet.it thanks!
  19. Thanks!! The color is a strange shade of pale pink with a strange shade of light brown.. I do not have molds for embeds, I prina picture, I cut it, I put it on a plate where I put wax and with a knife I cut the wax.. hope you understand what I'm saying..
  20. Hi Donita and Amanda!! Your words are very appreciate, you are the pro in candle making, not me! I'm glad you like what I did! Kisses
  21. Hi Lindsay, i just put horizontally the mold, i put the embed in it then I start to warm both with a heat gun. When the embed is pliable I stick it with my fingers or thermomether to the mold, keeping it warm.. It really takes time to me.. I'm a beginner, and I'm experimenting everything. Thank tou very much!
  22. Hi my dear! I am very very busy at work, and at home I was under tons of wax of candles I remelt because they come out sooooo ugly I could lose my senses.. But then I made this.. horse and "B" is the same candle, do you like it? I'm pretty satisfied after all attempts.. and finally I used my new heat gun!!! kisses
  23. thanks!!! the initial and the horse are the same candle.
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