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Everything posted by cybersix

  1. Oh yes, I agree! Real pizza is only here in Italy. We do pizza very well but we do not have candle supplies eheheheh!!!!
  2. wow that's my dream too. I have a room formerly it was a garage... but it's too cold in winter I don't know how to keep it warm.. there is a lot of space, but too cold!!!! Your workspace is great!
  3. Thanks! I wrote an email to the site you found. I'm waiting!! Kisses
  4. Amberlei you are very very kind!! I already saw fullmoons, they request: £27.03 up to 10 kilosthen 36p per kilo thereafter3/4 days 27 gbp are about 40€ and about $50. To me is a bit expensive, considering the 10 kilos (22 lbs) limit. Candlewhat fopr the same cost ships up to 30 kilos, but I've been told thei are not so fast.. Now I'll take a look at the other site. I am very happy to find day by day so very special people like you, thanks for your help!!!!
  5. Yes I've already been told. Now I'm going to burn one or more candles I made with crayons and see what happens. If thngs go bad I'll sell them only as decorative candles.. Oh yes it's frustrating, finally I found something I like to do, and I risk to give up because of cost of supplies.. I live alone I have to mantain the house and two beautiful cats.. :lipsrseal I see in bittercreek site for example that 10 lbs of wax are circa $10. With about $10 here in italy I can get 2/2,5 lbs of wax.. and not so good!!! ehehehehehe
  6. Hey so you speak italian!!!! Thank you very much, I love you all!!
  7. Mozzie those are simply amazing.. I try this cracle but all I get is to send the candle back to the pot!!
  8. thank you very much, your words made my heart smile!!!
  9. thank you very much.. but here in Italy I can find plastic and metal mold, aluminum ??? Sometimes I think to give up!! I can find few supplies and I pay them three times more than yours!!
  10. So maybe I should try metal mold? What's the difference between metal an aluminum?? Thank you very much, I like these "fake" rustics!! One question: I use a mold holder to make tilted layer (I attach photo), when you use metal molds how do yo achieve the same thing? So plastci gives this glossy finish? Thank you very much!!
  11. Hi these are two more "rustic".. I don't know why they come out so glossy!! This time I used a paraffin/stearin blend I bought in a store. I do not have any technical data abuot this wax. I use wax crayons (you know i'm the poor cinderella of this board) then I poured each layer at about 145-150. Why are they so glossy?? Is it wax crayon?? The blend??? By the way, here they are, tell me what do you think about this couple!!! Kisses
  12. hi, the only thing I know about hurrican is that they have to be made with a high melting point wax. And they have to be a bit large, so the tealight you'll light inside won't burn them! Also I read if you add scent to the wax for your hurricane the tealight inside cause the hurricane to warm and diffuse the fragrance. Now if I'm writing something wrong stop me!!!!
  13. girls, I love you all!! Hope I can buy some of these waxes. Another question: the corrisponding waxes from astorlite (ifr they exist) how are named? Also, are there only IGI e Astorlite? Or are there other famous names? Thanks!!
  14. Ok, many thanks!! Only can you tell me why I should not start with hurricane waxes? The blend you mentioned (IGI 4625) does not mottle.. but if I want mottling? And if I want rustic? I can use it? So if I'm not wrong, you suggest to have a general purpose blend.. now I'll sit down adn take the time to think abou this! Thank you very much!
  15. Hi!! Please any one of you ha s the patience to help a newbie? What's the difference between straight paraffin waxes and pre-blended waxes? I read that a pre-blend wax does not mottle for example.. then I read that there is IGI 1302B Mottling Pillar Blend !!!!!! (I take this for example from bittercreek) Help!!! What do I have to do if I want to place an order???? Let's say that I'm interested in: -pillars (rustic and not, draped, chunky) -free standing molded candles -hurricane/embeds -MOTTLING!!! What type of wax should I use?? What are pro and cons with straight paraffin and pre-blend?? Help I'm getting a very very very big headache, I don't know where to start from!!!
  16. Great idea Sharyl.. but in this case I added a scent to an unscented candle!!
  17. those are wonderful!! Sorry can I make a question? When you say "tuscany" what do you mean? Is it a name? is it a kind of pillars? Please be patience, I'm italian and I don't always understand!
  18. Bev, Fern, thank you so much for your words! I'd really love to do things more seriously, and I hope I'll find a good supplier.. soon! Kisses from Italy!
  19. ok, thanks!! I'll try this!! (the flame seemed too high.. but I didn't understand why!)
  20. sorry for disturbing! But you say to make separate pour even if you use only one color (not layers)? Is that the trick? I saw here very amazing rustic pillar.. and I was wondering what I missed!
  21. oh I understand.. many thanks!!! You all are so kind!
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