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Everything posted by cybersix

  1. Hi Katinka, my goal is not to make profict, I know it's hard, I will be happy if I can cover my costs. I've almost decided to say yes, the bad thing is that I have not finished yet another order of custom pillars! I do candles only during weekend and evening (or night!) when I go back at home after 8 hours of work. This is why I have a little time left!! But thank you for your opinion, we think almost the same! Sabrina
  2. thanks girls, I know I have to start again from the beginning with these little babies!!!
  3. Hi, today my hairdresser asked me if I could do some candles so she gives them as christmas present to her customers. Good thing, but: - she wants about 100 candles - she wants them before xmas - she want not pay me more than 1,50 euro each (with packaging) I'd like to accept, is a good way to advertise around my candlemaking activity. I have to do small pillars, I have about 10 different shaped molds, I thought I can wick them all and pouring all, the next day same thing, and so on.. I won't do much money, but maybe someone will call me back.. It's a rush against time, I know.. ohhhhh what should I tell her? :undecided Thanks for reading Sabrina
  4. I have no time at all, for a few weeks I think I cannot experiment (well I could If I don't sleep at night), but if from those molds pops out something nice, I'll post it here!!!
  5. I now I can get always shiny finish, but since I found this board I dream on rustic pillar that's not shiny!!!!! So I will try my new molds, sooner or later!!
  6. with my new molds I think I say "farewell" to the shiny finish..!
  7. The hex is dark red and dark green, sorry for the picture, I try post another pic of that. This time to get more rustic I put the mold in the freezer!
  8. thanks, I don't like much that cone, but everyone told me it is nice, so I kept it. I was not particularly inspired when I made it. Please remember to do some constructive criticism (I don't want to offend anyone, that's not my intention, I just want to know the "truth" about candles I make) Glad to be here on CT and thanks to all Sabrina
  9. eh eh!! Im a little bit terrified form those molds, they are the biggest I have now, and I've never wicked one of them!!!
  10. I'm prout to show you my very first SEAMLESS ALUMINIUM MOLDS and my new FOs!!!! They arrived yesterday form UK!! The tall mold is 3"x9", the other is 4"x4.5". FOs are Eggnog (after talking with my dear Margaritamama I was curious), Witches' brew, Baby hugs, Xmas wish, Boysenberry, Autumn spice, Coffe, Chocolate, Ocean, Irish cream. I'm waiting for other 10 or 12 FOs to arrive, along with a ball mold (aluminium) and a three wicks mold 6"x6.5" The bad thing of all this is that the store where I buy wax and primary colors.. does not have them!!! But I'm happy anyway!! Thanks for looking Sabrina
  11. Hi, these are just three simple candles, I have to give them as gift. The ball is scented strawberry (fuchsia), the cone is mandarin (some strange colors) and the hexagon is sandalwood (the colors are my attempt to have an autumn red and an autumn green....) Hope you'll see the pictures, in my photocamera they are ok, here on my monitor I see them very dark. But the real new is the next post I'm going to open!! forgive the sheet under my candles, I did not want wax to lay on table!!
  12. thanks, it's a matter of time infact, but I think I'll post pictures of my layered pillars and let people know that with a little patience they can have them customized..:rolleyes2
  13. Hi dear, I'm not an expert but it seems you may have to use a smaller wick.. did you trimmed it? I know how frustrating is not to find good supplies. I live in Italy and most of the things I read on this board in italy don't exist. But your candles are very nice, so keep posting!!
  14. beautiful candles!! as always!! I have no sons to help me, and my two cats don't like wax so much!
  15. Good idea Stacy, thanks! It's the first time for me so I don't know where to start!
  16. Hi, finally I think I have the time to set up my website.. I make only pillars, I was wondering how to sell them. I post some pictures of my work, but then how should I manage orders? Should I let customers choose colors and fos? Or they order what they see? What's better? I know if they order just exactly what's on my site it would be simpler for me (I can prepare various pillars and they are ready to go) but wouldn't it be nice if pillars are completely customizable? Give me some advice!! TIA Sabrina
  17. Many thanks Jo!! I've done 8 of them I have to make 12. When I finish I'll take a picture and post it !
  18. thank you very much. I will try both and see what does better for me!
  19. Sorry if I post in the wrong place, I have a maybe silly question.. When you do pillars with more then one color, do you scent any color (with an appropriate combination color/scent) or do you use only scent for all colors? And do you have a color always scented the same or not? thanks! Sabrina
  20. she told me only (because I did not ask her!!) that those fos will last at least for a year.
  21. I use polycarbonate molds, I don't get much rustic because pillars come out of the mold with a shiny surface, but chilling them (I put them in the fridge) helps me to have a better frost effect, frost remains on the candle and not in the mold. Maybe with metal molds chilling is not so helpful!
  22. thanks Breanna, I'm buying some FOs and molds on ebay from a girl who lives in London, shipping cost is a bit cheaper then usa for me, but unfortunately she doesn't have ivory chips!
  23. Hi Mozzie, I cannot help you, but I wanted to say hello!! Have a good day! Ops I don't know what time is it in Australia, here in Italy it's 10.45 AM and I'm at work. A big kiss Sabrina
  24. thanks Bruce, but I thought ivory was warmer then brown. I'll try!!
  25. nobody told me if I was right about autumn color!!!
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