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Barbara AL

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Everything posted by Barbara AL

  1. I had to use full water amount for the CP soap so it will be tonite before I get it out of the mold. Barbara
  2. Sherry, I center a funnel over a log mold make sure it doesn't move and drop different colors in there until the mold is full at the end I lift the funnel up. This creates different patterns like circles all in the soap. Barbara
  3. Done in the Funnel I used three diffferent pinks mixed together. Ultramarine Pink, Neon Pink, and Princess Pink [url=http://g.imageshack.us/img114/mvc010fwa1 Thanks for Looking!! Barbara I will post cut pics in a couple of days!!
  4. My favorite is Cranberry from Taylored Concepts not to sweet or tart just right!!! Barbara
  5. Very nice I like it!!!! Barbara AL
  6. You have really out done yourself Girl!! Barbara
  7. I ordered mine on Monday and had it at my front door on Wednesday. The packaging is fantastic they do a great job with the peanuts and double packaging in two boxes. My favorites Grandma's Kitchen, Mandarin Cranberry, Smell of Christmas and Sparkling Mandarin Tangerine, and Mulled Cider. Barbara
  8. Wow!!! Wow!!! and Wow!!!! I want to be like you when I grow up:shocked2: Barbara AL
  9. I have been having the same problem lately my ends are coarse and dry. My beautician said I was using to many hydrating products that had protein in it and I had a protein buildup. I have Fine hair but it is also naturally curly she told me to stick with products for fine hair and not coarse and curly hair. She recommended Matrix Biolage Forte Therapie to put elasticity back in my hair best thing that I have ever used now I want to throw all my other products away. Says it helps hair's vitality and elasticity and makes hair more managable. Find out what kind of products she is putting in her hair? HTH Barbara
  10. I love Lonestar's Leather but the only thing that I did was the Car air Freshners for people that love the leather smell in cars. Barbara
  11. We have an Old Time Pottery here in AL is that the same Store? Thanks, Barbara
  12. My best Plain Cranberry Scent comes from Taylored Concepts not too sweet or tart I also like his Orange Cranberry too it has no spice in it. My Spiced Cranberry comes from Bitter Creek North. I have a few more that I like: Cranberry Citrus from Tennessee Candle Supply Mandarin Cranberry type from Lonestar HTH Barbara
  13. Opposite the High Oleic is not prone to dos as soon as the regular Sunflower oil. I have one recipe that has 20% High Oleic Sunflower oil that I use for a shaving soap and I love it. Organic Expeller-Pressed High Oleic Sunflower Oil tastes better, longer. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are natural oxidizers. The low percentage of polyunsaturated fatty acids in high oleic sunflower oil means that it will not self oxidize like other vegetable oils. Organic Expeller-Pressed High Oleic Sunflower Oil has twice the shelf life of other oils and even has a longer shelf life than other high oleic oils, because of its lack of linolenic acid. Barbara AL
  14. KY Candle Wax has a Baked cornbread Fragrance on Sale now try me price 2 ounces for $2. Barbara AL
  15. I am looking for a Fragrance called Clovewood & Amber anybody know who has this fragrance? Thanks Barbara AL
  16. If I am not mistake Salty Sailor used to Be Salty Mariner I think Soapfreak told me this fragrance accelerates fast. Barbara
  17. I haven't tried the Hot Orange Danish but I have tried alot of Steve's Grade A Barbara
  18. With Grade A you use almost half as much!! Barbara AL
  19. I have Tennessee Candle's Supply True Lavender I love this stuff!!! I can send you a sniffie. Barbara AL
  20. Yes I love Tennessee Candle Supply's Cinnamon Apple too!!!! Barbara AL
  21. I too have tried just about every Vanilla and I keep going back to Mrs Randy's Vanilla Bean you can get it here http://www.wildfire-creations.com/Supplies.htm Barbara
  22. I too have tried just about every Vanilla and I also go back to Mrs. Randy's Vanilla Bean you can get it here http://www.wildfire-creations.com/Supplies.htm Barbara AL
  23. Great Job!!! Welcome to the soaping Club the bug bit you !!! LOL!! Next you will dream about soap making what colors to use what scents to make and especially the swirling part. Hehe Barb
  24. Oh!! it is so beautiful!! *soap porn approval* Please tell us what scent it is!!! Barbara
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