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Everything posted by Vicky_CO

  1. There are none and a few people have tried to start one it just never panned out.
  2. Ask your local grocery store if you can set up a table in front of their store, Go to the churches and ask if they have a night where do things like Awannas(sp) ask if you can come close to shut down time and set up to sell. Have her go around to the local business and show the candles maybe even ask if she can set up for a few hours like on Friday night or Saturday. People don't like to buy door to door anymore.
  3. That stuff is not gel. It is a pain in the butt to work with. I tested some of that when it first came out and was not thrilled with it. Also it is not totally clear it come in a yellow color so making and uncolored candle is not possible
  4. First the only way you are going to make a gel votive is in the votive cup itself. A wick pin will rip the gel to shreds trying to get it out. HD gel with out FO will stand alone but once you add FO it will very soon collapse so you will never get these to make a standard votive like you do in other waxes. I was never one for calculating burn times I always have gone with quality of the burn. As for wick it is going to depend on the votive container.
  5. Go to walmart and look in the kitchen sections and where they have laundry baskets you can get some okay starter risers and some wire hook together shelving.
  6. They can be depending on what you are after. The list can be endless. The main ones to stay away from are vybar, micro wax, luster crystals most of the additives design to get paraffin to do differant things. Best thing you need to do is read. You can read all the past post here then go down to the archives and read some more. There is weath of knowledge here to the person willing to do just a bit of reading.
  7. If I was going to do something like this I would set up standard pricing based on how many children where there. Then I would base my pricing so that each child got to make 1 of each of the things. I then would figure out my cost then go 3 to 4 times say it cost $5 per child so I would set up a chart like this 4 children party cost $60 or $80 8 children $120 or $160 so on and so on these are just of the top of my head figures but I think you see where I am going here.
  8. Silky Tyme has some tubs scroll down. http://www.silkytyme.com/cgi-bin/VirtualCatalog/CatalogMgr.pl?cartID=b-6883&SearchField=category&SearchFor=glass%20tealights%20and%20floaters&template=Htx/template.htx&hdr=Glass%20Tealights%20and%20Floaters
  9. Wet Spot is when the wax pulls away from the side of the container but doesn't all pull away only some of it does. Air Pocket is when air is trapped in the wax itself. If your where to cut the wax in half you would actually see the void.
  10. Most EOs don't do well in soy there are a few that do and even then you are never going to get that blow your socks of scent throw you get with FO's. The scent throw is usually very light.
  11. I don't do the basket but the waffle cup which is simialar. I also wick it so the cup is intact when it is all done.
  12. Well if it had not seperated I would have said go for it use it and have fun but that fact that it sepertated make me think it might have been prescented gel or not Penreco gel wax so with what little information I do have I would not trust it I would just throw it away.
  13. Just because you have the patent web site in your favorites doesn't mean anything. A lawyer that specializes in patents will be able to tell you where really stand from a legal stand point. Not just what you have heard or you think you know or the way you may have interpreted the laws. You may not be able to patent a concept but you sure can copywrite it. You need to talk to a lawyer before you get to much time and money invested in this idea. You need to have all your bases covered or you could end up loosing every thing you have.
  14. Here is something you might have over looked those wicks may very well be patented or copywrited or what ever you have to file for something like that and your trying to copying it may very well be violated that.
  15. No you are not asking to much here are a few http://www.flowerpatchcandleandsupply.com/containers.htm http://www.specialtybottle.com/index.asp?PageAction=Custom&ID=14
  16. Like Jen said when you start making them without a kit the cost will change drastically. I am guessing that they are 3" by the look, you are only going to be able to charge $4 to $6 for them because that is about the going rates. Now 5" pies go for anywhere from $8 to $12 sometimes a little more. I also agree you really need to test thenm even if you made them from a kit.
  17. The reason behind this is gel has such a hot melt pool and if you are not careful you have some serious breakage issues. What you are doing is leaving enough gel behind to protect the glass from getting to hot and cracking.
  18. Well if your gel does melt to the edge then it is burning to hot. A properly made gel candle should leave about and 1/8" of gel on the sides. Here is a little help when burning a gel candle your gel should actually pull to the flame not create a large melt pool. Your gel candle after the burns should look like it is sloped toward the wick.
  19. You might want to try this before you ditch your molds put them in the oven on warm for about 15 miutes before you pour.
  20. I'm not sure there is one but if I was going to try I would go with the LX28 or LX 30
  21. I realy don't think you are going to get a rustic look with soy but a decent soy pillar wax is Ecosoya PB like almost all soy pillar you will have to add something to keep it from cracking out either when first made or duringthe burn.
  22. Here is a little help Cargil waxes will be called C2, C3 things like that. Palm are just called palm but astorlite Q wax is also palm I think. I don't use either but that might get you started on you search. We have quite a few Cargill users here so one of them should chime in soon. If you post what problemsyou are having we may be able to help you figure out what to do next.
  23. I agree she has some very nice potpouri. She is also very fast in her shipping.
  24. Actually the wax temp is not the possible problem but the jar temp from the flame in the jar. Where the wax is is going to be cooler. If you go by the new ASTM standard the jar should never get over 175 but it really does depend on your candle and how you wick it. A jar that is not wicked properly will reach temps above 175 easily. You can not go by what we say you have to make the candles and then test test and test. Your recipe is going to differ from each of ours. So for us to say a certain temp. for the candle you make is unrealistic. I wish I had a better answer for you but each of us does different things not many of us does the exact same as someone else.
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