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Everything posted by Vicky_CO

  1. Are you suspending anything? If you are not you can usea heat lamp or a bright sunny window to get rid of some of them. If you have suspended embeds both of those can cause your embeds to sink.
  2. Also if it is a lot of box the post man may feel he doesn't have room and wiil come back after he finishes his route. I have had that happen.
  3. Thank you to all those that have added here. I am going to slowly work through the waxes about 5 a week. This data base is going to take time so bare with me. If you don't feel comfortable about post the information publicly you can PM me.
  4. For our new Data base Additives if any? Preferred dyes? Preferred wick (Not sizes)? Pouring temp you recommend? What you do to prevent frosting? What you do to prevent rough tops? Do you do anything to prevent wet spots? If you would like to add a wax to the data base Please PM me. These threads will be deleted after I collect the information
  5. For our new Data base Additives if any? Preferred dyes? Preferred wick (Not sizes)? Pouring temp you recommend? What you do to prevent frosting? What you do to prevent rough tops? Do you do anything to prevent wet spots? If you would like to add a wax to the data base Please PM me. These threads will be deleted after I collect the information
  6. For our new Data base Additives if any? Preferred dyes? Preferred wick (Not sizes)? Pouring temp you recommend? What you do to prevent frosting? What you do to prevent rough tops? Do you do anything to prevent wet spots? If you would like to add a wax to the data base Please PM me. These threads will be deleted after I collect the information
  7. Well great minds think alike that is my next project after the waxes was to get FO data base set up for soy also. I will be keeping a caeful watch on this thread.
  8. Bunny and I are working out a system by which you will be able to get you candle and B&B tested. Hopefully we will have a way to sign up sometime next week. Thank you all that want to participate as either a tester or testee.
  9. I could reinstate this program if you would like. I have not had a request for a long time now even before the old board went down. It would not take much to reactivate it as I still have all the stuff for it. I would just have to advertise for new testers as most of our testers have changed names. When I get to my shop later I will look all the information back up and start it again. With Bunnys help we could also put something together for B&B.
  10. I make 3 to 4 a year for my DH he always seems to lose last years
  11. For a true just vanilla KY southern vanilla is hard to beat most vanilla I find have an added smell like flowers, butter or nutty
  12. Here is simple way to do this take you jar diameter divide by 3 so if your container is 3" you would place your wick 1" apart and 1" from the side.
  13. No it is not going to ignite LOL I would be more worried about the mess the melt wax would cause. I do like the question.
  14. At a show last fall I seen some very similar but much cheaper and they sold really well. I even talked to the owner about wholesaling some to me.
  15. Slow down girl slow down! Truthfully you need to work with one wax, one scent and one wick type at time . Going to fast and you just get lost which kind of sounds like what has happen. This is not a race this but a learning experience. What you are trying to do is start a class and jump to the final grade. You miss everything that was taught.
  16. You can get bigger rolls at Home depot. I was always in to bigger is better LOL
  17. Well here go to Golden brand site and look at the different pure soy http://www.gfgb.com/candles/candle_products.htm Now look at the soy they have 3 pure soy waxes 402, 415, 416 but each one has a different melt point so it would stand to reason they would act slightly different.
  18. I use Peak Candle Supplies, Candle Soylustions and Pryme color system
  19. I refused to use them again after I got some oils that where seriously cut. Heck they where not even smart enough to cut it with a compatible oil.
  20. Yea it will but it will also cost more. Any thing with the Milwaukee brand costs more.
  21. Oh Yea those are cool Bruce is our main expert on those he makes some really wondeful ones. But he is getting some competion from a few other carvers he lately. Those are a base candle over dipped in colored wax then carved. Now I just made those sound simple when in truth they take a lot of practice to get right.
  22. Well just to try to help let see if we can clear up what you are really after. Colored chunks in a candle? A candle that has one color inside but another color out side? Different colored layers? If you can explain better what you are after most likely some one here has made them or can help you work out how to make them.
  23. You need to give us the dimensions of the tea cup.
  24. I would be envious but I have a shop but I remember getting to move in to it it felt like I was in heaven. A place all your own to play in is a great feeling. So congrads on the move up in the world.
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