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Everything posted by CandleMakinCutiePie

  1. I don't see why you couldn't use them in tins,but I am in no way an expert on this so maybe someone else may know.As for prices,I think 12 of the large ones are almost $5,so I suppose they are a bit pricey.I got a couple sample packs at lonestar. I will be going by their guide under candle making university,wood wicks.I have no idea if they're going to work,but i'm gonna give it the old college try in 8 oz status jars I think
  2. As a candle maker and candle burner I prefer the look of 1 wick if the diameter of the jar is smaller than 4 in.If it's bigger that that,it's whatever works.2,3,whatever,as long as it burns good Some candles just cannot work properly with only 1 and I think most people understand that.And if they don't,then they'll just find a candle they like with 1 right?:smiley2:
  3. Thanks for the reply.=) Everyone here uses the interludes so I know the feeling!My first thought was status jars also,so I will probably try them!Thanks again!
  4. Hello all!I ordered some wood wicks to test and I just can't seem to decide what kind of jar to use.I always see wood wicks in the interlude jars but I kinda wanna try something different.Any suggestions on what you would think wood wicks would look good in?I'm just curious to see what other people think.Thanks!
  5. I use Advanced as well and really love it!!I use Peaks Nag Champa and it has an amazing HT for me at 8%!Good luck with it and keep us posted!Happy candle making!
  6. Are you actually getting a HT using only 6% FO?If so,I envy you!!:highfive:
  7. I don't think it's because they are hurting for money,it's that they are greedy sob's!They'll take a buck from anyone willing to give it.The people who are shopping at a Meijer might not be shopping at the local mall.They think they need everyones moolah!!
  8. Omg!I didn't know Nature's Garden had one!Going there now!Thanks Dee!
  9. I smelled a dollar general one that smelled pretty darn good and am now searching for a F.O to make my own.I used the FOF and it listed a few to try.I was thinking of trying New Directions version.I was just wondering if anyone has a particular fav?
  10. For burning candles in my house I prefer glass.If I were to sell candles I think I would offer both.Tins are cheaper but glass is prettier so it really depends on your market I guess.
  11. So put paper towels "on top" of the pot holder and the iron on top of the paper towels?SO there's nothing underneath the potholder?
  12. So yesterday I spilled an 8 oz jar of melted parasoy all over my counter down my cabinet and onto my kitchen floor.(Not my finer moment)It was a super PITA but I got it cleaned up.My problem is that I spilled it all over one of my fav pot holders and have no idea how to get the wax out of it??Any tips on cleaning up this kinda mess??I really don't want to pitch the potholder(it matches my kitchen decor)Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
  13. I think you will find here that everyone has their own preference to the type of wax they think throws best.I personally use Ecosoya Advanced or CB135.
  14. Thanks for the suggestion. I have tried CD I think but will give the CDN a shot. I just saw on Candlescience wick guide,they suggest using LX 26 or 28,so I will try them out as well!
  15. I'm sure if I double wick them I could figure it out.I just prefer the look of one wick.Thank you for the suggestion.:smiley2:
  16. I love Advanced and get a great HT and CT with it but i'm having trouble wicking 3 1/2 in colonial jars.Does anyone else use Advanced with no additives in this size jar with any suggestions on wick type and size? Every one i've tried has tunneled except hemp and the HT doesn't seem as strong and the mushroom is huge.Any ideas?
  17. The first candles I ever made were with Eco Advanced.I used Peak's FO's in 4 oz tins and I got excellent HT with most of them.Wicking was the big problem for me with this wax.They were gorgeous also!No frosting on the tops at all.Then someone gave me 100lbs of CB135 so I started working with that.I had nothing but problems with that wax,so I went back to Advanced.I have thought about trying a different soy wax or even adding some paraffin to it but havn't yet.I know that HT is possible with Advanced because I have experienced it!Good luck with whatever you decide.
  18. The jars i'm using are 4" in diameter.They are pretty big.After test burning one,I think I just need to wick down a size or two.Just wondering what people thought and if there is a standard for this I am unaware of.
  19. Thanks for the comments.I think I will probably get lids.I just need to find a supplier close enough to me so I don't have to pay the outrageous cost of shipping.I do like the idea of the plastic lids,as long as I can find them in the right size for the jars i'm using.Thanks again.
  20. I see those Krumble candles in all kinds of magazines and always thought they were so cool looking.Never bought one tho,glad I didn't!I had a feeling they would suck,it seems like every candle that i've ever bought really cheap was junk.
  21. I made a couple of 3 wick candles in my soy containers and was wondering about the melt pool in them.Isn't it supposed to be an inch across per hour that the candle is lit for a 1 wick candle?Does this apply to candles with more than one wick?After an hour of burning,the melt pool is almost full on a 3 in and 4 in diameter jar.The depth of the melt pool is about 1/8 inch deep.Do I need to wick down or is this ok?
  22. A glass lid costs a frickin dollar.Are they that important?I gave out candles as gifts last Christmas,I paid over $2 a piece on a jar and lid.When i've gone over to peoples houses whom I gave candles to,the lids are nowhere to be seen.The candles are there but without lids on them.So,my question is,are they really that important?Once I test out all of my scents,I plan on selling my candles eventually.If I don't include a lid,I can charge $1 less for them.Yesterday I used press and seal on a couple of jars and just poked a small hole in the top so you could smell the scent.Thought about using a tulle circle and a ribbon to fancy it up a bit.Any thoughts?
  23. I have been using hemp wicks,60048, but i'm getting ready to test Heinz Stabillo (CD) wicks.I have never used liquid dyes myself so I can't say much about that.All of the candles I make are 4 in diameter,so I need pretty big sized wicks.If you want to try the CD's I would test the cd8,cd10,and cd12 for a 3 in jar.
  24. I think you just need to test out some different wick types and sizes instead of switching wax's.Also how much fragrance oil are you adding to each batch?For soy most ppl use 1oz FO per lb of wax,some even go to 1.5 but not usually more than that. Advanced is a good wax if you can get it wicked right.I've made candles with an awesome HT using advanced.I'm testing different wicks in this wax too so I can't really tell you which one to choose.I personally pour at 130*, they look and smell great!Good luck!!
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