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Everything posted by Lorelei

  1. I use 100% soy and have had great results with most all NG oils. They are one of our favorite suppliers. The amount of FO you used is really low for that much wax. You may never get good throw from those candles even if they sit and "cure" for a few weeks. What FO's are you trying? You also didn't say what wick, which makes a HUGE difference. I urge you to get a scale, we weigh everything around here. On tarts we usually add about 7% FO. We typically pour a little lower than 115. Hope this helps!
  2. I also use a flat hotplate without any issue at all. If your griddle has a temperature control it might be ok, but if it is a plug in and go, I wouldn't want to risk it.
  3. I bought from soapers choice, and the prices were good enough that even if my oils expire I will still be paying less. I was very happy with the products.
  4. What about Bearclaw Pastry? Almond Bearclaw. This way you keep the bearclaw and add a descriptive? Iced Cinnamon Yum I love this oil BTW....delicious!
  5. Sugared Spruce (ICS), Orange Cranberry, Mistletoe (LS)
  6. What percent did you use? That one sounds really nice though. Maybe a room spray?
  7. I second the Fresh Outdoors NG.
  8. Really lovely! Do you change the name during the year?
  9. Here is another extremely wonderful palette website with millions of combinations! http://www.colourlovers.com/palettes
  10. This just looks like Black Raspberry Vanilla!! I love this so much. Very pretty. I can almost smell it from here!
  11. They suggested that I try it at 9 percent, this was without me telling them that it was so light in GB 415. This is the only one I bought as I didn't know this supplier but really wanted a Pinion, since they are only 5 hours from me, trying to save on the shipping. I didn't try the TC oil before so I cannot compare.
  12. It is very interesting to know that we have all developed techniques that are unique to us and work...maybe I should stir more to get those arms in shape! hah
  13. You might also let some of the tarts cure for a week or so. Different FO's require cure time in soy and soy blends. Some tarts are good to go upon setting up. Others for sure need cure for the fragrance to bloom in the wax.
  14. Welcome Annie! I'm in the Texas Panhandle. Hope you learn lots here!
  15. I pour my GB 415 soy at 107-110, however, as I am generally with a few pour pots going at a time I just eyeball the wax now. I know what it looks like when I need to be pouring it. For me it starts getting less translucent and forms a little film on top. That is about 110, by the time I swirl it around a couple of times to make the heat even in the pot...it's ready. I only stir 2 min after adding my FO and a couple of times during the cool down but those times are just a short stir to make sure there is no separation of oil/wax. This always seems to work for me.
  16. I had to make an order for something at Miami-Erie and just picked up a sample of Caramel Apple. It is wicked strong, and smells good, however, has a very off celery note to it. Maybe it is the tart apple not sweet, but the caramel doesn't smell buttery either. I thought I had candle nose because I had been pouring all day but I decided to do a test burn and my daughter who has no real scent distinction said....Yum are you cooking celery? Great. Anyone else notice this?
  17. I read on his facebook that his wife just had a baby. Don't know if that changed anything about the move or not.
  18. My daughter got peppermint oil on her hand and rubbed her lip by accident, same thing happened to her!! It was like a burn actually, and this was just from it being on her finger, not even wet!
  19. I'm having problems with some I got sticking to my oval ellipso cups. The first batch I had did stick fine. This new order is peeling off the container!
  20. It is intended to be a prayer candle. You write your prayer on the wood wick, then you insert it? into the candle before burning the spiral. Interesting.
  21. The little snow chimney is sure cute!
  22. You didn't say what type of colorants you have used (brand) but I have really good success with Lonestar's liquid dyes.
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