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Everything posted by puma52

  1. Thank you Kandlekrazy! Join us in making these.
  2. Haa! You are so sweet Candybee! Would love to see your chunk pillars and/or chunks.......
  3. WOW Vicky!!!! How beautiful!! Ok...so now I have to ask....how long does it take to make one of these? I bet the better you get at it the faster you can create? Love them!
  4. Thank you Terry. Doing this booth has been a lesson all in itself.
  5. That is some gorgeous soap Candybee! Wow! I love all those bright and vibrant colors!! Awesome!!
  6. Wow, and there she be.....that is so pretty sitting in your place! That is a nice set up TallTayl! Can't wait to see what you make!
  7. puma52


    I do not change the prices either...too much of a pain in the butt for me! It sure makes it easier on me to keep the prices all the same and it lets me keep my sanity.
  8. Thank you Jcandleattic! I'm so glad it helped. Everyone has been so sweet! I'm tickled that folks are enjoying it.
  9. Oh Siren12, you are SO NORMAL you would not believe it! This is the way I think most of us started out. We knew we wanted to make candles....the best smelling...the best selling...the best made candles, but which direction to go...how to make them, what supplier, what jars, what pots to pour the wax , what all do I need to do this, labels...where do I get them. The scents...I wanted the best and am still hunting and wanting the best. How I come about picking Cajun Candles to call, i have no idea, but they were my first supplier .......and oh did I WEAR them out!!! Questions, questions....but they guided me along the rough road of starting a candle company. I asked them what their best selling scents were and I bought them. The first candles I made were the 16 oz mason jars..boy do I wish I had kept my first one! I made the mason jars and then made votives, then tealights. Grow and add on as you are ready. I like to ask people what they would like to see me carry...scents..whatever. I sneak over to some of the other suppliers and check out what they are offering in scents etc....Bath and Body Works (HAVE YOU GUYS NOTICED THAT THEY ARE SELLING SOAP NOW???!!......Don't you think these ole boys have been trolling our threads??), Crossroads Candles, Kringle, Yankee, Warm Glow and on. Anyhow back to the scents...I agree that carrying a little bit of everything is a good choice. When you start getting feedback from your family and friends you will find out which ones are going to be good ones to keep and figure out the ones to let go and no longer buy. A wonderful vanilla is a scent that you will always keep in your stock, as you will find out a good cinnamon is a must along with all the others like fruity, spicy, fresh, clean, florals and dupes. There is a place for all of them in your business. As you grow, you will get this all figured out what sells and what doesn't sell. As far as growing your line...it is ALWAYS good to up-sell a product! That awesome smelling scent in your jar that the customer has in her hand is also available in a room mist spray you made....gotta have that for the bathroom. In the Fall that cute jar scented in Harvest is sitting on a rusty candle pan with a orange pip berry ring around it...why that's too cute to leave any of that behind....that customer just has to purchase the whole grouping. A customer that wants to purchase a candle from you for a gift...she also sees that cute kitchen towel that she knows her friend will just love and that cute cookie cutter will look so cute with the kitchen towel.......and then she sees the tart warmer and tarts and there you go. As I grew I added other product to my line...product I did not have to make, but could make money off of.. add slowly as you can, but it does create excitement for our customers. The bath and body came much later, but it is just as addictive as the candles and everything else we all love to make and sell. I love making hot process soap and also make the lip balm, sugar scrub, foaming hand soap and on. It is in our blood and it is GOOD for us and the customer!!
  10. Oh my Jcandleattic!! Gorgeous!!! You deserve to relax today! You have been working hard.
  11. Thank you oldGlory! I hope it helps folks who have been afraid to make these or who didn't know quite how to make them. This tutorial has been good practice for my Soap of the Month.
  12. Welcome FB157!! Glad to have you here!
  13. Those are SO CUTE!!!! You have been in a fantastic soap making mood huh Jcandleattic? You are making some great ones!
  14. Those embeds are so cute!! What a great idea for your soap.
  15. YEE HAW GIRL!!!!! Look at YOU!!! They look AWESOME!!! On the pans, everyone has to do their OWN thing...what they are comfortable with...the tutorial is just a guide...do what works for you because I want you and everyone else to enjoy making these. Hee hee....your hubby has a great nose! I think that these would smell just as awesome as they look. On the extra chunks, I always have leftovers too....you can make matching chunk jars or chunk pillars. Once again....yea Moonshine!!! Welcome to the Chunk Club!!! Yea!!!
  16. Oh WOW!!! I love your soap Jcandleattic! Oh those colors are right up my alley!! I gasped when I seen the colors!!! Blue, Orange, Green....all the colors that remind you of the ocean, Summer and beach. When will you be able to cut? Please post your pics! I hope this one turns out perfect so you can do your challenge!
  17. Just LOOK at that gorgeous soap!!! Ahhhh..... I can smell it now Becky!! By the way girl......the December Soap of the Month slot is STILL OPEN!!! HINT...HINT!!
  18. Your descriptions of the scents sound wonderful! I need you to write my candle scent descriptions out! Candle Science just have some awesome scents don't they! Thanks for the reviews! I have not tried out some of those...you make me want to try!
  19. BEAUTIFUL JOB NIKKI!!!!! Thanks for sharing your gorgeous pics!!! Those do look like candy!!! Your blends sound delish!!
  20. Yours WILL look beautiful Belinda! I am thinking and praying for you as you are recovering from surgery! You take care....get a notebook and write down all those awesome blends you will be making soon.
  21. Hi Littlebalky, Good for you for trying out the crisscrossing and having success!!! Yea...See you are educating us! I use two thermometers (because it seems to see that if just using one they get out of wack sometimes..so using two I get a really close idea) clipped on the side of my presto pour pot. I heat my wax until to about 175 (when the spout thaws out enough to pour into pots) , then I let the wax set in my pour pots to about 160-165 temp (I check w/infrared temp gun) then add fragrance, stir like the devil and pour into the pans. On those temps...it sometimes seems like they DON'T measure the temps right....that's when we just do as good as we can.
  22. Hi JAJC, You know, I wish we could, but the depth that I want is just not there. I have made chunk candles for years now using this exact same method .....it has worked so well, this ole chick would be afraid of trying something else.
  23. I do exactly how Moonshine did. One piece of foil and try to stay within the boundaries of the height of the foil...but I do spill over. Also I have to wipe my spackling knife off too, so that is normal.
  24. I just measured my pans, they are extremely close to 2 inches high..all of them that I use.
  25. Go get 'em girl!! i LOVE your determination! You can do it! I use the cheap tins @ Walmart and the Reynolds alum foil. I try to keep the wax contained without going over the foil tops, but sometimes it just does not work out...it leaks. But wow...the more I read people's problems when trying to make these chunks, the more I think that the wax blends that a person can use and have them turn out are really limited. Hmmmm....
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