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Everything posted by EnvyCandles

  1. Yes, most completely unbiased reviews purchase their items without notifying the business owner. Then they use them as any consumer would, and report on their findings... Any beauty/fashion magazine nowadays has products given to them for free and EVERY SINGLE ONE of the products have glowing reviews. Rarely do you ever see bad reviews when items are given for free. Still, just because someone wants to review your items does not mean they should not pay for them, time and money was still spent on producing the items and you should be compensated. Just my 2 cents...
  2. Birthday Cake, Pink Sugar, Love Spell!
  3. Grr, I wish NY made things that simple. If I did a show in a certain county, because the goods were delivered to the client in that county, I only have to worry about that particular tax rate. However, if the delivery of the goods occurs in a different county that I am located then the tax rate would follow the county that the client receives the goods. It may sound stupid, but I listed the primary NY tax rate as 8% and am pulling the zip codes for all the counties that have a different rate than 8$... then uploading them zip code by zip code with the corresponding tax rate. HOPEFULLY this will solve my problem- I read that paypal cart will use the more specific tax rate if there is a discrepancy. WOW, right about now I really wish I knew HTML lol... I don't mind putting in the time, I just want to make sure I am doing things right... BTW, ecco, I may be emailing or PMing you with more questions, if you do not mind... = )
  4. NYS sales tax is 4%, but each county imposes their own tax % in addition. The location of delivery (or pickup, or show location) will dictate what % tax is required. There are a ton of zip codes in NY, I wonder if I would have to type in each one to get an accurate tax rate???
  5. OK, I thought I was good, now I am just confused. I have my mind set on using paypal cart and their standart account. It seems that the drop down list- for my scents- can only hold 10 scents... hm, not good as I have waaay more than 10 scents. Ok, so then I look into Mal's... but the issue that I am having is different tax rates for different counties in NY. I charge flat shipping rate and do not need much in the way of customization. Am I missing something here? Or is there a cart that may be better for me?
  6. I second this! I love my Berry and wish there were more things for it! Square looks awesome. It seems the only Berry payment ones are extremely expensive.
  7. I recently ordered from WSP... have not used the clamshells yet, but they look fine to me.
  8. The only way to know is by looking at your declarations, or contacting your insurance company. Some policies will specifically exclude certain things, some may have blanket coverage for candles, b&b, etc... Laws vary from state to state, and also by your specific information. No one here will be able to tell you if you have to purchase additional insurance. BTW I am an insurance agent.
  9. Soy wax and paraffin are VERY different! The wicks that work for one, probably do not work for the other. (even different fragrances may need different wicks!)- even smaller candles need to cure, and usually a day is not enough time. Some need a week...
  10. The displays are clamped to the table, but I see what you mean for the melters to fall. We did change it slightly and in addition to the melters on top, put them on the table in front of the display. I would prefer to make as much money as possible (LOL) but initially my sales were barely covering booth fee. I have come A LOOONNNG way with my displays, though- everything was the same height and nothing was eye catching. A lot of people go rustic in this area so I incorporated the stained wood for my melts displays, but, I still need to work on something special for my jars. I guess I was kind of wondering if you guys could pick out some things I need to work on...? The majority of my outdoor shows I have the tables against the inside of my tent - U shaped- and for a large show I have a double space where I plan on making it a long row of tables... I need help from you pros!! Aside from the whole, "I could smell you from across the room!", what is there that I can do to make my products look better?
  11. Those jars are nice! Frosted jars seem sooo expensive to me, though...
  12. LOL it sure did block me from the customers! I felt like a stalker, trying to see them through the cubes! We are working on taller displays, too. The show from this past weekend was outside and the melt display was against a wall, no blocking to worry about... but, some shows I have done I did not even make back booth. Also, I do not have a creative bone in my body so that does me no good...
  13. Hi all, recently did a show at a high school- had a corner booth but. This is a quick display that we did for the day. Thoughts? We had formerly done some shows where we did not make too much, another vendor told me that 11x the booth fee is considered good...? This past Saturday we did a fire department show and made about $510- what is considered good? I know some vendors that do not do a show unless they make about $1000... I feel like chump change compared to them! I know that show attendance has dwindled lately, but what do you guys think would help in my situation?? As always, thanks!!
  14. That is a GREAT order amount!! It really is. I would also require a significant amount of funds up front. Businesses are aware they cannot get terms for credit with a new supplier- they should expect to pay up front for merchandise they order. I agree with Trudi that you should consider doing increments for deliver/payment- just make sure you can deliver what you say you can! Good luck and great job!!
  15. OP was not referring to YOUR jellies... just commenting that her jellies have no CT and she assumes people make them for fun, NOT for the CT. Saying that she didn't sell hers because they weren't very good... LOL. NOT that she bought yours. But, over around my way we were talking about making a cute M&P kit for kids to do with their parents... Right along these lines. OR, having a smelly jelly making table at shows this summer...It is good to know that you are doing well selling yours!
  16. The CT on these is not very strong...Also, most of the scents were not appealing. I really do not consider Walmart candles competition... if someone wants a $4 22oz candle, they are not my type of customer lol. However, the melters are pretty good.I picked up a cute acorn one and a cute pumpkin one in the fall...
  17. Welcome to the forums. You will find a lot of information here- read, read read. It is not so much the issue of trade secrets, but more of you selling candles, but you do not have wicking properly taken care of. I personally would not even give a candle to friends or family unless it was finished, safe and thoroughly tested. People that you sell to should not be the ones to tell you your product is not finished or ready for sale. Please, take your time and learn before you dare sell to someone. Just trying to be constructive. : )
  18. You had a 50% off sale and you didn't think anyone would buy??? Am I missing something>?
  19. I also think #3 was the most beautiful. Very delicate. I do not make cut n curl so I can';t give CC, but... I am not sure what you would need to improve, they look beautiful in the black light. Great job!
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