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Everything posted by ProudMarineMom

  1. Lorelei, you're right, it is just Tobacco. The scent pic shows the flower and the description has some floral notes, so I keep calling it Tobacco Flower in my head. My bad! J
  2. I think it's NG that has Tobacco Flower. Has anyone tried that?
  3. Both of those scents, burnt coffee and burnt popcorn, are really bad. But, I think burnt popcorn is the worst. One time DS made some popcorn, set the timer for like 7 or 8 minutes, then made a phone call. Well, that is a bit too long for popcorn. Bag caught fire. Naturally he did this like the day before a big family dinner. House reeked.
  4. Oh sorry, there was a thread in OT at one point in time where someone was asking about their Dad and I discussed it. I've been on it for so long I just assume everyone knows. It's an oral chemo that I take that is like maintenance. My bone marrow decided to go wonky years ago and now it cranks out platelets like they are going out of style. It's one of the Myeloproliferative Neoplasms and a fairly rare blood cancer. Some people are controlled by aspirin but mine is a bit more aggressive. So far, I'm on the right side of the malignancy but it can progress into acute myeloid leukemia or myelofibrosis. The biggest thing I deal with at the moment is fatigue, headaches and nausea. Saltine crackers are my friend!!
  5. moonshine, that's actually a good idea, just the site with no cart. People would prefer to look at a website over the PDF of my printed brochure or even the brochure. And, don't have to wait on me. My DIL is a photographer so need to hit her up for some product shots. Now to figure out who to use for the website... Chandler, I'm trying to do the full-time, part-time thing but it doesn't always work out that way. Day job takes precedence whenever there is a production problem or high priority request. Plus, the chemo I take everyday sometimes kicks my butt. moonshine, if you will PM me your email, you too, Chandler, I'll send you my brochure in PDF format. I appreciate your interest!! :smiley2:
  6. Aw shucks, Paul and Dawn, thank you! :embarasse Yes, I think WF is a bit more fruity, but if I ran out of it, I could use Mistletoe. Guess I need to drag out all the bottles, WF, Mistletoe, Blue Spruce and the Pinion and do some tests. Moonshine, no website yet. I have the domain names paid for, just haven't had the time to work on a website. I would really like to do a custom website, friend of mine can do the GUI and I can do the back-end and database stuff. But, kind of hard to get in the mood to do that in the evenings when that is what you do all day. Maybe I should just use one of the pre-designed sites. Plus, I'm a bit afraid I might not be able to keep up with orders....
  7. To me, Pinion Pine smells a little bit like Mistletoe. I actually think Mistletoe smells just like Winter Festival, both have a pine note. Paul, I can send you some if you would like.
  8. Chandler, are you having the difficulty in wicked or melts as well? I'm only doing melts now and so far those I use in my wax combo works very well. I think Winter Festival has some of the Pinion. Well shoot, moonshine, going to have to check my bottle of Blue Spruce, see which one I like better.
  9. Yeah, it is a bit pricey, which is why I've been keeping it for B&B. Thanks for the info!
  10. I was looking for something a little different for soap (Suede). Hopefully, it will work pretty good in that.
  11. I got the Pinion Pine yesterday and it is fabulous. It's definitely pine OOB. I have some in a burner in my bathroom and it smells like walking into the Christmas Tree Shop at Home Depot. I keep walking in there just to take a deep breath. I thought Rocky Mountains from Elements was the best pine scent I can find. I think this one tops it. Hope it holds up in wax and will have to make some soap for my pine fanatic friend. I picked up some Suede and sorta so-so on that OOB. The Forest Nymph says it's supposed to be like Bert's Redwood and Cedar. I think it was Barb, said that there is more of a eucalyptus scent initially but settles down in product. Not quite like Bert's but still a very nice fragrance. Not sure what Sea Witch will be like.
  12. I use both in my soaps. For me, CO is very drying so I tend to use more PKO than CO. PKO gives a great, creamy lather, smaller bubbles. The CO gives the bigger bubbles but it is very cleansing. I haven't tried an all PKO bar yet. I made a plain bar for DH that used a larger percentage of CO and upped the superfat some. I was surprised, it is actually a very nice bar. Too drying for me, but DH liked it fine. LovelyLathers, any issues with the bar feeling draggy (is that a word?) with the Babassu? Do you use 10% or less? I've read different opinions, just haven't tried it yet myself. But, I use it quite a bit in my B&B stuff and really like it.
  13. Beautiful display! I think it turned out very nicely. The gift basket is very pretty. Great idea for the holidays. J
  14. I do the same as Kitn. I like to get my bottles and jars from Container and Packaging Supply, http://www.containerandpackaging.com/. But, they do have a $50 min order or a Small Order fee applies. Another place is Specialty Bottle, http://www.specialtybottle.com/index.aspx. I don't think they have a minimum order. There is also Freund Container and Midwest Bottles. You can also find bottles and such at Natures Garden, Elements, Chemistry Store and most of the suppliers. NG usually sells them in quantities of 10, don't remember on Elements. I ordered some from there initially to figure out what I liked then shopped around to find exactly what I wanted at a good price. For me, it's usually CPS.
  15. New oils for pre-buy at Moonworks, Sea Witch and Forest Nymph. According to the email, Forest Nymph is supposed to smell like Redwood and Cedar from Berts. Would be great if it does, I've been hoarding my last little bit of the oil from Berts.
  16. I really liked the beer soap that I have made. Have various types of beer that I'm wanting to try as well. The sugars in the beer help make a nice bubbly bar. And, it feels nice on the skin as well. Brambleberry has some beer type scents that smell very nice. I just got them and haven't had a chance to try them in soap yet. The are Honey Ale, Oatmeal Stout, Pumpkin Lager and Raspberry Porter. I have used a Ceder blend, a Lime blend and a Mint blend in the beer soaps that I have made. The beer smell doesn't really come through. Although, I have not tried a dark stout yet so not sure about that. I think you could use just about any fragrance you want. I've been grabbing beers that have certain ingredients, like orange, strawberry or cherry and matching it with a fragrance that I have. I really like beer soaps and will continue to make them. And, they do appeal to the men.
  17. Cafe Vienna, where is that from? Sounds nice.
  18. I use a blend of 464, PB and 4630. If you use a straight container wax the melts will be pretty soft and not break apart cleanly or difficult to remove from the mold. At least in my experience. Others may have had different results.
  19. I'm with you BTA, that just cracked me up!! :laugh2: That is just too funny TallTayl.
  20. Very nice packaging. I love the wrapping paper. I tried wrapping soap, didn't come out that nicely, and it took me so long to wrap a bar. Love the look, wish I had the time and patience.
  21. Chandler, if you have some to spare that would be great. I'm not ready to place an order yet so this will let me know if it's worth trying. Thank you! Is there a FO from somewhere you have been wanting to try? I have quite a few, would be happy to do a swap.
  22. It's the Honey L'Occitane. Excellent FO for B&B. Haven't tried it in wax or soap yet.
  23. I second Peaks Wild Mountain Honey, very nice honey fragrance. Strong in B&B and M&P, so you can cut back on the percentage. Also have SS's Honey L'Occitane which is fabulous in body butter and lotion bars. It has a touch of anise and vanilla. I haven't put either of them in wax though. Chandler, what did you think of Honey Bee? I'm interested more for soap than wax. Description sounds good. Thanks!
  24. Same here 50/50. Do have a couple that are really strong and up the DPG a bit. My customers like them to refresh or mix the scents of their wax melts.
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