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Everything posted by Faerywren

  1. Good for you! Who is your supplier? I'm guessing these are soy candles? Even with a volume discount at most suppliers, paraffin is well over a dollar per pound. Don't sell yourself short. Make sure you are paying yourself for your time. I know in the beginning I didn't figure my time into the cost because I got so much enjoyment out of making things. That got old fast when I wasn't just doing it for myself, but had orders to fill. Then I wanted compensation!
  2. It is a great strong biscotti fragrance. This is my best friends favorite scent. She has soap, lotion and candles in it! I have used it straight, but tend to use it more as a blender in bath and body applications, just because not everyone wants to smell like a cookie. In wax it's the bomb.
  3. Bats, spider webs....It's awesome!
  4. That Love Potion #9 lady is notorious. She's even sent cease and desist letters to big suppliers like WSP. I think she combs the internet all day looking for people infringing on her trademark.
  5. That would be for 1 clamshell. You wouldn't want to sell one broken off peice. The clamshell is the entire unit for sale. I do clamshells and the 1.5 oz individual tarts in souffle cups if folks want different scents in "single serving" size.
  6. I make one called Sleeping Angels which is a blend of Rose and Vanilla. It smells pretty close to me.
  7. I wouldn't be too upset with them. After all, most sites that show items with colors say that monitors vary, so the color you see may not be the true color of what you're looking at. I'm with CareBear, too. The green didn't look sage at all on my comp, but more of a yellow based green. And espresso is a kind of coffee so I'd expect the color to be brown. *shrug* Maybe you should let your customers be the judge. Instead of hitting them with the negative, "These are so not what I was expecting, here's your money back", let them see 'em first and if someone expresses displeasure, offer a refund. They might not think they're so awful.
  8. Soy burns like that. You get that cratery "moon surface". The crystallizing is known as frosting. That happens with soy, too.
  9. When you go through the ordering process it says that the labels are paper stock. There is an option for glossy, but that still doesn't make them waterproof. I've sprayed mine with acrylic or put some clear packing tape over the label.
  10. A gallon of lotion weighs approx. 7.9 lbs, rounded to 8 lbs gives you 128 ounces per gallon. Using 1 oz per gallon is equivalent to .007 percent FO. So if you wanted to make an 8 oz lotion, for instance, you would use .056 (round to .06) of FO. That is a difficult measure to get on an ounces scale, but using grams would be equal to 1.7 grams. If you don't already have some, get yourself some plastic 3ml pipettes for measuring out smaller amounts of FO, they are such a necessity.
  11. very pretty. I love the hanger swirls.
  12. I'm loving Twilight Woods from Peaks right now. Have a soap, lotion and perfume oil...can't get enough of that stuff! My husband is all about anything that smells like coffee. Some other faves: Black Raspberry Vanilla, Grapefruit Ginger, Cranberry Yuzu, Saffron and Spice, Coconut Lime Verbena and Brandied Pear.
  13. Let us know how it turns out. Good luck with this.
  14. I do. And I label "sensitive areas" in parentheses, too. People understand what I mean. When folks have bought in person, I elaborate tastefully on the effect minty EO's can have and to exercise caution. Hasn't deterred anyone to my knowledge.
  15. Vanilla will eventually turn your soap brown. The more vanilla, the browner the soap
  16. I love the idea of using the receiving blanket as "frosting". So cute.
  17. I have WSPs and it's nice and strong.
  18. I've seen Keri's (kountrytimes) dipped tp where it looks like a cake with icing, but never seen any done with a floral theme. How cute! What kind of wax would be used to dip these? I don't think I'd want to mess with the bears, but the tp might be something interesting to try. Even if for my own bathroom.
  19. I don't know if it's a good dupe or not, but I have the peaks one and really like it. Others on here have said it's a true dupe, better than WSP's.
  20. What size have you been testing with? As soon as you change container size you've got more testing to do.
  21. I usually take 3 tbsp of dendritic salt and add my FO to it then add the dendritic salt to my base salts (usually a pound). I use it primarily as a fragrance anchor because of its crystalline structure.
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