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Everything posted by GailC

  1. Thanks for the reply. I held off on ordering from Flaming Candle. I bought a few containers at the Goodwill first to experiment making layered candles. I have recently placed two orders with The Candlemakers Store, and I need to slow down a little! I didn't figure anyone else's pumpkin souffle could compare to CS. My goodness, that stuff is strong! I would like to try the Pumpkin Pecan and Sugared Pralines. My philosophy is one can never ever have too many fragrance oils.
  2. Oh man, you're a genius!!! Now I really want to try it. But I think I'd better buy a mixer just for candles. And a stainless steel bowl....I was going to Walmart today anyway.
  3. Thanks Candybee! I was thinking a mixer would probably do the best job, just didn't like to think about cleaning the beaters after. I'm sure piping would achieve the best look, but I'm so slow doing anything. I bet you have to work fast to get the wax into the bag, and piped onto the candles before the wax sets up too much.
  4. I've seen some cute candles with whipped wax on top, so I was thinking about trying a Hot Chocolate and Whipped Cream candle. I've done some research online, and people use different methods to whip their wax. Just wondering what works best for you. Do you dab the whipped wax on top with a spoon, or do you put the wax in a plastic bag and pipe it on? I've seen several candles with the whipped wax piled so high, it looks like when it was burned, the wax would overflow over the container. I want to be able to use my candles. Do you fill your containers just almost to the top with the whipped wax or does it 'settle down' as it's burned? Thanks for any help or tips you can offer.
  5. Perhaps the answer is there are no bad pumpkin FO's. Pumpkin pie, pumpkin spice, pumpkin souffle, pumpkin apple, pumpkin maple, pumpkin vanilla; it's all good. I hope that is so, because I'm getting ready to place an order with Flaming Candle for the first time. I asked this on another thread, but thought I'd put it out here too. Has anyone tried their pumpkin fragrances. They have a pumpkin souffle and I'm wondering how it compares to CS pumpkin souffle. TIA.
  6. I found some jars I want to order from the Flaming Candle Co, but just buying jars is boring, so I just have to buy some FO too. Has anyone tried their Pumpkin Souffle? CS Pumpkin Souffle is so good, I hesitate to try anyone else's. How about Vanilla Pumpkin, or any of the fall fragrances?
  7. I already figured out that I'm in the wrong group there. I scrolled down a lot, and most people talk about melts that they buy. But I did like the name of that one.
  8. Thanks for the link. I haven't looked for candle makers groups yet on facebook. Or I guess I should say chandlers groups. I don't know anyone personally who makes candles, so I have to bore my friends and family talking about it.
  9. I don't get a chance to see this friend very often, she is so busy. We were meeting just a little while after I made the candles, so I went ahead and gave one to her. I don't normally give people warm candles. I do know that much....it was set up, just a tad still warm.
  10. I have to remind myself sometimes that everyone doesn't like the exact same fragrances I do. For instance, some people actually LIKE florals. Guess that's why there are upteen thousand different fragrance oils out there. Our noses are as unique as we are.
  11. My favorites are #5 and #6, but they're all really nice. I liked the mushroom ones at first glance, but then I thought, what do mushrooms have to do with Christmas? But maybe that's good, because they're different.
  12. I bought some Granny's Pumpkin Pie FO from the Candlemaker's store and tried your blend. It smells delicious, but to me the Pumpkin Souffle overpowers the other scents, and that's what I smell, which is fine by me. I made some candles from Granny's Pumpkin Pie FO by itself, and it wasn't nearly as strong and good to me, but when I have people smell both candles, some actually prefer it. One person said it smelled more like pumpkin pie. So I guess I'll make both kinds.
  13. I've been making soy candles for 5 years. When I first started, the candle making instructions from the first supplier I ordered from said to let the candles cure for at least 12 hours. When I give someone a newly made candle, I tell her not to burn it until tomorrow. Like yesterday, when I gave my friend a pumpkin candle and it was still slightly warm. When she took the lid off, the whole car smelled good. She was going to go home and burn it, but I told her to wait a day. She said she would just take the lid off and sniff it until then. I've never noticed an issue with burning candles after 24 hours. But I guess all this time, I should have been letting them cure longer?
  14. I chose cinnamon sugar as my free gift and it smells good oob. I bought a few of the specially priced FO's and the wintermint smells peculiar to me. Granny's pumpkin pie was good, but the cold throw isn't nearly as strong as CS Pumpkin souffle. That being said, I've had my friends and family smell both candles, and some like Granny's Pumpkin Pie better.
  15. I did not know that Barbara. I'll have to see what the return address is when I get the order. I do order from several suppliers, and each one has good points and products. But Peaks is a superior company, in my opinion. Love their fragrance oils too, although they are a little pricey compared to some others I buy from. I do a LOT of comparison shopping.
  16. I really don't know where this topic fits on this board, but I have to give props to Peak Candle Supply. I live in Indiana, and they are in Colorado, but their shipping rates are so reasonable. I usually take advantage of their deal of 25% off shipping, but even their normal rates are lower than other suppliers. I pay close attention to shipping rates and try to order so as to get the most for my money. I placed an order today, and it is already shipped. I also like the free fragrance oil sample with every order. This is a candle discussion forum, but I order soap bases from them too, and like that you can buy 10 pounds at a discounted price. Love the SFIC bases they carry. Just thought I'd give credit where credit is due.
  17. I hate to smell cigarette or cigar smoke, but I used to like to smell my Grandpa's pipe smoke. I don't think I've ever been in a tobacco shop.
  18. Well my living room is smelling mighty good, and the fragrance is not too sweet for me. (Sweet Potato & Brown Sugar that is.) I might try adding a little cinnamon next time I make some. I would ask you, Old Glory, if you like the Rosemary Mint and Pumpkin Cheesecake, but sounds like you like different scents than me. I do like the bakery scents and fruity scents. I guess my very favorite fragrance is Apple PIe, or any kind of spiced apple.
  19. I was wondering about Rosemary Mint myself. Also the pumpkin cheesecake. It's the last day of their sale on new fragrances. I am burning my 'Sweet Potato and Brown Sugar' candle now. Hey, it's September! Close enough to fall.
  20. I had no idea that red hot cinnamon has a pinch of peppermint. Interesting. I have some cinnamon bun FO from somewhere. Love that scent too.
  21. Let me amend my statement about no one mentioning Cinnamon Vanilla...I just jumped over to the Cinnamon thread and several people mentioned it. The one I'm using right now is RE's Creamy Cinnamon Vanilla. I just remembered that my very first order for candle supplies was from Northstar Country Candle, and I ordered Hot Spiced Vanilla. I looked up the invoice and that was almost 5 years ago, August 3, 2009. Ha! I ordered only 10 pounds of 444 wax. And that was the beginning folks.
  22. Well thanks a lot guys. I've never ordered from Fillmore Containers and now you have me perusing their website. As far as fall fragrances, I am a happy camper now ever since I learned that Rustic Essentials carries a dup for Home Interiors Baked Apple. That has always been my very favorite candle fragrance and I've bought many apple FO's in the past 5 years looking for that elusive scent. Another staple for me for fall and winter is simply Cinnamon Vanilla...no one mentions that FO much, But its perfect for those who like spicy and sweet. Others I have are: CS - Hansel & Gretel's House CS - Pumpkin Souffle CS - Cinnamon Stick RE - Pineapple & Brown Sugar ICS - Vanilla Bean Noel ICS - Cranberry Orange Spice ICS - Sugar Cookie Dough Peak - Almond Pastries MC - Cozy Home Aztec - Sweet Potato and Brown Sugar
  23. Well, I haven't tried the combo yet, but with any fragrance I use GW444 and mostly always use ECO wicks. Haven't had any problems with pumpkin souffle and ECO wicks.
  24. OK you win the prize...FIVE HUNDRED! Hey, I may just buy a bigger cabinet and increase my inventory. At 80 or so bottles, I am lagging! And you don't need an intervention....at least none of us here can help you. Besides, don't most people kind of go overboard when they get into a craft/hobby/interest? I would hate to take an inventory of all the skeins of yarn/embroiderry floss/crochet thread I have.
  25. I don't have any pumpkin pie but I think I'll add a little cinnamon Stick to my pumpkin souffle next time. Thanks puma. Here it is still July and this thread is making me think fall.....autumn leaves, jack-o-lanterns, and the aroma of spicy candles.
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