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Everything posted by tucker

  1. Hey Donita, I used plastic for the tea lites and thanks for the tip, I'll check those plugs for sure. Thanks for the comments Satin and all.
  2. Hey Geek. Got a kick out of your profile. Running, guns. Take the comma out and yer in big trouble. smile
  3. thanks for the comments. First off, I used regular pillar wax, I drilled the hole one inch and 3/4 to have space around the (damned tea lite) smile. The hole is deep enough that I put an 1/8 inch round cork in the bottom so the (damned tea lite) wouldn't melt the wax on the bottom. The pix are glued to the wax with stick glue (from Staples) it really works, I've burned several to make sure every thing is safe. It's a go for sure.
  4. The pics are attached on the outside of the pillars. They are then sprayed with three coats of KRYLAR and a hole drilled into the top to accomodate a tea lite (those damn tea lites, "I hate 'em") The 'cane in the front is unfinished and at this moment it's in the melting pot, the pic was too light. http://img509.imageshack.us/img509/7095/piccandles11bv.jpg
  5. From a novice to a novice. I think you're main problem is the wax. They have a special harder wax for hurricanes. I'm sure some one else will pop in here and give numbers, I just ask for hurricane wax at my supplier and that's what she gives me. I've only made a few but have had no major problems such as yours.
  6. YA GOT BALLS GIRL. A couple more and we'll all come down and practice our bowling. Kidding aside, "they look good to me"
  7. Mighty fine looking candle, only one problem I couldn't get the top and the bottom on my screen at one time. Oh well, guess I need a larger monitor.
  8. Congrats. That's a fine looking hurricane and you should be very proud of yourself
  9. Really like the purple rustics, don't really fancy yellow and purple together
  10. Looks real good to me here in COLD Canada. That candle would be a real winner in Texas,where everything is bigger. WOW, that's a biggy. (smile)
  11. Great stuff. ditto on the three wicker, haven't tried one either, think I'm gonna try a small hurricane with it instead.
  12. On the serious side. Put wax on a very hard surface (cement floor) or whatever. I use a 1 inch wide wood chisel and a hammer and start at the corner and whack away. You have to hit it pretty hard so BE CAREFUL.
  13. Try a chain saw, just be sure to keep the chain well oiled.
  14. Damn, damn, double damn. You just ruined my whole damned Christmas. You'vfe gotta STOP showing those gorgeous canes once and for all. You know how hard I'm trying and then along you come with another work of art and make me feel totally incompitent. Donita, "THAT ROOSTER IS ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL" thanks for sharing.
  15. I'm a little different "so they say". I heat 10 degrees hotter in the presto, heat my pour pot with the heat gun, mix the stuff and then I'm about smack on for pour temps. THEN.......I do a very bad thing, "I heat my repour in the mic." sssssshhhhh, don't tell.
  16. I had to make these yesterday, 48 of the little suckers to go with hurricanes I'm makin for my kids. These things are a giant PITA and I ain't a gonna make no more. There's a store here in my area last week advertised 100 tea lites for $1.99 and I bust my butt for half a day. NO WAY IN HELL WILL I DO THAT AGAIN (EVER)
  17. Hey Mozzie. Do you ever get time to sleep. Up here in Canada most every one goes to bed and gets a little shut eye now and then. By the looks of all the GREAT candles yer makin, I'm sure you don't get much sleep at all.
  18. Being as I'm a novice I can't offer much help. But, in my humble opinion It looks like you didn't hold it tight to the mold when you held the cold cloth against it. In my case, I get a bunch of ice cubes and water and keep sure my rag is good and cold and then just work it back and forth over the pic area, holding the pic with the back of a plastic stir spoon.
  19. AS an old feller from Canada would say "SPIFFY"
  20. Damn. Did someone take some of them there ugly pills????
  21. Looks real fine DEE. I was gonna make one but hell, there's a foot of snow in the drive this morning, I think I'll have to work on that a while.
  22. Yowzer ya did it, and it looks damn fine, good for you, Keep them pix comming we all love 'em
  23. looks to me like your well on your way. Keep up the great work, it's a winner
  24. I leave them overnite and in the morning, I turn the mold upside down and push on the bottom with my thumbs. Try it, "you'll like it"
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