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Everything posted by The_Dallas_Texas_Dean

  1. EEEooowwwwzzaaaaa That was fun! Good job! I love knowing I have access to grumpness anytime I want now. What a great site! Congrats Grump!
  2. Almost any cheap oil...and I am not really talking about price. Cheap Lavender, Cinnamon, Rose, Chocolate, Lilac, Honeysuckle, Jasmine,Strawberry, Cherry, Banana, Coconut, Blueberry All of it...just makes me gag to smell it OOB much less pour it. Eeewwwww
  3. True, So true......IF they collectively all had what I want/need! I am trying to locate some 1239 for carving and it doesn't seem to be hiding in these parts. I tried switching over to the 1343 and it is NOT working for me. Don'tcha hate change when it throws kinks into what is working? Looks like I might find out what it feels like to pay shipping on wax.:undecided
  4. In shipping from Dallas to anywhere, Fed Ex usually offers the best rates, I have found. USPS is way slow and usually costs more....UPS is the most expensive.
  5. Honey...buy some net/fabric/lace and some amazing ribbon and start cutting! You can make something that will look as good if not better than those standard organza bags anyway...and certainly more unique. How hard could it be!? Just change your mindset and hit the fabric stores!!!
  6. You can count me in on this group. I have never liked the bakery scents OR fruity-tootie-pa-poopie for that matter. I think some of the bakery FOs are such a rip...and a play on names to get the bakery addicts to buy. There is little to NO difference in the Orange Chiffon Dream Crunch Muffin Madness and the Tropical Fusion Nutty Cream Whip Cake Dump....they both stink and smell like fake food. LMAO:laugh2:
  7. I tested many FOs from RA. I fell in love with one and wanted to add it to my line but wanted it stronger. I contacted them with the challenge......they were very accomodating. I personally like several of their fragrance combinations and found several of them to be unique and interesting.
  8. I, too, noticed somewhat Of a fishing expedition....but I am sure it made you feel better. The bitterness is apparent. I disagree that this is much ado about nothing. I believe that it needs to be discussed more often. Especially with children and with people that have businesses. Integrity is expensive. It has cost me plenty. I have also gained much from having it. It is black and white with me...no gray. I have many recollections in my 30+ years of business, and yes...down to a word or one single penny, I am FANATIC about it. If there is doubt, I have always chosen to play it safe and give the benefit of doubt to the customer/friend/neighbor, etc. You either have it or you don't. You can't pick and choose when to have it. You have it all the time or you do not have it. If you lie, you do not have it. If you cheat or misrepresent, you do not have it. If you have to rationalize, you do not have it. If you are not loyal, you do not have it. Ultimately, your word/name is all you have. Once it has been compromised, it is tainted and can not be repaired. Even an apology for something you KNOWINGLY chose to do wrong will not repair the distrust. My parents were amazing role models when it came to this. I never heard "Tell them I am not here" when the phone rang and they were busy. They paid ALL their taxes....every penny. When they sold a car....they told the person purchasing "it will need brake pads soon.,..and every other thing that might be wrong with it". Silence can be as bad as telling a lie. There are universal "rights and wrongs"....and we all know the difference between the two. Very rarely does ignorance come to play when it comes to integrity. Oh I know there are those out there that have laughed, make fun and believed that I have been a "chump" many times in my business dealings, thinking they have "got to me". The truth is, it has served me well. You can be savvy and choose to have integrity. Good topic regardless of what generated it or how it came about.
  9. The package makes them stop and pick it up. The Fragrance makes them put it down or take it home. The hot throw and burn qualities brings them back for more.
  10. Excellent Baies type (Diptyque). The very best if you like this fragrance. They have always been professional with me.
  11. Not having Insurance is for gamblers....that is just the way it is.
  12. I guess I am having a hard time understanding the apprehension. Wholesale information is wholesale information and who cares who has it? These are the prices, here is my deal, to you or anyone else. Thank you for passing on the information. I MUST be in the dark and either didn't "get" the post or am just not savvy enough when it comes to the con men.
  13. I just can't "picture" that....well, I can, but it is not pretty.
  14. +Yes, you are. In my opinion, you should take the high road and NOT get down in the dirt and wallow with the "un"professionals. Your first mistake was "doing a little research... on the other candlemaker" For WHAT? Leave it alone. It was a complete waste of your time UNLESS she matters to you and she shouldn't. Do not let her bring you down to her level.....and towards the end of your post, it is sounding like she already has. Sweep around your own back door and do not concern yourself with what others are doing or saying. The public is smarter than you think they are. There is no need to defend nor attack. It's not professional or pretty. JMHO
  15. I swear, I just never know what to think anymore. I am continually amazed at the unmitigated gall of people... a LOT of people. Sometimes I think I am just not "crafty" enough to be on this planet anymore.:rolleyes2 If I ever get to the point where I need to lie, misrepresent, manipulate, alter the truth, twist the facts, connive, OR reach a point where I have no humility, I hope that someone just shoots me. In my ripe old age, I have learned this: "Never explain ANYTHING. Your friends don't need it and your enemies won't believe it." Carry on
  16. These would totally work in my cabin! Candlemaking is an art and a science. Appears to me that you have both down pat. I appreciate that in a chandler. Good work!
  17. Quite honestly i have NEVER smelled a Strawberry that even remotely smelled anything like Fresh Strawberries. They ALWAYS have that fake-sweetiesh-candy-ish smell. Same with banana. JMHO
  18. I use Starrville's Med Fig http://www.soap-making-supplies.com/handler.php?depid=5&catid=21&typeid=33 Have used JBN's and like it as well. Both smell very similar to Trapp's candle.
  19. For your gift basket to REALLY look professional, I think one of the most important things to keep in mind is starting with the RIGHT basket. Right size and shape for the number and size of items you are using. I H A T E cheapo baskets. If you start with a cheap basket, you can add diamonds and it still looks cheap and FEELS cheap. Good, strong, sturdy well made baskets are a must. They are worth the investment. Even if you cover them entirely, there is a huge difference. Ever get one you were afraid was going to break/fall apart because the items were too heavy for the basket they were in? Ever get one that was the wrong size for the items? Too small? Too Large? My contribution: Start with a great basket! Gift baskets are a dime a dozen now. They are everywhere and everyone is making them. It is key to make sure YOURS are better and different than everyone elses. JMHO
  20. I like the wicks from Wick It. www.wickit.net (Wick' n Clip, Inc.) Superior 600 for Paraffin and Blends Premier 700 for Soy I would suggest contacting them for samples first.
  21. I have used IGI 1239 and IGI 1345 HTH Have fun! Michael
  22. Bittercreek North and South has many great fragrance oils. The list is endless. Try some samples and see what you think since "great" is subjective when it comes to oils. I am a fan of the WYW oils at BCN as well.
  23. Excellent question! Help! Top? Bruce? Anyone that understands the composition of wax...pigment.....soluability?(not sure if that is a word, but I am going with it)
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