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Everything posted by The_Dallas_Texas_Dean

  1. Waaaaaa HOOOOOOO!!! Congrats to you PA!! Wise investment IMHO! Just can't get too much exposure! You are FAMOUS!:highfive:
  2. Thanks everyone. I have been purchasing the LampLightFarms product at Michaels...$3.99 for 22oz! I will follow up on the suggestions. Thanks again, M
  3. Does anyone know where I can purchase wholesale candle oil in bulk?(it is almost pure paraffin and somewhat different than lamp oil) I am wanting smokless and odorless oil . Have googled and dogpiled to no avail. TIA M
  4. Let us know if you ever get them wicked....I never did to my satisfaction. BEAUTIFUL candles...nice coloring!
  5. YOU are going to wind up being the "Man with the knack for color!" That purple looks like you have set an agate in there!!! Stay ON IT! Looking great!
  6. Summer..... IMHO Beyond a shadow of doubt, I would enlist the services of an attorney and get insurance immediately. There has been much conversation about this and everyone has different viewpoints, but whatever your situation is, you need to be protected in this very litigious society. There have been some that have chosen to educate themselves and save the lawyer fees. Brave souls.
  7. Sure is! I think he KNEW I was going to get hooked from the beginning! I am an education junkie...LOVE classes etc. Sand Candles are down the road...that class was fun too. Did you take it?
  8. I LOVE the color choices and think that you did a great job! Everyone has to have their first candles and I am not sure many people would tackle so many layers and such a creative endeavor for their first pillars! It took me well over a year to make any kind of pillar candle...and when I finally did, took a class and used the Palm wax.....fairly safe way to make my first Pillar having someone hold my hand through the process. of course, I have made several since... but still don't have the suckers wicked. They look nice setting up in the closet though. Keep them coming!!!!! Congratulations on your colorful firsts!!
  9. I use a little liquid Golden Honey in mine. Not sure if you have seen it, but there was a thread on this somewhere on CT if I remember correctly...maybe it will help as well.
  10. SO.....what percentage of your car payment do you get to deduct for advertising expense?:smiley2:
  11. Don't forget the Campbell's Soup theory..... I KNOW for absolute, positive certainty from my stores (and from the companies that trained me and study this) that people like to purchase from WELL STOCKED shelves. We tested it time and time again. Sales doubled and tripled when we had an abundance of each item on the shelves. People do not like to purchase what there are "twos and threes and fours of". I am not sure with your inventory and "offerings" how many items of each product you intend to stock, but I wanted to share this with you in case you didn't know. SO MANY people make this "discovery".(not mistake;) ) HTH
  12. My Vet carries Circle E candles...stocked right next to the dog food. While waiting on Lacy for her frequent pedicures, those candles (the huge jar candles) are always there so what else am I going to do...right? I smell them all every month. I did not care for their BK fragrance personally....as a matter of fact, I have yet to find one I did like except for one..... and unfortunately I can't remember which one it was.....something fairly common...men's cologne-ish About a year ago I purchased it for grins. I do remember it was a sea foam green color. It lasted a long time but had to "baby" it after it reached the half way point......pouring out some wax to keep it from drowning out....digging wicks etc. Sorry...thats not what this thread is about....I need to go to Ramblers anonymous.:embarasse
  13. Thanks so much everyone. You are very encouraging ... and you bet Sherrie.....you can come over and play in the wax anytime...you know that! I will sure teach ya what I know.....but I am warning ya...I really don't know much. I did have that class with John at the convention and he is an amazing teacher. I really loved his class.......well I guess so....to start on this madness.One on one works for me! You name the time, Sherrie! SueAnn...you could easily learn it using this system. It just couldn't be any easier. As far as the wax Lynn, I am using IGI 1239...MP 136 with some Micro- MP 140....(to avoid mottling and help with the glazing). Hard to say how I like it because I don't have anything to compare it to...guess I like it just fine. It is not too much fun to break up...I am sure that there has to be a better way than hard core manual labor, however. Thanks for the tip on the 4611. I am always willing to try anything to make whatever I do better.
  14. Thanks everyone!!! You are all very kind and inspiring.....makes me want to keep the tanks hot! I just finished carving my first "ANGEL"...and OMG...she has a seriously square jawline..OK...square HEAD.......and her hands....well....she looks more like she is .....Woops...nevermind.....lets just say I need to learn how to do praying hands. This stuff is cracking me up. Too much glaze!
  15. I like everything about it. Good job!:highfive: I would make sure that the container you choose (if you are going to do container candles) is as contemp as your name/logo.
  16. They are not getting any better but they ARE getting more colorful! LOL
  17. OK...I KNOW this is WAY out of my element, and like I really NEEDED something else to keep my hands busy :rolleyes2 ....so here they are.....my first 6 carved candles. If you squint your eyes they don't look too bad LMAO. Bruce...if you see this, PLEASE "X" out immediately and save us both the embarrassment to YOUR craft! Have to say, it is a lot of fun but I don't have a clue what to do with all these things...OH I KNOW.....they will be for THOSE relatives for Christmas;) !!!!
  18. PaMpered ....A ....N (I would remove the four periods(dots) in front of the A and the four periods (dots) of the N. For some reason they keep defaulting to the left margin without them)
  19. Awesome work! Creative, colorful, unique....what else is there!?!:highfive:
  20. Rage Gentle Spirit Temptation Soft Spirit Quests Rave Zeal Consolation Milestone Paramount Premier KuOz Tribe Tribute (ok, I named my company "YES "...did you think I would suggest ScentualEssenceofIlluminations? ) NOT that there is ANYTHING wrong with that if someone suggested it OR has named their company that:lipsrseal I like it short, sweet and positive.
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