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Everything posted by pcbrook

  1. Oh no, no worries! The people I am involved with and setting up the website are a great group of people. I have been involved with them for a couple years. We do wholesale shows together, retail shows and have a gift shop at a resort in Warrens, WI. Here is a link to the main site in case you are curious. www.thewisconsingroup.com They are working on a wholseale website because the wholesale shows have gone down so much in the past year or two so we are going to give this a try.
  2. Oh geeze! Tins never even dawned on me. My brain has been spinning so much I did not even see the obvious! It sure does help getting another perspective from others here to bring you back to earth and get grounded. I checked on Candle Science and they are not such a bad price either. I might just order some and see how they work out. Thank you!
  3. I am working on getting my products on a group wholesale website. My plan for fragrance samples was to send fragrance blotters on request. Now the people who are setting up the website suggest that I offer sample packs of smaller candles at cost. They seem to think I would get more sales with small samples. My dilemma is...I have tested tealights and to me they are not that great with scent throw because they are too small. I do make votives but I never seem to get that great of a throw with votive wax either. Not sure what I do wrong with them. I worry that if I send votives and the hot throw is not as great as the regular jars I make, they will not order. I make 10 oz apothecary jars with glass glow. For my votives and tarts I use feather palm. The tarts seem to do better than the votives. I have been working on testing 4 oz jelly jars as part of my line. Question is......would you offer palm wax tarts as samples for candles? Or just stick with the fragrance blotters so the buyers can get an idea of what the fragrance is like? I would really appreciate some opinons from everyone here. I did a search but did not really find much on it. At least not an answer to this question.
  4. Thanks for the heads up! That sounds like a good one and I think I will have to give it a try.
  5. I just checked on the fragrance oil finder website and nothing comes up. And they usually have everything on their site. Hope you find it.
  6. I have tried the White Tea & Ginger from your list and it is very good. I would recommend that one.
  7. Does anyone know if there is anywhere in the U.S. where you can buy wooden lids for the 5 oz apothecary jars????? I have searched and there just does not seem to be anywhere on Google.
  8. I use Peak in palm and it is very good and strong. 2 weeks cure time should be plenty of time.
  9. Sounds to me like you are doing pretty good and the commissions are really low.
  10. That is where I used to get mine too, but it does not look like they carry the bottles anymore.
  11. I remember trying to find something that looked good for a decent price and always had a hard time with it too. So I gave up on them. I never sold enough to buy in bulk so I just discontinued them. One place carried something I liked for the right price but then they ran out and that was the end of that! Sorry I could not give you any help. Just felt like giving my opinion.
  12. Oh, definitely let us know if you are goung to be on that show. I watch that show all the time. It is very interesting. Last week was the first candle person I saw on there so it really got my interest. BTW, I am sorry to hear about your husband but thank goodness he is okay now. Hope things are looking up for you.
  13. I have heard on one site called greatreps.com but I have not really visited it yet.
  14. I have an Etsy store but I have not sold much on it. You really have to work it and promote it a lot to get it to work and I just don't have the time. But at least this way if a potential customer asks if I have a website I just give them my business card with the Etsy store address and tell them they can order from there if they want to. Cheaper than a website and right now that is all I can afford.
  15. My rule of thumb is if it mushrooms than the wick might be too big. At least that is where I start. Try wicking down a size. How deep was your melt pool?
  16. I know Peaks has a Amish Harvest but can't tell you if it is the same as what you are looking for. Theirs might be a different formulation. CS Strudel and Spice smells almost identical to Peaks but again.....not sure how it compares to Alabaster. Hope someone else here can help you out. Speaking of twins....I ordered a sample of MC Hillbilly Homebrew and I thought it was very, very close to Peaks Amish Harvest. Is it just me? Had my Dh sniff and compare and he agreed.
  17. After the CS problem I was getting mine from Peaks. Then they raised their prices about $10 per case. YIKES! I am getting low and will probably try out Aztec.
  18. Hey Eric, Thanks again for that sample. I tested that one (Snowdrift) and though it smelled dead on but it was not a good thrower for me. I even let it cure for about 2 weeks. Maybe in a different wax it would be better. Peaks was actually stronger than that one. I tried Millcreek and it did not seem to be much like real fresh cut grass. At least it did not smell like Wisconsin grass. LOL! But everybody's nose is different. And this reminds me, I still owe you one. I have your address but I have not figured out yet how to repay you for the wonderful gesture. I really appreciated your kindness and I will think of someway to repay you. Expect something in you mailbox soon. :tiptoe: Don't worry, it will be a good thing!
  19. Well, I am going to get on the Lone Star bandwagon here. They have the best prices in the jars I use and I use a few of their FOs because they are great throwers for me. It is the same with all the suppliers though, some of the FOs are great and then there are the not so great ones. A few gems at every supplier.
  20. Which wax did you use? Unless I missed something you did not specify.
  21. I have been doing it since I read this thread and it works like a charm! Thanks for the idea Top!!!
  22. Thanks for the update. I had thoughts about trying out that show but the price tag is a little steep for me.
  23. Thanks for the info. I was sent Premier wick samples from Wick-It a while back. They worked pretty good in my glass glow but the 3000 minimum was pretty hard to take. It is just so happened the ones that worked for me were not available at any of the suppliers that offer them. Figures. But thanks for the info on them. I will keep that in mind when I am testing. Maybe what works will be available in smaller amounts from suppliers.
  24. I like LXs and I do have some of them already. Thanks!
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