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Everything posted by pcbrook

  1. pcbrook

    Aroma Beads

    I bake them at 350 for about 7 to 8 minutes cuz I like them a little bumpy and if I leave them in longer I am always afraid I am baking the FO right out of them.
  2. I requested samples of the CDNs from them to try in Glass Glow and as a courtesy they sent me a bunch of samples of the Premiers and they worked pretty good in Glass Glow. The only problem is the huge minimum with them. There are some suppliers that offer them but the ones I needed no one has.
  3. When I use mine it goes through the whole house. I have it in a bathroom on the far end of the house and when I come home and open the door on the other end of the house I can definitely smell it. Of course, it may all depend on what FO you are using. It might just happen that the ones I have used are stronger than most.
  4. I use 1 part FO 2 parts DPG.
  5. I was thinking the same exact thing. I do some shows where there is no signal. Can't even send a text. Would not work to great for me. Since I have had Propay I have only had 2 people ask if I take credit cards and I have had it for a year. Most people just pay cash. I even had an "I Accept Credit Cards" sign set up but still only have used it twice. Granted, I may not be at the point as most here. I guess when I get to that point I will check into it more. But the way technology goes there will be 5 new better and bigger things to look at.
  6. I actually tested one jar with 415 soy with CSNs for a store that wanted some special candles made up for X-mas. The CSNs worked pretty good in it. I don't do soy anymore but they requested it and I had some laying around so I tried it. But I would probably do more testing using CSNs if I still did soy. They were 8 oz mugs and I think I remember using a CSN 11 but I did not keep any notes. Not planning on doing them again so no need to keep notes.
  7. I use palm and wick stickums and never had a problem. I use the ones from BCN. As far as wicking......definitely go down. I have found in jelly jars that either CSN 5 or 7 works. There are a couple I have to go up to a 9. I use Creme Brulee from BCN and I use a CSN 7. As earlier stated, they always catch up in the end. I make sure I try to remember to tell all new customers that too.
  8. pcbrook

    wax tarts

    If you are using clamshells and it is important to you to stay with soy you might wanna try the GB415. I used that in the past for clamshells and it works pretty good. GB415 seems to have a better HT, IMO. Probably not so good if using metal molds. Otherwise, yes, you might wanna switch to paraffin.
  9. Did you try doing a search on this board? There are quite a few threads on this subject. Try this one for starters: http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?100113-Wholesale-Tart-Warmers&highlight=wholesale+tart+warmers
  10. That is interesting because when I checked it out it said it was not available online. I will have to think on that becauase that is a good deal.
  11. I would say definitely not white, but black or ivory I think would look good. I am leaning more towards the black because of the black shelves but I guess I would have to see this stuff in person.
  12. Good deal but too bad there aren't any stores around me.
  13. From what I understand the 6098 is a container wax. I use the metal fluted molds. Do you know if this wax will release from the molds easily?
  14. I clicked on the link and checked it out. I think I remember people referring to "Victory Blend" from time to time but it looks like it is a container blend. I read posts of people raving about 4794. I think this is the first time I heard someone say it was horrible for tarts.
  15. So in your opinion 4794 is not a good tart wax? I have been toying with the idea of testing some of that for tarts because everyone seems to think it is a good choice. Sorry but I have no idea what wax is LIKE 6098. Never even heard of it until today.
  16. I have noticed that too if I leave them cool too much they are terrible to get out. You have to try to catch them at just the right time.....not too warm and not too cool.
  17. Has anyone here ever done that show? It is coming up in January and just wondering if it is worth the price. Thanks!
  18. I have compared them both and in my opinion they are BOTH very close to real fresh cut grass but in my wax (glass glow) the Peaks version (Tall Grass) was the strongest. Now in other waxes the story may be different.
  19. It is quite the coincidence that you posted this. I received an order from Lone Star this week. I took advantage of the sample sale last week and the box came damaged also. There was nothing inside the box that was wrecked so I did not think much of it but now that I think of it the box was packed very strange. There were no packing peanuts in it at all. The 7 or 8 samples and labels I ordered were just floating around in the box haphazardly. (sp?) Very unusual for Lone Star. There boxes usually come in very good condition and wonderfully packed. hhmmm
  20. Thanks for sharing. I was looking into making these also and I think I remember seeing on their website that they charged $5 for them. If they only last a couple weeks that's not too good for that price.
  21. I am just waiting for the day when I show an actual profit at the end of the year. I have been doing this 3 years now and I always show a loss when I do my taxes in January! It took me a while to figure things out but I think I am getting close. My problem is I always want to try new things and learn new waxes and that of course costs money! And let's not forget about always having to try out new FOs, especially when there is a sample sale going on somewhere!!! :rolleyes2
  22. I guess that depends on what kinda wax you use. My list of strong ones in glass glow are April Fresh Downy, Autumn Lodge (although that one does not sell too well), Patchouli and Butternut Pumpkin. I have tried more but they did not throw the best for me in my wax but they did smell good. I do plan on ordering some new ones during the sale!!!!
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