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Everything posted by pcbrook

  1. Does high density gel have a good cold throw? Sorry if I sound like a newbie.......but when it comes to gel I am. :smiley2: But I am interested in trying this so........
  2. I was starting to think the same thing. Thanks for confirming my thoughts!
  3. I think all the suppliers understand that they are not the only suppliers around. It's called business! And, as a previous poster stated, it is a good idea to have a few lined up in case someone goes out of business. I hope I do not come off sounding mean by that but it is what it is. :smiley2: Peaks has some very good FOs. You will have to test a few to see what works for you but I have a few I use from them.
  4. Right now I also just use Etsy to have an online presence when someone asks. When I started I could not justify the cost of my own website but I have started thinking I want my own site soon. I do not have many sales though. The only sales I have had is incense. Etsy is one of those things that you really have to work at. Some people do really good on it but I think you have to promote a lot. I just needed something to put on my business cards.
  5. I just tried Pumpkin Spice in glass glow and it works pretty good and I have a hard time getting any pumpkin ones to work for me. I burned the new one that is called Spice last night and it did not seem to have much of a throw but it may need some wick tweaking. Those are the only two I have tried so far.
  6. I have thrown that idea around in my head more than a couple times but never got around to actually doing it. I think it would be something people would like. That way they don't have to take it home and do it!
  7. Ugh! I do not have a solution for you but I feel your pain. I actually moved away from the clear labels because I had so many nightmares with them. I did purchase from Labels by the Sheet once and I noticed that the quality was not as good as Online Labels. But I still had problems with their clear labels too so I decided to just go in a different direction. I am sure this is not the answer you are looking for but just wanted to share my thoughts. Labels are so much fun to design but the printing and alignment is always such a headache!!!!
  8. They are one of my favorites also. I like most of their FOs and the customer service is great!
  9. One of the FOs I have been keeping my eye on was supposed to be due in 6-30-11. Well That was 2 months ago!!!!
  10. I use those bowtie wick holders. I know BCN has them and I have seen them other places. They are metal and made for single and double wicks. They are a little more expensive but sooo worth not having a headache!
  11. Wow! I like that glitter concept. Very cool! Thanks for all the ideas! The next time I have to make unscented I will also try that idea about just adding dye without oil.
  12. Okay, thanks for the heads up! I will have to check into that the next time I am at Walmart.
  13. Well, now that the board is back I can let everyone know what I found out. Olive oil did not work. I tried DPG and that did not work either. The oil did not want to absorb. Even after a few days! I did get some advice about just trying it without any oil so I will give that a try next time I need to make some and see how that works!
  14. The alcohol did not work too good. The dye did not mix with it very good. I also tried adding a little dye to the alcohol and then mixing and then adding the beads and the beads still look all speckled. I will be stopping at the store to pick up some sunflower oil or whatever I can find.
  15. I would like to know that myself. Maybe someone here can explain it to us.
  16. I tried the mineral oil last night and does not seem to be absorbing too good. I am going to give that alcohol a try just because I have some here at home. If that does not work I will buy one of the other oils suggested and see how that works.
  17. Actually, that is what I do for something does not need color but I was not sure how to add color to the beads without FO. I am going to play around with it tonight to see how the mineral oil works, but if it is too oily I will have to see about using something else. I do not think you can add dye without something else with it to spread the dye around. If that makes sense.
  18. Oh, okay, I understand. I have some mineral oil here so I will try a small amount to see what it does. If they are too greasy I will try the other oils. Thanks so much for your advice. I was not sure if anything else would absorb into the beads besides FOs.
  19. I know it sounds crazy but the other parts of the ornies ARE scented and they are big enough to carry the scent. The unscented parts are just decorations for the ornies. They are added to the ornies that are already scented. I am doing a little experimenting. I have thought about adding FO to that part too but then I would have a hundred different jars laying around that are a hundred different colors and fragrances. Just trying to save a little space. Well okay, I am exaggerating a little. More like 50 jars sitting around! Exactly what do you mean by carrier oil? What else is there besides mineral oil? I do use liquid candle dye so that is oil based. Thanks for your help!
  20. I am making parts of ornies that do not need to be scented. How can I add color without using FO? Would mineral oil work? Any ideas would be appreciated! TIA
  21. Well I am not sure what you are doing wrong but I have not noticed this happening when I flip the jars. Do you keep the wick pulled tight while the top is hardening? If the wick is not kept tight from the get go I think that would be the problem. Once the top hardens the wick does not move.
  22. Wow! I have not seen that yet with glass glow.
  23. I appreciate your help. My thoughts right now are that I will offer individual candles at cost. That way they can get a better idea of how my candles are and decide if they want to buy more. Thanks everyone for your opinions and help!
  24. Wow! Everyone seems to have completely different opinions here. I guess I was hoping to have all the same answers so I would know which way is the normal way to go about this. LOL! I could offer sample packs of tins (which means more testing). Not sure that I would offer free candles. UGH! I think my head is gong to explode!
  25. That reminds me of the first time I poured FO into a plastic measuring cup. I was shocked at how that stuff ate the plastic away! Had to throw the measuring cup away too!
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