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Everything posted by Tereasa

  1. I do have some smoking when I first light the wick, but it's minimal
  2. According to the wonderful people at Candle Science, GB 444 is comparable to the CB 135... well, at least as far as their wick guide. I used to us KY 125, but switched because I can drive to pick up the 444. There are some FO that do better in one wax vs. the other, but that could be attributed to something other than the wax (ie, my error). Switching waxes involves re-testing everything, each and every FO. Although I'm saving on shipping, the re-testing is digging into my bank account significantly. I'm impressed that you get great results with no cure. I'm with the majority that I get better results with cure times. It's the nature of soy wax, and the only way I've found to minimize cure is to go with a soy/paraffin blend.
  3. I've been a die hard LX fan. At some point I tested ECO's and didn't like them - can't find in my notes why (but that was with a different wax then I'm using now). I found the rest of my ECO sample pack and have been re-testing them this week, and I must say that they are pretty amazing. Mushroom is much better, HT has improved. I also have some premier's to test, but I think I might not because of how well the ECO's are doing. The only reason I haven't tested CD's extensively is because I use Candle Science for as much as possible since they are within driving distance....
  4. CS is good, but don't forget banana nut cake from Flicker's. I like it even better than the CS....
  5. cozy home from MC is a spicy apple... very nice!
  6. I understand you wanting answers to your questions, but a forum search will provide you with quicker answers to your questions
  7. if you do a forum search, you will find COUNTLESS threads on wicking. It's always best to search first....
  8. to each their own... do what works for you. Why, do you think, that a double boiler method is necessary? Why not just melt wax on the stove? Why even use a presto then?
  9. I prefer Blue Sugar from FBD. It throws much better in my soy.
  10. I personally wouldn't put a pour pot onto direct heat. But, to each their own. I think it's much safer to leave it in the presto than put wax directly onto a heat source.
  11. I heat wax to about 180-190, add to my pour pot. Then I add FO and stir. I don't use dye. Pour whenever I want, lol... you can pour fairly hot with the 464, I've heard. I use 444, but they have the same instructions. I can't remember the last time I waited for slush... I don't understand why you'd add everything and THEN heat your wax. Seems to work for you though...
  12. GB 444 is a soy, or vegetable wax, so I'm not sure what other wax you are testing... unless it's a straight soy. GB 444 has a universal soy additive already mixed in it.
  13. GB 444 already has UA, there is no need to add more. If you utilize the search feature, you will find many, many, many discussions of the pros and cons of adding paraffin to your soy. I use GB 444 without adding paraffin and have very good results. However, I think it's not viable to expect any candle to throw as you stated you'd like. The difference between 444 and 464 is the melt point. Both of these waxes already have UA in them, and it's not recommended that more is added. I know that there are several on here who mix paraffin with the 444, and have wonderful results.
  14. GB 444 already has UA in it, why would you add more?
  15. Definitely recommend daystar over JS. I have horrible luck with JS in my 444. Extreme vanilla from MC is good as well.
  16. It throws pretty well for me (in 444)... mellow spice, a hint of orange. I'm getting FOC's to do a comparison (my FOC order hasn't arrived yet).
  17. www.millersoap.com www.teachsoap.com Sorry, can't help you with a kit... I'm just jumping in without one. I'm sure that someone will chime in with some very sage advice regarding that though.
  18. you're adding room temperature FO to your heated wax... it's going to drop the temp rapidly. I think, and take that for what you will, that this is the reason FO should be added at a higher temp. It won't bind with the wax otherwise.
  19. once again, I'm compelled to post a link in which you mention that you NEED an inspection... not that you ever got one.... http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=57205 yet another lie, eh?
  20. Many, many, many times people have suggested that you slow down... it's about quality not quantity. Yet you continue to come on here, blatantly disregarding any advice given... and expect different answers? I thought you'd stopped making jams and jellies? Or did you go ahead and get inspected? Or was that a stretch of the truth?
  21. http://www.scentforum.com/search-fragrance-oil.php try that link or this link: http://www.geocities.com/lwoollen_25/FragranceFinder/index.html
  22. Here's the thing... if you read a lot of posts, you'll find that one scent smells differently to every person. None of us are your wife. What smells like frosting to one of us may very well smell like cake to her. Daystar offers a sampler pack with five different scents. Perhaps getting buttercream, cake batter, nanny's pound cake and two more would be your best option.
  23. Type of Soy or Soy Blend you use? GB444 Additives if any? playing with 1/2 T CO/# Preferred dyes? none Preferred wick (Not sizes)? LX Pouring temp you recommend? when cloudy What you do to prevent frosting? not a problem, dye-free What you do to prevent rough tops? blast with heat gun when needed Do you do anything to prevent wet spots? I LOVE wet spots, truly I do!
  24. bumping this because it's a great thread, and I'm curious how things have changed for some people...
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