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Everything posted by PurpleHippie

  1. I agree. JMO but I do have several candles that are 1-3 years old and the cold throw is very good but I notice a difference in the hot throw. Every wax can be different. If you print your own warning labels you could come up with some type of number code that would correspond to your notes where you have the dates and other information concerning that batch.
  2. I wanted to mention that I normally just pop out my wick and use the same wax and stick in another wick if needed for a test. A very helpful person on the board told me that IF the first wick that was tested burned too hot it might be possible that the FO and wax burned too hot and when the second wick is tested it would appear that it has less scent throw until it burns past that layer. So some people like to start over with a new candle that hasn't been burned. I haven't done that because, well I am cheap! No, really it is because I hadn't thought of that being a problem. I may try that if I ever have to test new wicks. There are different ways of testing and it is very helpful to read all of the methods people use. Even my old brain learns something new all of the time! I have used wax in the past that didn't call for any curing but I always got better results after 3 days or longer. That is just my way of testing and what my sniffer requires. However, I have not tried the 4627. No or less cure time is always a plus in my book:grin2: IndyGirl, Love the photo of your granddaughter. She is just precious! Have you tried the Performa wicks in your tins? That is what someone suggested I try but I haven't gotten around to it yet. My tins got so hot that I got slightly nervous about them and haven't tried a new wick yet.
  3. Ooooooh Lynn those are lovely! I bet it was a challenge but you really did a great job.
  4. I think any amount of paraffin in a soy makes it no longer what most people think of when they ask for a "soy candle." So if I were going to put what type of wax I use on my lable I would state it is a parasoy wax. I use to make parasoy candles and I didn't list what type of wax I used on my lables. If anyone asked I was always honest with them and stated parasoy. Then I explained why I used that blend.
  5. I cure for 3 days, more if I am not pleased but I ain't waiting around a month or more for any FO. Yes, I would start with the larger size in the zinc wicks you are using. If that doesn't work then you can move on to some of the other methods for testing.That is what I do, if I have to:wink2: You may not have to!!! There are times when testing different wick types and sizes are needed if you have a problem that you just can not solve by increasing your current wick size. Oh do I hate those times! The beanpod containers nearly bankrupted me with the all of the wax and wicks I tested!! They all started out burning almost perfect. Some place around the widest part of that darn tootin container disaster always struck.! You lucked out getting a candle mentor that uses the same wax as you do. Now if she uses the same FO's you have really struck gold!!!
  6. I think they look nice and I also agree that no ribbon is a nicer look. JMO:)
  7. After testing at least 9 candles over the last week I was just about ready to throw my candle supplies into the trash and save what little sanity I have left. Everything I have tested gave me little to no hot throw! All of these candles have cured for 1-2 weeks and are paraffin. I just could not understand what was going on! I tried different wicks, no change! I did notice that if I opened the room door the scent throw IMPROVED slightly. I know some people swear by testing in small closed rooms but I find the increase air circulation just from having the door open helped. So I made a couple of candles using FO's that normally work very well for me and usually require just a couple of days curing time to give me a good throw. Guess what? Very light hot throw once again! After reading my notes I realized that this occured last summer with several candles. When I tested candles made with the same FO %, wicks, wax...again around October I noticed a much improved hot throw. The only thing that is different is the use of air conditioning. So after the air was off and the house temperature is at 71 I re-tested a candle and it has much better scent throw. Ok, maybe I figured out the problem but you can't exactly tell people to only burn your candles when air conditioning is not in use. Anyone else notice this in your testing?
  8. Hello and welcome. You will probably find a ton of information using the search feature but here is just one of the post that may be useful. http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=51398&highlight=wet+spots Some wax just seems to be more prone to wet spots than others. However, don't drive yourself crazy focusing on the wet spots. You may make a batch of wet spot free candles only to have them appear several days later. If your candle test well, good cold and hot throw, correct melt pool, container not too hot...you may have to over look wet spots from time to time.
  9. Ah, I see! I would hate to start over and make a new container each time I needed to just test a different wick. I can see how it would be helpful!
  10. Just wondering if most of you are using your regular container wax for use as your wickless or if you use a different wax? I would think it would be more cost effective to use the same wax and reduce shipping fees from having to order two different types of wax.
  11. I think I understand what you are asking. If it won't throw in a wickless or tart using the same wax and same FO % then is it worth it to try testing in a container? I would say yes, testing with a wick may give you different results. However, if you have the time and want to invest in the extra FO and wax usage it would be interesting to continue testing your wickless then container with a wick and see if you keep getting the same results. I find it interesting that the FO's that didn't produce a good throw in a wickless also tested equally as weak with a wick. Excuse me for hyjacking your post for one question... I think I may have misunderstood something here. I am a little confused as to why doing a test burn for say 4 hours, not getting a good throw and inserting a new wick might mean that all of the FO was burned off from the previous testing? Isn't it the same as if you were to burn the candle with the same wick several times for 4 hours? Each burn doesn't burn off all of the FO in the container? I can see how testing as a wickless several times FIRST and then using the same wax for testing with a wick might not give accurate results. What am I missing here? LOL
  12. Well that stinks! LOL! See it just goes to show how each nose detects scent differently. If I had to pick just one from the above list my choice would be SW. I find it to have a scent a little like sweet condensed milk but not too sweet so that it isn't like syrup. I haven't ordered from SW recently, if they still offer the small sizes(dram)that might be a big help. Once again, don't just judge it out of bottle. Try it in something, I've tested a dram in a small amount of lotion base to see if I would like it in B&B.
  13. I have been concerned about this also. I also see sites that stop shipping during the hottest summer months. Sometimes the products sit in hot trucks all day until they reach their destination. Recently when my wax order arrived it had spots that were melted. The wax was very soft and I could pull it apart with my hands. Made it nice for using but I wonder if candles made with it would probably arrive in the same condition.
  14. Vicky is right and I use the same method. Normally if I can't get a good throw in a container or pillar(wicks) I can use the FO's as wickless and tarts. It is rare that I have an FO that does not produce a satisfactory throw in wickless and tarts. That is a good way to find some use for those FO's that we spend so much money on ordering and just can't get them to throw in candles. I am always disappointed when I have an FO that makes an awesome tart and no matter what wick I test or what % of FO I use I can't get a good throw. So I sick to tarts with that FO. So to answer your question, no a wickless doesn't necessarly mean you will get a good throw in a candle using a wick. Just like FO's out of bottle scent isn't always the same when it gets in the wax.
  15. If you do the search and find the various suppliers for this wax one of the thing to keep in mind is the shipping cost. You may find a supplier that is closer to you.
  16. I like SW and DS the best. I did not find they produced any scent throw in candles, JMO. For B&B they were wonderful! They are light scents in the sense that milk is not a heavy thick scent. Neither is an overly sweet scent or so buttery that they smell like popcorn. Keep in mind that many FO's smell different once they are actually in the product, wax or soap. If I judged FO's just by how they smelled OOB I wouldn't have as many as I do. LOL!
  17. I certainly didn't want our site to seem unfriendly but we had right click disable. The reason why was because of the ebay issue. It is a PIA to contact them and then complain to ebay. I hate having to waste my time to fight for what is mine in the first place! We all put so much time and effort into making our products, photos, trying to come up with something new or creative. Then some jerk without one ounce of creativity steals our property! You guys are right, someone can always figure out a way if they have the knowledge. It just made me feel better that I was making it a little less easy for them. I didn't want to seem unfriendly but as the saying goes, the good have to suffer for the bad.
  18. I agree with Jami, the size I would have needed would have made the glass too hot so I gave up also. The LX wicks do produce a very large flame once you get into the larger sizes. I had to keep trimming the wicks because they grew so tall. I knew the average customer wasn't going to constantly trim the wicks so I gave up on them. I was using soy at the time.
  19. I own probably over a 100 FO's but I stock for selling around 20. That is the most I can keep up with doing this by myself. At one time I had over 50 but I discovered that customers would be overwhelmed at the choices and after walking around the tables over and over they couldn't make up their minds and would leave to "think about it." I do tell customers to let me know if they are looking for something other than what I have stocked. That way I don't have to stock candles that I may only sell one or two of occasionaly.
  20. I agree that a RRD 40 sounds very large for a votive. I don't think zinc is going to work for you with a pillar wax. I think the perfered method of putting a candle out is to dip the wick into the melted wax then pull it back out after the flame is extinguished. Blowing the flame out always produces soot for me.
  21. I do the same as well with other candles so I understand what you mean about testing for yourself. There are good points on both sides of the issue. There are so many different reasons for soot. It's been mentioned in other post that even certain containers contribute soot problems.
  22. Eww, I can't imagine anyone wanting a candle or a soap that would smell like a pickle.:lipsrseal The whole house would smell like vinegar! LOL!
  23. How much wax did you use in the container and did you weigh the FO? 1/2 of different FO's can vary considerably by weight. The throw problem could mean that you need a larger wick size or a different type of wick or just that it needs longer curing. JMO and that also depends on the individual FO but most of the time I find soy needs a bit longer cure time. I test after a few days, if not pleased I test again after a week, if still not pleased I test again after 2 weeks. If it takes longer than 2 weeks I move on to another FO. Adding more FO doesn't always mean you will get a stronger throw. I have actually had some FO's that when used in a lower % gave me a BETTER throw. Once you post the diameter of your container I am sure you will get several wick type and size suggestions. Good luck!
  24. I just realized we used the same phrase "wealth of information" If there was an edit feature here I would change mine to abundance not be redundant. LOL! That ryhmes:laugh2: Gee, I really need to get some sleep:p
  25. Very nice! Palm can be a bugger to get the color just right. You'll get it with more play time.
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