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Everything posted by southern.scents

  1. Looks like we are all pretty close. Anyone else wanna chime in?? WAIT.....ADD UP THOSE PERCENTAGES???????????????????????????????
  2. I do HP but I let them harden up a little after cutting before I package them (Also know as "I have too much else to do at the moment and need to stick them somewhere for a few days until I can finish them up"). I place them in wicker baskets that are about 2' X 2.5' and about 3 inches deep. They stack wonderfully (I alternate the rotation), there isn't much to worry about when it comes to dust (the wicker captures it), there is plenty of airflow...I got them for an amazing .07 each!!! OH YEAH. Im a bargain hunter. I stocked up and have about 50 of the suckers. I don't think I run out of space anytime soon. They are also great for storing other things such as aprons and candle making rags. I also store candles in them and stack them. They are all over my "studio" being used to store this or that.
  3. Check out the Alabama Soap Meeting. It looks like it will be a fun one and its less than a four hour drive for me. This may be the one I go to. http://www.alabamasoapmeeting.com
  4. Wait...you just started making them 9 days ago is what I have gathered from your first post. Maybe I am wrong.... Have you gotten insurance? Have you test burned your candle adequately? Are you really confident enough in your product to through it out there on the market and possibly end up losing customers if they find out they don't like them? Don't get offended or upset. I am just pointing out what many else who see this will. I went throught the same thing and many before you have. TEST, take your time.
  5. Try Handcraft Market. One of the members of this board owns it and they are wonderful to work with. It is easy to set up and even easier to use. handcraftmarket.com
  6. ONLY 3.85!!! Wow. You guys have it good. Ours is now up to around 4.30.
  7. Wow, this is really weird. I have been pouring this wax since I started and never have had a problem.
  8. The Embassy is 1 foot shorter when collapsed. Better for loading in Cars or smaller vehichles. Not $50 better IMO.
  9. I guess they could have used oil based dyes with different weights maybe?? Or maybe fragrane oil that was different weights or maybe even different percentages of DPG to FO. Sound like it might be something to play around with.
  10. I would love to go. It would be nice to visit something like this and it would'nt be that far from me...
  11. In the end maybe but as the top layers melt the top color, pink would run down into the brown....but then, you would have lots of wicking issues. There would never really be a MP. The wax would just run down for a good amount of the burn time....it just got scratched off my list.
  12. 534...535...About one of the molds sag posted filled to the top. That candle pic you posted does look really unique. And think about as they melt th colors might blend. You may have me adding something else to my test list....
  13. I looked around at Anchor Hockings site and there are several things I like but I am in the same boat as you, where do I get them??? it got me thinking that we need a place that just supplies glassware. I know there is the jarstore and a few other places but I want somewhere that has every type of jar there is. I want a website that I can put in diameter and it bring up every jar that size...I guess I should just keep wishing.
  14. I dont know but I sure would get tired of pouring them. That is alot of jelly beans or chocoalte chips...
  15. Very Descriptive. I agree with the not overpowering part but I definitely feel the throw should be fairly strong. Depending on what fragrance, some of mine can fill a pretty large space. My teachers love them because they fill their rooms with fragrance along with their end of the hallways. The folks down at the bank also love my candles. I give them one every once in a while to burn in the bank. Great Advertisement. I however do not like a candle that makes a room "foggy" with fragrance. I don't wanna feel like I am trapped in a room that doesn't have any airflow or breathing room and that is what overpowering candles do for me...
  16. I would be upset with Lexmark. I personally think that Target is awesome and that they should buy out Walmart. I think Walmart completely sucks and I assure you that if there was a Target nearby we would never go to Walmart. Sorry for the rant.... Anyways. I have used Lexmarks forever and absolutely love them...until I got my new one. A few years ago, two or three, we bought two printers, same exact kind, one for ourselves and one for my grandmother. Upon starting my business I repoed:D my grandmothers so I would have two. They worked wonderful until they both died from all of the stress I put them under (sheets and sheets of labels, traveling hundreds of miles in my trunk. They truly went through alot. The thing I loved about them was that I could refill the cartridges. It really helped on saving money. Well after they died I bought a new one from Walmart and boy does it do a great job but does it suck up some ink. My labels are black and white and one ink cartridge will only do about 20-30 full sheets and of course, with everyone finding ways around paying 30$ for ink cartridges, Lexmark now places a "serial code" on every ink cartridge and when it says it needs a new cartridge it expects a brand spankin new cartridge. (Boy is that a run on scentence if I have ever seen one..) No refills allowed. I think I am just gonna go to a laser printer. I only need black and white so it should work fine. Anyways, I am glad you got your printer working and I hope you never have the issue again.
  17. I just sent her the link and told her how pitiful it was that she was scamming people out of product that they worked hard to produce. Here is another email I got in the past week wanting samples. I just told this one that I would only send somehting if they paid for it and if they did decide to use our product then I would refund the price they paid.... Hi there. My name is Christie Amato and I am a cosnumer that is making approximately 50 beauty gift baskets for an upcoming wedding shower. I'd like to put products in the baskets that I stand behind and that I have sampled myself and think they are great! Is there any way that you would be able to send me a small sample of what your best products are before I decide to purchase anything? I'd be happy to pay for the shipping, if that makes things any easier for you. - Thanks in advance and have a great day-Christie Amato (PA)
  18. You can return the cartridges to Target and swap them out for some new ones. If the problems continues I would call Lexmark. If its not the ink cartridge, it may be some of the sensors that the printer uses to exhert ink from the cartridge. HTH
  19. I Got The Same Exact Email.....It Went Straight To The Garbage.
  20. OH I know!!!! We even went through the whole Orek thing and boy was that a $500 waste. We go through one once a year to 1 1/2 a year.
  21. I looked at Alabaster and will use them if I decided to use the GW464. I have been using CBA in tins and now that I am looking into some glass options I am looking for something that looks a little better and won't have as many wet spots. Alabaster does not have sample sizes and I dont really need a 50 lb case right now.
  22. Okay.....last year, my first year doing this, I couldn't tell you how much I spent but so far this year since the beggining of the year I am at 1,393.84 *faint* *faint* *faint* *faint* *faint* I keep opening up Quick Books and looking around my supply storage room and wondering...Now what in here cost a thousand bucks????
  23. I love the Platinum Jars and you cant find them anywhere ( or atleast I can't) but Walmart and... of course, they only carry them during the canning season:cry2: .
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