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Everything posted by Bev

  1. Just remember the movie, "Miracle on 34th Street." The Santa at Macy's sent the customer to Gimble's. In return, Macy's got more business for being so helpful! I'm proud of you, too!!! :highfive:
  2. I tend to agree with Prairieannie on this one. I try to produce the best candle I can and if I can get half the business Crowe's Candles is apparently getting, I'll be a happy camper. By the way, before I started making candles, I couldn't have told you a bad candle from a good one. All I cared about was that the candle smelled nice. It never even occurred to me that a candle shouldn't tunnel or shoot off black soot. And I believe this still holds true for most candle consumers today. That's why I work so hard to make a quality candle now ... it's nice to get feedback from customers when they comment that until they burned one of my candles, they never realized a candle could actually burn clean, completely, and have a good scent throw. If we all work hard to produce a good candle and get our name out there, we will also gain a good number of loyal customers. If Crowe's Candles are good, then congratulations to them. If they aren't, people will eventually realize it.
  3. I haven't tried them yet, but I am planning on printing my logo out on transfer paper and ironing it onto an apron as well. I'd be interested in knowing what brand other people use, too. I was thinking of purchasing whatever kind they sell at Office Depot, Office Max or Staples. Hubby has received a couple of T-shirts with iron-on transfers of his car at some of the car shows he's entered and they look great.
  4. NO WAY YOU ARE 60! Seen your website and I'm assuming that's your picture on there. You look awesome, woman!
  5. You and me both, sister!!! My DS is in the basement as well. Love him to pieces but can't wait until I can claim that space!!!!!!!
  6. Congratulations on your shows. I am preparing for my first ever show in November. I appreciate your (and everyone else's) posting pics of your displays (love your candles, by the way!). I have studied everyone's posts here for what seems like an eternity. If only I had paid this much attention to my studies in school!!! :embarasse
  7. Wonderful news! Best of luck to you!!!
  8. Hi, Connie! Welcome to the Board! :wave: Your candles are really pretty. I'm sure you'll enjoy coming to this Board. Lots of information to glean and many, many nice people!!
  9. What a wonderful discovery!! I can't wait until I one day have a candle workshop!! Be sure to post pics when you have it all set up. Very exciting! Congratulations on your new work space!
  10. Don't know if this was it, but I posted these pics a while back. Are these the firestarters you are thinking of? http://www.candletech.com/forums/showthread.php?t=3401
  11. I burn my "rejects" myself. My sister helps me out with some of them ... she doesn't care what they look like and is more than happy to get something for nothing. I didn't start selling until I had consistency! I'd hate to think of having sold some of those first efforts to someone ... it would have been terribly embarrassing and a bad business decision.
  12. Today I poured votives ... German Chocolate Cake, Apple Blossom, French Market, and Cinnamon Buns.
  13. OUCH!!! My nose was burning just reading your post!
  14. Good Lord, did it get melted on its way to your house, or is it SUPPOSED to look like that?! :shocked2:
  15. Robin: Where did you get the rack your bags are hanging from? I've been looking for something like that!
  16. Michi: Thank you for providing that address. I was so excited when I saw they are located in St. Louis ... I work in St. Louis! Yippee, a supplier I don't have to pay SHIPPING to!!! :yay:
  17. Very interesting article, Robin. Thanks for sharing!
  18. Try this: http://www.candlecauldron.com/cdltestsheet.doc
  19. I really like those. What a perfect shape for floaters!!!
  20. My thoughts are, you get what you pay for in this regard!!
  21. I never paid one bit of attention to a candle until I started making them. Recently I was in a local craft shop and there were "hand-poured" soy candles for sale. Lordy, lordy!!! The wicks were not centered, there were no caution labels, no business information on the labels (only a label that had the scent name on them), and they had virtually no cold throw whatsoever! It sure did make me feel good about the product I am putting out there!!!
  22. Well, I'm no expert, but I would think that if you are just making these up as a gift for someone with no intention of selling them, you can put whatever kind of label on them you want.
  23. I am lucky I have such a courteous UPS deliveryman as well. So far, knock on wood, I have never had any problems with UPS. But as with any other business, what kind of service you get just depends on the employee!!
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