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Everything posted by Michi

  1. I was thinking you used avocado OIL-WOW! I would think the avocado would turn the soap dark, but I guess not-awesome. I think you should call it "avocado blossom".
  2. Walmart carries borax. And yep, rosemary extract is NOT a preservative.
  3. I just like the way my paraffin wax performs all the way around.
  4. Also, on their website they show how each fragrnace performs in certain applications, ie. Cp soap, soy and paraffin wax. That should at least give you an idea whether the scents you're interested in do well in a general way. I do believe that a lot more use them for B&B than for wax, as you have already read in this thread.
  5. I use their oils EXCLUSIVELY for soap and B&B products. They are too pricey to waste testing in wax IMO.
  6. I'm itchin' to soap some of my new FO's from the Peak coop, but I'm in the middle of "Spring Cleaning" and weeding out my candle and soap supplies, so everything is a HUGE mess of supplies everywhere!Guess I should actually finish with that so I can actually get to my oils and soaping area! LOL :DOh and I have a TON of stuff (3page list) to put in the classies!I also want to get an order in for all the supplies I need for the liquid soap making class!
  7. I haven't smelled the real deal in a looong time, but I remember it smelled goood! I don't know what to tell ya about it not showing up at the closeout price. I get the newsletter that sends you to her online blog type thing, and it was in there (along with a bunch of others) and when I clicked on it, it showed it being $15lb. I purchased it on the 28th (rec'd it yesterday) so maybe what they had is now all gone. ?? Sorry. I guess I'll ask over at the dish to see if anyone can tell me if it's a good dupe.
  8. Anyone used this or even just sniffed it? Does it smell like the real deal? I read the reviews on WSP's site and most said it smells dead on, and since I know it is on special (cheap!) And that they will no longer be carrying as a reg. FO (only by special order) I went ahead and bought it. It's my sister's FAV. Perfume and I've been wanting to buy it and do some products up for her with it. It's been a long time since I've smelled the real deal, so I don't know if this smells like it or not. ?? I DO know that it smells awesome and am glad I got it if just b/c of that, but I'm hoping someone has tried it and can tell me if it does indeed smell like the perfume. TIA
  9. Iwas using distilled water (cheap at Wallyworld ) but then one day I wanted to soap and was out, so I just used my filtered water, and have never bought the distilled since.
  10. tulle is the netting type fabric used for weddings and such. In veils or on the pews, etc.
  11. So, you don't notice a difference between OO and the pomace? I just have this aversion to using the pomace because it's basically the dregs of the olive leftover after it's oil has been expressed twice already, and then they have to use solvents to get the rest (the pomace) out of the olive. It just doesn't seem like it would be as good, ya know? But, the price is waaaaaay cheaper, so if it acts the same, feels the same, or whatever, then I may just go for it and get it. Been thinking about it for a while now, but just never thought to ask about it-I guess I didn't realize how many people actually use the pomace.
  12. Not really sure any of those cry "upscale" or "high end" to me, but I agree, C is the easiest to read. JMHO
  13. Well, I think *I* answered your question, didn't I? Like I said, it's going to be a matter of opinion. Maybe you should make a list of pros and cons of both and see if that helps you make the decision between the two. ??
  14. Geesh, don't know what the heck happened here, but I swear there were paragraph breaks when I originally typed this-sorry! :undecided
  15. This is one of those questions that only YOU can answer.The people that use 4630 are going to say it's better-the people that use j223 are going to say it's better!That being said, I've tested both and prefer the 4630. I've been using it exclusively for 3yrs now.As for them being similar- I don't think they are-4630 is quite a bit softer, and I didn't get the same throw and was not able to use all the same wicks with both..I wasn't very impressed with the j223 at all.Remember, this is only MY opinion, and you'll get as many different opinions as there are users of these waxes.The best thing to do, is order a slab of each and test them!
  16. I just soaped Peaks brown sugar & fig, and although one might not think of summer or spring from the name, it sure smells light and fresh- and soaps beautifully!!! I'm also wanting to soap: Coconut banana blast Botnical orchard & nectar Birds of paradise Fruit slices (one of my favs in candles for spring/summer) Ooh guavaberry from Solas is awesome in soap Green clover & aloe is a refreshing scent I've also got lilac, plumeria and some other florals, but I'm afraid to CP them, as I've heard that florals tend to accelerate ultra fast! Have fun deciding!
  17. It's kinda hard to READ this thread, since the OP blew out the page, and ya have to scroll back and forth back and forth to even read anything, it's giving me a headache.
  18. I don't see eyeballs, I just see freakin' gorgeous soap art! Yah, the neon green didn't come out very "neon" did it? I wonder why? Not enough colorant? I still like it. Of course there hasn't been ONE soap that you've posted that I HAVEN'T liked! *super banana* *soap porn approval* :whoohoo:
  19. What she said! Gorgeous! I even tried making a polka dot soap b/c of your inspiring pics!
  20. Ok I KNOW I replied to this last night-what happened? Well, here they are again: Northern Star Solomon's Sparkle or Shimmer Solomon's Song Moonstone (one of the many stones used for jewelry during biblical times) Spirit Shimmer Seraphim Shimmer Blessings Body Shimmer Blessed Body Shimmer Splendor Body Shimmer Sarai's Sparkle/ Shimmer Halo body shimmer Fruit of the Spirit Shimmer Eternal Light body shimmer
  21. I like both of those, love the coloring! Ahh, that's great that the girls are getting involved with this.
  22. How cool! You're definitely on a creative streak!
  23. Looks good! That's funny how ORANGE the aloe looks, considering it's not colored.
  24. Yep, it's a life of the party mold, and it has like 6 different styles on one sheet mold. I used to have one, but I sold it in the classies. I got it off Ebay for $2.50.
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