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Everything posted by SatinDucky

  1. Yup, you're missing something They're wax dipped stuffed animals... http://www.candletech.com/odds-and-ends/wax-dipped-plush-animals/ BTW: That cow is adorable!
  2. Has anyone ever tried this?? It's called Shower Shock http://www.thinkgeek.com/caffeine/accessories/5a65/
  3. Well, here's the mess...I do believe it might turn out to be soap It's still very soft, as in I could stick my finger through it if not careful. I was able to cut and clean them up some, as long as they're handled VERY gently...lol. I'll set them or the rack and forget 'em and maybe in a month or two they'll harden up. If not, then I know I still didn't use enough lye :rolleyes2 Surprisingly I only spotted a couple small air bubbles and the inside has an interesting marbled look. Not that it shows in the pictures much
  4. They're all very pretty, but I really like the Endless Love
  5. Yes, You can use hurricane wax. I don't know about using a votive inside one though... try and see
  6. I've grown white Jasmine before but it makes me think of a very pale blue, so that's what I always use
  7. Someone did a co-op for similar ones a while back...
  8. Yup, it can be the design. It is very pretty, but personally I wouldn't buy it. I buy candles (or used to) to burn.... nice smell, watch the magic flame dance, play int eh wax pool, etc. I have enough glass knick-knacks sitting around that I don't want anything else just to decorate. It's just too fancy to burn. Makes it kinda a catch 22 for me. I don't want an ugly candle even if I'm just gonna burn it, but if it's real pretty I wont burn it anyway...lol As for blue, it's my daughters favorite color. Any shade in anything... if it's blue, she wants it...LOL
  9. This is NOT good news Maybe I can crumble them up, put it in bags and call it fizzy bath powder....LMAO
  10. You've never ordered any Peaks FO's?? Oh man are you missing out on some terrific oils!
  11. Thanks, I'll keep that in mind... and pray it doesn't ever happen again...LOL
  12. Oh my, I'd be tickled to me the Great Grumpy One *makes note to check on the new mommy*
  13. That was my guess too. Since I'd lowered the water to 35%, I figured there would be 1/2c water back to the 38%. I used about 1 c though. Instead of adding back in all 100 gr I only did 80gr. I lost some oils leaking out of the mold, on the towel, in the foam, etc so I don't want it to be lye heavy. I figure a bit extra oil is better than a bit of extra lye. We'll see. I posted a pic in the gallery
  14. First is my mess when I poured it from the mold into the crock pot. Then after figuring out I forgot half the lye and adding it in... BACK in the mold again. Guess I'll see what it looks like tomorrow. I have to get to bed, soap or no soap
  15. You don't have to not use them, just don't use them for rustics. If you make smooth candles they should leave much, if any, wax residue. I wouldn't worry about the stains unless there's so much dye that it leeches into the next candle. Goo Gone is a paint, gum, stain remover type solvent. I would be careful about using such a strong solvent on them. Maybe try using a hard plastic spatula or putty scraper to clean most of the excess off, then zap lightly and wipe quickly with a paper towel?
  16. OMG! It is the lye! I used less than half! In adding the cup weight to the lye weight (tare doesn't work worth a crap on my scale) I dropped a 1 It's a 3 lb batch but I measure in grams to be more accurate. It was 187 gr of lye. I added the 32 gram for the cup and wrote 119 on my note board, instead of 219! I don't know how to add it in since I used up my water the first time
  17. http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=65643&highlight=pot+cleaning http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=59780&highlight=pot+cleaning http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=40870&highlight=pot+cleaning http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=48933&highlight=pot+cleaning Lots of info
  18. After looking at that tutorial again, it's not mashed potatoes... still thick pudding. I'm thinking the fact that I can still SB it isn't good....
  19. I don't exactly remember how long. Ok, I don't remember in the least since I never thought to time it. Yes, I turned the pot on, high heat. It's been on this whole time. I have nice creamy, cheesy looking mashed potatoes in there. From what I've read it should gel and rise, but nothing yet. Maybe I mis-measured my lye or something... I just dunno
  20. Hmmm... wonder if I could pull off 36 hrs without sleep and make it through this...LOL. Guess I need to google where Franklin is.. Never been to one but I sure would like to. Wonder if the girl from work will be back from maternity leave by then. If not, I'm definitely out. Boss wont let me off :undecided
  21. Since I had no idea what to do with it, I grabbed the first thing I could find that I thought would be safe. The crock pot. Umm... nothing to chunk up. I literally poured it in. After stirring it up it looks like translucent oatmeal...lol. Made me question if I was making soap or a marbled candle...LOL. I'm supposed to be going to bed. Man 4 am is gonna come early! I guess I'll read up on crock pots and see if I can do it that way and still get a little sleep tonight. :rolleyes2
  22. I don't ever remember seeing on the site. I think it was a limited time thing, but sniffed it when I made the last wax run a few months back. It's a strong floral scent that I just love. They don't mark any of the labels what they're tested for though. I just emailed them today to find out if it was skin safe. I'm doing some more reading here first. They're not strong in B&B so I really don't think they're have a definite answer about what went wrong with a CP batch...
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