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Everything posted by SatinDucky

  1. My daughter took one before I covered it... Oh, and there's no scent. I wanted to know how it's supposed to act before I have a FO speed it up on me...LOL Thanks for your encouragment Pamela.. I never would've gotten this far with out it
  2. I just made my first batch of cp and put it to bed.... I hope it turns out ok! I'm soo nervous and tickled
  3. When I'm using the double boiler for reheating, I have a round cake cooling rack that lays in the bottom of my pot. They're like 2/$1 at the dollar store, keep the pour pot off the bottom and level to boot
  4. Those look great! I really like the hunter boxes
  5. This was just a bit of leftover M&P I had from teh first batch of Aussie Clay soap I did. After I had poured the last little of the new batch in the shell mold, I figured I may as well finish this off too. It didn't have hardly any color so I added blue, 2 drops by accident....LOL. Come to find out the "blue" aussie clay is really more green and does NOT look good with sky blue..LMAO This pic actually improves it's look by 75%
  6. Since i don't feel ready for CP yet, I did some more M&P today. I wanted to add some corn syrup to help the suds, but didn't have any. Color ranges from light olive to dark forest. I'm rather pleased with it
  7. I love the looks of that. The color makes me think of a pine tree, even without knowing the scent
  8. Very cute. Hmm.. I bet making them in solid pastels would be cute too
  9. Wow.. I'm really surprised that works. The bakeware I saw was so flimsy I thought it would pull the bottom up inside if you tried to keep the wick taut. Maybe I was looking at something different. Oh goody, something new to try....lol
  10. Now, I'm sure you probably subtracted right, but thought I mention it, just in case. Your numbers jumped out at me. On the second burn, you subtracted it from the total after the first burn right? It looked odd that the second was exactly double. If you mistakenly subtracted it from the origional candle, it would make each burn 10g. This just sounds like something I would do when I'm in a hurry.
  11. I've not seen them, but definatly found them. Occasionally I'll poke the holes too early and forget to keep them open. After it has cooled I did my repour, then went back with a metal pick, like a dentists tool and poked the same spots. Well dug around a bit. Low and behold, the bubbles started gushing forth. That's happened a few times, in the 4625 and 1343 both. Forever reaffirmed the need for relief holes in my mind.
  12. Those turned out goo. Nice shiny finish
  13. This works great. Different size brushes makes different size dots
  14. Those look great! I'm curious how you made the mold too.
  15. Those are gorgeous! The jelly looks like ice and make it look fresh and crisp
  16. thats an interesting idea! Now if I just had a pool...LOL
  17. I haven't sold much, but so far it seems the round 3x6 and oblique are the favorites. Before getting carried away and setting up your website with choices, I'd get one of each one you're interested in and test it first. You may find that a really cool shape is a pain to get wicked right and burn correctly and just not be worth the trouble. Good luck
  18. That looks great! I just love the palm waxes
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