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Everything posted by SatinDucky

  1. Ahem... I haven't tried a blue, but I was thinking.... if the blue dye makes it violet, maybe choose a different kind of blue. Maybe like a wedgewood/country blue? Just a thought
  2. Unfortunately, "picking a whole new domain name" is not one of my options. It is the name of my business, on my license, labels, etc. Changing my name is the one thing I wont do But thanks anyway
  3. OMG! I'm speechless I definately knw who NOT to do business with!
  4. I'm on dial-up and it loads good. Looks very nice, especially for not knowing what you're doing! You must've found the spelling mistakes or they've blended in for me too, because I don't see any Overall, you're site is great! Just a couple things... I thought Tarts and tart warmers was trademarked and we couldn't use them? Or does adding "chunks" afterwards make it a whole new ballgame? And though you call them tart warmer chunks, at the end of the description, you say "tart burners" sold separately. For the uninformed ( I had no clue what they were before I found CT...lol) that might be confusing, not knowing if a burner and warmer are the same thing. Not a big deal, just something to think about. In your fragrance list, some are skin safe, some aren't. Personally I would change the not to say "candles only" or something for the ones that aren't. If I saw "not safe" I wouldn't buy it, not know what it is safe for. The votive soy wax.... you said you lower the minimum quantity, don't say what the minimum is now. How much is a "quantity of 1"? Pound, ounce? Oh, I see, "each" for the container wax is pounds, so I assume it's the same for votives? One last suggestion... on your supplies page. "sub catergories" is bold, but the catergories are plain. Maybe make them a larger font or add a pic to go with the links or something? The page is kind of blank. I wasn't really sure what I was looking for there, since the links kind of blend in. Keep in mind, these are just personal observations and I'm sure some will disagree with me
  5. You made the sign in 1/2 hr?? I can just imagine how good one would look if you had plenty of time! And hanging it with wicking... ingenious Glad the pups doing ok, but poor little froggies!
  6. They've had them for a while There's been alot of discussion on these, assuming they're the same ones. Might do some reading before you stock up too much. Personally, I'm not comfortable with them, but them I am a worry wart! http://www.candletech.com/cgi-local/yabb/YaBB.cgi?board=Discussions;action=display;num=1119663884;start=10#10
  7. Congrats! Sounds like it's getting better each time
  8. I had bought a couple of these at a street fair a few years ago. Then they proceeded to get lost over winter. We've hunted all summer to find where I "stored" them...LOL. Never even thought about making them myself! Duh! Thanks for the link and idea
  9. Well... I'm SOL on the domain name I wanted. It expired in 5 days, but has been renewed. It's no longer just being held, but there's a site there now So now I have to decide what to do. Either change to .net or and "online" to the end of my name. Or any other suggestions? Candlesandbeyond.net candlesandbeyondonline.com When I went to look and see if it was being used, guess what I found? A coconut shell candle staring at me! Actually iy looks pretty stable, not so much like a fireball waiting to happen, but still. I actually hadn't pictured the shell still being in the big husk, but I'd still be nervous to sell them. Guess I'm just a worry wart. Ok, this has nothing to do with deciding what to register, I'm just aggrivated...LOL. Maybe a rant section would help after all ~sigh~ Added: browsing through, I did see something interesting. They're using wax "crumbles" for the tart burners and sell it in a jar with a scoop. Not a bad idea...
  10. I have the insert, but found it to be a royal PITA to use. I heat the insite with a heat gun and smooth it out. When I'm using a ball mold to make a round one, iserts are impossible and heating the insides also means I can leave a bbit of wax in there to make the floor flat. HTH
  11. Beveling?? OMG! you should see how crooked these bars are in person...LOL One bar is 1" wide at the top and almost 2" at the bottom
  12. At least being at work you don't have to sit on your hands to leave it alone! Post pics when you get it unmolded! I wanna seeeee!
  13. Seeing how many different soaps and candles I can make in the 1 week I have off work! Wooo Hooo!
  14. I now so little about soaping, it may as well be nothing I just wanted to say, don't give up! There are alot of experts out there who will help you
  15. Ok, it's done! ~~ Happy Dance!~~ If I can get the pics to work right... Here it is unmolded And cut... no, I can cut straight
  16. Umm.. was there supposed to be leftover trimmings?
  17. That dragonfly is just beautiful!
  18. Oh, that would be great for a centerpiece on Thanksgiving Dinner table! Nice
  19. This is way outta my league but... wouldn't it be easier to make a liquid soap rather than a bar soap with nice qualities that would disolve quick?
  20. I think the general answer here is NOPE, it's not safe
  21. Everyone has different experiences, but I find the pitting is usually from warming the mold too much beforehand. Keeping in mind that I don't make huge batches of votives at one.... if I want a smooth finish, I don't heat it before pouring, BUT... I do hit it with the heat gun after I pour (from the side so I don't blow wax out) just enough until I see the wax the solidified on the wick pin has melted. Then wiggle the pin a tad to release the air pocket underneath. Just my way
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