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Everything posted by blazerina

  1. 'kind of swirled'....??? Helloooo- that's an awesome swirl to me! Absolutely beautiful looking!
  2. Oh boy, lol... so many different ones, lol. What's worse though is that this is for a family member request... I haven't even smelled it myself. Oh well... this just means I will have fun testing, lol. Thank you so much for the opinions everyone! ( I am needing this for b&b if that makes a difference.)
  3. In my newbie uneducated opinion... they are pretty much the same. I only make the tarts so far, but I only use burners with the larger pots, and I use wide mouthed containers on the warmer...so I feel I'm getting just as much melt pool. I guess it does make sense that a wickless candle fully melted would give off more scent, but I'm not experienced in this yet. I would also think that you would want a lower watt warmer... TOO hot would burn it off before it had a chance to really permeate an area for very long. But having said that, I'm not aware of that many different wattages. There are coffee mug warmers and there are candle jar warmers. I think the mug one is 25 ish watts? and the candle one is 17? Not sure, but I think for safety I will stick with the one meant for candles. Maybe you already have, but I would try a different wax or FO. Sadly not all wonderful smelling FO's do ANYTHING in a pool of hot wax but sit right there in it.:undecided
  4. Mica's tend to clump... some colors worse than others. It is usually recommended that you put them into a small dish with your FO and stir it in to that FIRST, then add to melted base.
  5. If anyone has any strong feelings one way or the other on who has the best dupe I'd love to hear it! Thanks much! p.s. I did do a search... but do you know how many posts include Blackberry and Vanilla????*faint*
  6. Yanno... for all the money people put out on these things you would THINK the least they could do is tell ya what it smells like, lol. I don't know many people that want a mystery scent, lol. I'm so thankful for the sites that give you full paragraphs of calgon-take-me-away type descriptions!
  7. Give us the scent description for those of us who have not had the priveledge of sniffing this one;)
  8. The way I see it, everything has it's benefits and drawbacks. I'm sure it's all true in some way or another. But saying there are great benefits to one, doesn't mean that the other is just bad bad bad. People tend to think this way when they beleive everything they read as doctrine... rather than a one sided propaganda advertisement. Every blend and material has one. But how can everything be the greatest at once? It can't... and it's usually not because Great is in the eyes of the user, lol. I don't use soy, and I've never even tried using a soy product and I don't care if I ever do. I have my pref and I'm perfectly happy. But having said that I don't get upset if I hear someone touting it's qualities. I beleive everything has good qualities according to it's desired use. Don't dog the 'competition' for a good commercial. Maybe we need to come up with our own, only better.
  9. Roflmbooo----'Jello box'.... ain't she great? I got me some shipping deals goin' on up in heya! I haven't even smelled this yet!!! But I work for a very sophisticated lady who is such a picky butt... the type who says 'Oh don't buy me anything....really.' And she means it because she is THAT picky, lol. I heard her oohhing over it and thought.... now THAT is something I can do for her. She keeps her Candlelite consultant in clothes, I tell ya. So I thought I'd try to lean her towards tarts also and maybe if I get adventerous enough... make her a roomspray out of it. It's that or the deck shuffler she mentioned last year, lol.
  10. China Orchard? Orrrr...Orchard Valley..... i'm not sure I like the word 'orchard' myself, but i'm trying to incorporate all those citrus fruits in one juicy name, lol. It definitely sounds very green, and very vibrant. Tropical Valley? Lol.. Green Acres?
  11. Is the Fo water based rather than oil based?
  12. If you use a double boiler method and put something over the top, it should be fine. Your main concern is that the moisture will evaporate out of it if you do this too many times, (or too hot for too long). Eventually it can become brittle and not smell good, but just one remelt?-- should not be a problem at all.
  13. I'm not that learned on the different waxes yet, but I'm thinking maybe theirs could be soy wax? It's quite popular it seems and from what I've seen of them they have a creamy-er look- if that makes any sense, lol.
  14. Just gorgeous. :highfive: I love that wax. (and I don't even make candles, lol)
  15. I love the 'Soap for sale' tag on the sled... I can just see a little boy pulling that sled into town selling his mommas wares! Very clever and cute.
  16. But if you had a lot of those crystals laying around... could you use them in a tart? ~curious~
  17. Ya'll are gonna get tired of me saying this, lol... but If you are looking for wrap not bags... or bags even...this site has tons of colorful, seasonal and plain. The prices are comprable to others, and i'm not sure about shipping since I get mine passed on from someone else who orders them:grin2: . The site is http://mygirlfriendshouse.com/cello_rolls.asp
  18. Right- if it's not copyrighted anyone can put it on thier free clip art site- but there are special copyright conditions that exist whether it actually went through the process or not.. it's different for different states. But regardless that stuff is free for YOU... you aren't supposed to sell it though which essentially you are when you make money on it. I guess that's why they can 'give it away'. It's scarey and sad that some will really get their panties in a wad over our mistake in using some of these things. I paid for my clip art program- so I'm going to have to make do with what is in it, and stay off the net. (And yet that still worries me to some extent... cuz I haven't acutally researched resale use. Yes, I'm a nervous nellie):undecided
  19. A short while back I mentioned having used 'Irish Spring' in my soap and someone asked where I got it... well I just tried a new FO that I again got from the classys (originally from Brambleberry) called Spearmint Eucalyptus and you wouldn't beleive how much this smells like a softer version of Irish Spring. Is it just me? I would never have thought these two scents together would make that smell. I'm currently using it in a tart. It has a pretty decent throw, but it's very soft. So it's there, but it's not there... kwim? I imagine it would be great for someone who likes the airy types. Thought I'd share!
  20. Can't wait til you get an answer because these are totally new to me too. I've never used one, heard of one or actually seen one before joining this board. I'd love to know what the benefits/ uses of them are! Good question FriendlyMOM!:highfive:
  21. I have seen people do it, but I can't say they are selling them that way. It may be for personal use. The problem is the skin safe vs not skin safe issue. Most things labeled specifically for candles are NOT skin safe. But I guess if you looked deeper into what kind of colorants the color chips have in them you might learn if you can or not for sure. I initially thought 'well sure- people use beeswax in their soap- why not'... but there is the skin safe issue which is in the added color.
  22. Adopt this as a mantra: "Almost ANYTHING is mold material." Visit Goodwill often and keep nonstick spray handy! Good luck on your new addiction (cuz if it isn't one yet, it will be!)
  23. I have the opposite problem... ( i don't sell my stuff as of yet). I can't wait to use one up so I can use up the next 'experiment'! I make them faster than I can give away and use myself. What a dreaded problem huh?
  24. You could put them in those small foil cupcake/candy cups. But i'm not sure how they would travel. Maybe secure them with a ribbon inside the foil?
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