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Everything posted by blazerina

  1. Ok- i'm new to this whole indulgent B&B product stuff- so I have to ask the silly q's, lol.......... Bawdy Butter (and the like) is something you use in the shower then rinse???:embarasse
  2. I've been reading brambleberry's site about their Micas... and when you read through the color descriptions you come to the conclusion that 90% of mica's morph into something else in CP, some like the mag. even says 'not recommended for CP"- lol... knock knock. Just kidding- I TOTALLY understand the excitement and thrill of trying something new and many times I have had major 'omfg - DUH' smackin myself upside the head kind of thing. But it has made a reader out of me and given that I am so stinking cheap (and poor) reading helps, lol. You mentioned that you were looking for a violet and I recall that the Cellini Blue morphs into mauve and ---I think it said violet. I wish they would tell you what each and every color did in CP. But since they only make notes on the really big no no's i'm the type to ASSume if it doesn't say it's bad, then it must be good!
  3. Hey- yer sniffing my Design, lmaoooooooo- I don't want none of yo boogies in my FO! Roflmao- Just kidding of course.
  4. I was wondering the same! Except I want to make some snowflake tarts and I thought some diamond dust would be a nice upscale addition... but I don't know what they will do in a pool of hot wax or next to a burning wick. Sometimes these things are made for outside decoration only- like on hurricanes. I do think the 'highly flamable' is in part due to the contents of the can and the carrier fluid and once dry probably is not so flammable- I wouldn't think they wouldn't make this stuff for candles if they are really so flamable... BUT - only if you use them right- and what way exactly is that? Lol.. anyone know? AND.. don't you think if you sprinkle some inside the mold first it would 'stick' ???
  5. When I grow up, I want to be a frog lady.
  6. http://cgi.ebay.com/SM-ASSTD-3D-CARS-CHOCOLATE-CANDY-SOAP-FAVORS-MOLD-MOLDS_W0QQitemZ330032095286QQihZ014QQcategoryZ13926QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Not sure if this is what you are looking for, it's hard to see them very well, but I have bought about $75 worth of molds from this seller (at around $2 each, lol) They have tons. But they are the cheaper plastic. You can email the seller for details on types of car. HTH
  7. Umm.... I do ? Hee. What kind of cake do they make that's better than us redheads??
  8. Hi- I don't have a recipe- but I do know that the best most effective products for sunscreen include Titanium Dioxide. It is what is called a physical block. So it works very well. It is pretty readily available to soap and candle makers. So you probably already knew this and just want a recipie on how to add it all together??... lol. But I thought I'd just offer my tidbit.
  9. Ok, i'm going to retract my assumption that the higher # means more resistant. I kept reading and technically, it refers to USEFULNESS in the recycling world, not exactly resistence to recycling. For instance as I stated a soda bottle is a one, ... pretty tough... but a bread bag is a 4. A soda bottle can be made into carpet and outdoor wear. Where as a bread bag is so light that it takes more energy to transport it to a recycle center- than to start with raw material. The point is to encourage you to buy the lowest # possible for these reasons. The highest #- 7- is already made up of different plastics and therefore has served it's use and can't be broken down for continued use in a cost effective way. So a high # won't NECESSARILLY tell you resistence to something like FO... as I thought, lol. My bad.
  10. Bugtussle- I was curious about this because I used to know what the #'s mean, something about the higher the # the harder to recycle. So I looked it up and that seems to be right. Soda Bottles are 1 and easy to recycle, it goes up to 7 and it says it is near impossible-inefficient to recycle. The reason I speak of recycle-ability is because the harder to recycle it the slower the breakdown- the more resistent. So 6 instead of five 'should' be ok in that manner of reasoning...(even though you will still want to take into consideration that someone here in this thread said a 6 still leaked)... but to answer your q -the website I just read did in fact label #5 as Polypropylene. It wouldn't let me right click, but it actually said: Polypropylene (#5) and then went on to describe it's common uses and basic make up. So you guessed right.
  11. Lol... I agree with Dean...but for different reasons. (Although- he has a point, lol) I think the amount of food you have is really a lot for what you are putting on. Remind your friends (again, lol) that it is not a holiday party. I would offer wine and a cheese/meat platter. You could do hot cocoa, hot apple cider, hot buttered rum, and coffee. Put on some faint Christmas music and viola, instant buying season mood, lol. It is merely a 'gesture' to do these things at all... it's not supposed to be a production. Remind them that it's not even supposed to be a light buffet! There will be lots of left over most likely because a lot of people are afraid to eat in a setting like this. They will pick at it and try to be demure - unless they really are there for the food, lol. You can only guage what you should do by what YOU would expect at an open house. Only you know what your friends are like, if they are big wine drinkers or not, or are they more down home coffe and cookie types. Is this an elegant soiree (sp?) or an open house candle show for friends? You won't please everyone, but i've never heard anyone coming home from an open house and saying 'I can't beleive they didn't have anything but a cheese and meat platter! The nerve! The cheap nerve!" Lol. Never heard it. In fact, the more elegant, the less food. And if you serve wine- that says to me upscale- = less food. So do you want home-y welcomingness or elegance and sophistication? All that food you have AND wine? I don't think it goes together. Compromise and have the undecided friend make some crab puffs with some pastry squares filled with cream cheese and crab meat. They can be served warm but are finger foods and she can also bring some Sparking Cider.
  12. This post reminded me of the Jar Lamp that is talked about in the Supplier thread... you could use the super mini white lights that are battery operated in a big glass jar with something festive inside (they recommended Potpouri) And then you can hide the battery pack amongst some pine boughs or something of the sort. Undegerground Candels mentioned using mirrors, I think that sounds wonderful! I imagine a big pillar in the middle of a round mirror base, with either just votives around that, or a selection of different sizes in complimenting colors. I've also always liked the idea of a bowl of round metallic ornament balls with a pillar hidden amongst them with only the top exposed in a matching color. Floating candles are always fun and are instantly able to change the atmosphere. You could even scent the water. Something easy would be to lay greens along the middle of the table, with a string of lights and anything you place at intervals will look fabulous, and then with the main centerpeice in the middle. You could do votives in rolly poly type jars and lean an acrylic snowflake against it on each side. Wal Mart is great for these at a buck or less each. You can even get the glass looking icicles in packs of six for 1-2 $. They would be neat tucked into the greens. That's all for now, lol.
  13. I'd love to offer some suggestions, but I'm not sure what you mean by upscale... as opposed to what? The only thing I can offer is... the last batch of soap I made (scented in Lily of the Valley) resulted in some failure for layers to stick, so I kept the bars that stuck together and remelted the rest- but I thought it would only be a bit so I didn't mind tossing the Lily of the Valley scented stuff in with my coffe and cream batch I was melting. I figured if it was overtly floral-ish I'd call it some clever name having to do with flowrers and coffee... Well it turned out to be more than I thought and it smelled like super sweet coffee- like flavored International House coffee in those square tins. So i a made of few experimental bars and moved on to the next experiment... with some left over of THAT base....this one was to be a kitchen/mechanic type soap with lots of different scrubbie additives and I figured this was manly so I added Sage, sweetgrass & Ceder FO- this is all on top of the lily of the valley and Freshe Brewed Coffee mind you. And guess what? It smells really great! I think the coffee disappeared beneath the lily and the ceder... it's clean and yet not overly floral. Not too sweet... very fresh. It reminds me of something you'd buy soap wise that just smelled good and didn't really have a specific scent. I don't know if that's upscale though... to me it was just a lucky break that I got usuable experiments, lol.
  14. Yes... as is the case with most Dollar stores- it can be hit or miss. I don't have the #- but I have seen a big sign inside our local dollar tree store that says if you need a larger amount of anything you can call their distribution center and order DIRECT! I know one of these days I will take advantage of that. I'm sure all you would have to do is get the # like you would any 1-800# (1-800-555-1212 ???- not sure) It's the same # as info but with the 1 800 in front of it.... at least it used to be, lol.
  15. I'm not sure what this smells like- other than the obvious part 'cake'... but I love renameing scents... I'm thinking 'Sweet Tooth' or 'Birthday Cake' orrrr .. maybe like the others have already mentioned... Birthday Indulgence orrr Bliss cake orrr Blissfully Indulgent, orrrrr lol.......Cake Dreams. I could go on...but don't worry I wont, lol.
  16. Funny how we make things more difficult than they have to be... I read this thread cuz I was wondering the same thing. Came here hoping for all this great info, tips and secret suppliers....... and never once thought about dollar stores, :rolleyes2 lol. Of course I do realize that some may still be looking for something nicer and something they feel is trustable quality if they are selling them. But I just want to give some away for Christmas along with my tart gifts.... sooooo- thanks for the amazing and unique tip.
  17. I wouldn't worry about the wax on the cake really. There is canning wax that is food safe- and I beleive it's just straight parafin. You could use that if you don't already. Just remember to tell everyone not to eat the 'wraping' lol. OOOO- you could use lip flavor oils to flavor and scent it!! lol:D
  18. I had gotten a good deal on some discontinued kids bath sets that came with three colors of liquid soap.. each had its own fruit scent. One was red, one was blue and one was yellow.. guess which one was always half full by the time the others were gone? Lol... that's right Yippee Yellow Banana. BUT... on the other hand if you stress the MIXING factor it was great to have a yellow so you could make green and orange as well. It was kind of a fun learing thing for about 2 baths. :rolleyes2 As a matter of fact I still have it. I can't bring myself to get rid of a half FULL bottle of anything, lol..... omg omg omg.......duh. Oh how could I have been so stupid all this time, roflmaooooooooooo........it just flippin hit me.....hellllooooooooo.... can I say 'liquid soap dye'. :tiptoe: Scuse me while I go make my daughters pee color soap turn a nice sea blue/green color, lol.
  19. If you are asking in regards to safety...from what i've read on here, the only thing that dictates what container you use, for the most part, just depends on if your recipie has water or not- and that is obviously for tins. Otherwise the only other thing that really matters is the caustic nature of FO's... and any container you find on a b&b site or candle even for that matter are approved for use with FO's. Just about everything else ingredient wise is pretty interchangeable from one container to the next. Correct me someone if I'm wrong though! Lol. You'd only want to worry about oily things in Kraft paper bags.. that kind of thing, but then........that should be obvious right? And the rest is preference and creativity!
  20. No Motion Lotion, lol.... ok.. seriously... hmmmmm......Body Slicks? (or skin slicks).....put in a bit of festive cosmetic mica or glitter and call it Glitter Glide.....and with out the glitter GREAT GLIDE Solid Body Lotion
  21. Are you kididng me? That looks so freaking awesome! It's as if you painted in the green PEFECTLY. I don't know how you did that! It looks like a vine, sooo pretty!:highfive:
  22. Thank you so much Michi and all- I want to go gung ho and do more more more- but I'm actually afraid it was a fluke, lol. All this praise and now what happens if it was beginners luck, and I can not do it again to save my life??!!!??? :undecided Lmaoo. It's silly I know:o - but I do have to be very cautious with my supplies as I home school and only hubby works. So you know- I don't want to make mud, lol. My intent was to make this stuff as Christmas gifts just to get my feet wet and get some practice. And I have a huuuuuuuge family, lol. But I find myself wanting to just hand these out to anyone who happens by... cuz it's fun to share! At this rate I won't have any thing to give, lol. Guess I better take a chance on making mud!?
  23. I love answering these q's from the customer perspective! Because I'm cheap and opinionated, lol- I'll always be honest:D . And my answer is yes! Yes yes yes. There is nothing nicer than puurty blue water in the tub, or soft pink, or sea green... or whatever the heck ones bathroom colors might be, lol. I don't think anybody would 'complain' something they bought has NO color.. but if it did- that would be a bonus. Color is often theraputic too. I think the most important thing... is using a light hand. As an adult I do prefer the more subtle tint as opposed to an all out color bath. Sometimes color helps the mind with the scent.... ie purple would enforce a lavender or lilac or Hyacynth type smell, pink rose, yellow banna, etc. HTH!
  24. When I read the original post I had the inclination to reply with a sarcastic tongue in cheek snip about the 'democrat' FO... lol- BUT then I read all the replies and seen that it was part of a politcal line.. which is actually a pretty kewl idea. Sooo...I'll just take my looser Republican butt to bed and be glad I didn't inadvertantly start a political tanget just cuz I wanted to be funny- which we all know is never a good idea when one is sleep deprived, lol. :lipsrseal Carry on.
  25. Of course you had to ask me that, lol... I make small batches of everything when I do anything- since I don't sell. And that means I don't worry too much about measurements... drops of this, capfulls of that...but thankfully you only asked about ratio- I think I can answer that, lol. What I did was start with a base of Lemon Drop and then added the Peppermint Candy Cane as an afterthought. But the lemon held it's own quite well and it just changed enough that I got the 'ice' I was looking for out of the Peppermint- and since this one was the Candy Cane version I think it melded well with the candy scent of the Lemon Drop. I'd say the ratio was in the ball park of 1 part PCC to 3 LD. But if you hate it don't blame me, lol. That's my best guess.
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