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Everything posted by judyvega

  1. Lavender Licorice (um, I think I'm spelling that wrong, but maybe not)? - pretty soap!
  2. Welcome back - you certainly didn't lose the talent while you were gone - nice job on all of them!
  3. LOVE the shimmer you got there! You've been busy. How DO you find the time?
  4. You know what I love about your soaps (and I'm talking about all of them, including the ones you've posted recently but I've been slacking on replies cause I suck) is that they remind me of what you would do with your candles! YOU ROCK, JULIE
  5. I'd like my mom to become a red hat lady - do they do a lot of activities? <I just like to keep her busy>
  6. Does a bit = a week in grumpygirl land?
  7. Aztec is right in Knoxville - they're a great supplier
  8. judyvega

    Aroma Beads..

    4 to 1 ratio (i.e., four tablespoons beads to one tablespoon fo). Hope that helps.
  9. This happens w/USPS quite often - but they only take one charge out
  10. Those look great! Love the Breathless - um....no comment on the "breas..er...I mean, bath... bombs" lol
  11. If I ever do soaping (which I'm still planning on at some point), I'm afraid the morphing will drive me NUTS! lol - but the pics look nice
  12. Depends on which type you get - polypro is good, polyeth is bad. Here's one thread for you - http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2841&highlight=zip+locks You can always email them and ask them exactly what they are using, also.
  13. I made vanilla grapefruit tarts this morning - LOVE that scent! Have vanilla grapefruit aroma beads soaking for some ornies later - first things I've made in five months! Needed a new scent to get me going again. Now I have to go mow the lawn. Blech.
  14. Hi Cindy, Here's one thread for you: http://www.craftserver.com/forums/showthread.php?t=51285&highlight=mosaics There are a few others if you do a search for mosaics. I hope your sister and everyone is still hanging in there.
  15. Nice job on those! Nice view, too!
  16. Granted I've only worked at my agency for four months, but I've been told that some DO charge for certs. Are you saying that's not the case?
  17. The agency I work for does not charge a fee for certs of ins. I would call you agent and ask them before you decide anything. ets: I know some Do charge a fee, but some don't. And the ones who do charge don't normally charge a whole lot. Sometimes it's actually built into your policy as a little additional charge so that you can request them whenever you want w/no fee. It just varies.
  18. No! I meant I don't see cut pics - I wasn't shamelessly begging!
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