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Everything posted by thecandlespastore

  1. But its so expensive at Lowes. Cheaper still for me to order it online.
  2. Nope, I never have the time to chase people down and do that, but I know a few folks who use it and claim to have great results. I don't use HCM, I use Oscommerce (love it.) Wonder what would happen if I ever did that, I probably never will though.
  3. Yes, I used a wizard too. Try to start over and see if it takes you to the wizard. Unless they changed it in the last week....
  4. My crawler lets me see who is online and also let's me send them a message asking if they need help or have any questions to help convert all the lookie loos into buyers.
  5. Thanks ladies. I have to find that receive and see exactly what I received, I thought I picked 3/8th (thanks!) but now I am not so sure. Found the receipt right here by the monitor, duh! Its 1/4"
  6. Love the fries! I love brushing with soap, I have a 2 year old peppermint batch I use to brush.
  7. Thanks:cheesy2: I stamp when the soap is at least hard enough so when I press into it I cant leave an imprint with my finger. I also water discount, so I don't know if that helps.
  8. Keep hubby away from you too when you soap (they can be equally as pesky as the kids.) Make he do guard duty. And if he is saying how dangerous it is to have lye in the house, remind him of the clorox bleach, the draino, household cleaning agents and other potentially hazardous things that you probably have in your house right now and tell him that those too are forbidden from now on:pAnd that if he wants his whites white he will have to hand wash them himself.
  9. I already told Julie I would do the Cream Soap class in April:cheesy2: So that's a definite ladies and gents. I really wish we could have videos!
  10. I torn between vomiting and thinking they are wonderful and stunning:naughty:
  11. They all look marvelous. I love to gel my soaps. They are easier to cut and get harder faster when gelled. Now the milk soaps I can understand not gelling.
  12. Forgot to add that I used Raspberry Pop and blueberry pop for the Vintage soap. Still trying to decide if I like a beveled soap or a non beveled soap. I have always beveled but lately I love the crisp edges.
  13. I got the stamp for free at owossographic.com. They guarantee that you will love your first stamp so much they give it to you free! I only paid $2.85 shipping. Its a magnesium die, debossed, mounted on a wood. Quite lovely! Please excuse the photography, not my best: Vintage Original Musk: The Vert: Dynamic Duo:
  14. I hate the way turkey red smells, and the one time I added it I swear I still smelled it even after adding fragrance.
  15. Last night I made 6 batches of cp, tonight docked for 6 more. Then tomorrow of course liquid soap.
  16. Adding PS80 to the soap in my experience makes it feel different and it does keep the soap clear. I have sensitive skin and find my liquid soap nice and gentle even with no superfat. Its all about experimenting, do a few different batches and see which you like best. Sometimes I don't care if it is clear either, so I add shea and castor to the recipe.
  17. Your cream soap will not go to liquid. What it will do is gain a kind of sheen and start looking kind of fluffy on its own. Thats when you want to get it into your mixer and whip the stuff out of it until its fluffy. Should hopefully look like this.
  18. I did not have any of the old molds but I do have the new molds. I use them to make apres glow bars. They popped out pretty easily with a few hours of freezer sitting. I will try making some cp tonight in them and let you know how it goes.
  19. Your soap might leak oils. It might also experience DOS since there will be so much unsaponified goodies in it.
  20. I wonder how long between posting is considered not posting enough though...
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