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Posts posted by spatreats4u

  1. i bought some sample sizes for my scrubs...only a few worked w/out leaking or ozing out upon closing. i couldn't figure out how to close them...i used alot of things. my sealer from food saver worked the best but then again only worked part of the time. i dont know how to seal w/out leaking as wel as all the moisture comes forward when trying to seal if i lay down etc... i certainly need these to work, since i bought them PLUS i dont know how to give out samples of scrubs that are not going to leak. i have taken a long break cuz i got so frustrated:( sorry i hijacked your post :tiptoe: ill sneak away now.

  2. ok so I have a customer who wants "herbally" type scents that are unisex for her & her dh for "bath time". She said she had some once from b&b works with herb scents. HMMMMM....Not sure what I should be searching for. Any suggestions???? or does anyone have some they wanna pass along? ;)

    She just said it was like rosemary or basil???? I dont know seems like spagetti sauce to me. Hmmmm =)

  3. I think the consensus here is we should all just get them wholesale from Jenny - save us all sorts of aggravation. Plus when you factor in the 66% waste it works out to be cost-advantageous (though my kids and the neighbors actually like my disasters!).

    I love my bombs...its fun with designs and different ways to decorate- DONT give up!!!

  4. hmmmm cant help ya. Honestly I have never had these issues that everyone talks about ( flat bombs or not working) I can only make huge bombs which work for me but I for the life of me cannot make a bomb with a meatballer. I can make the best big ones tho...so we all have something ;)

  5. carolgrant:yay: I love you!!!!! Thanks so much for understanding what I was asking better than I did;) Thats what I was looking for but was having a hard time figuring out how to word it. Your the bomb!!

    Thank you again


    I make both and have 2 recipes that I follow. I do make bubble bars & bombs so yes they can be in the forms of balls..and any other shape your heart desires. My bubble bars can have baking soda in them along with other stuff...its only the SLSA that causes bubbles. CA is what fizzies w/ baking soda but again it can be added or deleated anywhere. you cant really make a mistake on these 2 things, its trial & error to your like / dislike.

    Make sure you are actually using SLSA tho & not sls ;)

  6. hmmm not sure i understand your ????

    you can use any mold you want in either bubble bars or bath bombs. if you dont want your bubbles to fizz then leave out the CA...and yes SLSA is what you need to bubble so you add that to your mixture. there are soooooooo many recipes out there on her or just google. hth;)

  7. I love making candles but maybe this isn't for me because someone has to sell them. At my old job, I just kept candles made up for her shop and all was great and wonderful....just me, melted wax and t.v. I was always sooo relaxed. But if I had to make a delivery to another business, I always felt so stupid...what if I mess up and make a mistake and yada,yada,yada. I not a stupid person, I have self confidence but not when it comes to something like this, I feel like I have 3 lips, 6 eyes and can't get it together.LOL I'd love to hear any other comments from people who have the same problem. I have heartburn just thinking about this. Ginger

    ok so i hope im not over stepping my boundries here however there is a name for this: social anxiety disorder...they also have medication for it. i would have a meeting with your Dr. ;)

  8. i am very shy as well and dont take harsh comments well or direct comments i take to heart. i would say your best bet is a web site...easier to talk via email rather then person to person. or if you want to do a craft show invite a friend or family member to help you...sometimes just having that support is enough to get you through the first couple of interactions then you warm up a bit. ALso the more you do it the more at ease you will feel. another option is to "hire" a friend or family member w/ a bubbly personality or out going to get your word of mouth out locally. either pay them an hourly rate or perhaps offer free products as trade. hth (((hugs)))

  9. OK, I give - what's biosilk?

    its a haircare product...but you can use it for your skin too...I prefer just on my hair as a protector on heating products. I have dry/curly hair that I straighten...makes it smooth & not puffy or frizzy.

  10. That's what I have been doing, not measuring but going by the feel. What I feel is scrubby enough no one and I mean no one feels is. That's why I thought I'd get anyones' opinions. I wish I was that lucky to go by guess and by gosh, but its not working for me. :cry2:

    i like mine actually scrub to exfoliate...so mine has alot of sugar in it...its mostly sugar or salt when i make it and then i add my oils or ffb etc... to it..but a lot of scrubbies. mine is the same consistancy as bath & body works or philosophy if that helps ya.

  11. I've read differ amounts when I first starting testing with FBB. Now that I've got a recipe I'm happy with and I've gotten good reviews on. The only complaint is that its not scrubbie enough! So I was hoping the people that make scrubs would share how much sugar they use per pound of scrub. TIA :)

    i have never "followed" a recipe. Icame up with one by site/touch..and its been the same ever since. I say just experiement- its up to you really.

  12. I love Biosilk too, and I use just straight cyclo & FO in its place and it's every bit as good for a detangler, and once my hair dries it keeps it from knotting up during the day.

    well i use it to keep my hair smooth & silky will this do the same...its also a protector for hairdrying & straightening....just want the same effect. i dont care about a FO - that seems as tho it would dry your hair.

  13. Did you put it in the jar while it was still warm? Sometimes if you don't allow your jars/bottles to cool, before you cap them, then there can be condensation inside the container.

    nope never was warm ;) i think its fine...i think im just paranoid LOL but i think its like the above poster had said. thanks

  14. i second to this.

    is your CCB hard? Mine is hard to the point that I have to use a knife to break away pieces

    mine too...mine is hard...i can grate it, cut it with a knife etc... i cant just break off a chunk w/ my hand. when i melt it and then it sets without the freezer...it sets just fine.

    Is there a chance you may have mixed another butter with it or placed it in a pot where a butter/oil was that mixed in with it?

    I think that there is either a mix in or you need a nother supply of ccb. good luck.

  15. I have to add the oils a bit at a time and mix it in with the mixer... seems to help.

    I only mix mine with a mixer and it seperated days later...i dont want others to use it if thats what happens. those who can avoid this issue what do you do? or does it just always do this....i made something that wasn't a thick butter so it was great---real creamy and light except for this issue. :sad2:

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